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Software Upgrades Mar 31, 2022 | Rei
This week I have been learning about PHP-FMP.

ACDB's been using PHP-CGI since forever, but today we're moving onto PHP-FMP to take advantage of queuing.

I've spent a lot of time this month trying to optimize the site, but the same situation kept causing problems. Anytime there was a spike with a massive number of requests at the same second, the site would temporarily grind to a halt.

With queuing, we can now maximize the throughput of the site by limiting concurrency, and queuing up all excess requests.

It will take some time to get the numbers lined up ideally, but for now, the site should be able to handle more load than ever before.

I've also upgraded php, libressl and nginx to the latest versions. This added support for TSL 1.3
Beastars Episode 1 Quotes and Reincarnated as a Sword's anime adaptation announcement, PV and characters! Mar 28, 2022 | RinaK
Transcript - 251 new quotes



A mysterious murder in Cherryton Academy brings tension in between the herbivore and carnivore students.
With Tem, one of the main actors of the acting club gone, now the play will have to be shifted around, and a new actor be selected.
Louis, the main actor, takes matters into hand and appoints Legoshi, a timid gray wolf from the art club, to "play the part" and act as their bodyguard while they sneak in school to practice at night.
Meanwhile Haru, upset about the bullying she's currently facing by the other girls, wanders dangerously into the night, not being careful of the carnivore danger that is hidden in the darkness.

Featuring Characters
Bill | CV: Takaaki Torashima, 虎島貴明, とらしま たかあき | 5 lines
Black Cat | CV: Kaede Hondo, 本渡楓, ほんど かえで | 2 lines
Ellen | CV: Akane Oouchi, 大内茜, おおうち あかね | 5 lines
Els | CV: Sayumi Watabe, 渡部紗弓, わたべ さゆみ | 25 lines
Flying Squirrel | CV: Ari Ozawa, 小澤亜李, おざわ あり | 3 lines
Haru | CV: Sayaka Senbongi, 千本木彩花, せんぼんぎ さやか | 38 lines
Kai | CV: Nobuhiko Okamoto, 岡本信彦, おかもと のぶひこ | 11 lines
Legoshi | CV: Chikahiro Kobayashi, 小林親弘, こばやしちかひろ | 34 lines
Louis | CV: Yuuki Ono, 小野友樹, おの ゆうき | 41 lines
Sally | CV: M・A・O, 市道真央, いちみち まお | 12 lines
San | CV: Fukushi Ochiai, 落合福嗣, おちあい ふくし | 7 lines
Shiira | CV: Yuuko Hara, 原優子, はら ゆうこ | 2 lines
Tem | CV: Takeo Ootsuka, 大塚剛央, おおつか たけお | 9 lines
Zoe | CV: Genki Muro, 室元気, むろ げんき | 7 lines

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Fantasy light novel, Reincarnated as a Sword, will get an anime adaption!


Reincarnated as a Sword or TenKen for short, tells the story of a salaryman otaku, who gets involved in a car accident and is reborn in a fantasy world, but through the mysterious hands of fate, ends up reincarnating inside a sword.
With such an infortunate second take at life, Master ends up crossing paths with a cute cat girl named Fran, who's sole desire is to become stronger.
Together, they'll adventure to find a way to make Fran more strong, and to find out more of Master's past!

Main cast will be composed of
Shinichirou Miki as Master
and Ai Kakuma as Fran

The anime is planned to release in October of 2022!

Watch the PV at the anime's official website
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind Episode 1 Quotes and I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss release month + PV Mar 23, 2022 | RinaK
Transcript - 434 new quotes

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind


Amidst the beauty of the arts, architecture and culinary, Italy's underworld is an contrastingly strong force, and crime is commited even by the ones that should establish the law.
Arriving in Naples after being requested by Jotaro Kujo, Koichi Hirose starts his search for Haruno Shiobana, descendant of the Joestar family.
Soon after, he is approached by a blond teenager that tries scamming him and steals his luggage.
To his surprise, the boy turns out to be the one who he's searching for, only using a different, more Italian sounding name: Giorno Giovanna.

Featuring Characters
Bruno Bucciarati | CV: Yuichi Nakamura, 中村優一, なかむら ゆういち | 69 lines
Echoes | CV: Yuuki Kaji, 梶裕貴, かじ ゆうき | 1 lines
Giorno Giovanna | CV: Kensho Ono, 小野賢章, おの けんしょう | 99 lines
Jotaro Kujo | CV: Daisuke Ono, 小野大輔, おの だいすけ | 28 lines
Koichi Hirose | CV: Yuuki Kaji, 梶裕貴, かじ ゆうき | 101 lines
Luca | CV: Daiki Hamano, 濱野大輝, はまの だいき | 47 lines
Tourist Woman 1 | CV: Minami Shinoda, 篠田みなみ, しのだ みなみ | 11 lines
Tourist Woman 2 | CV: Natsuki Aikawa, 相川奈都姫, あいかわ なつき | 5 lines

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Isekai light novel's anime adaptation, I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss has it's relase month announced!


The shock from having her engagement with the prince broken causes Aileen some flashbacks of her previous life, and she realizes she's been reincarnated in one of her favorite otome games.
Unfortunately for her, her reincarnation is of the terrible villainess of the game.
Aileen knows that, unless she succeeds as her role and defeats the heroine in three months, she'll be permanetly defeated and die by the hands of the final boss.
Though, with the previous engagement plans being crushed, she cannot trust the prince anymore, so her full commitment to villainly starts: she'll capture the Demon King's heart!

Anime is still in production and is planned to air in october of 2022.

Main cast will be composed of:
Rie Takahashi as Aileen Lauren Dautriche
Yuichi Umehara as Claude Jeanne Elmir
and Toshiki Masuda as Cedric Jeanne Elmir

Check the anime's official website and watch the PV!

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