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Dark Gathering Episode 1 Quotes Sep 16, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 348 new quotes

Dark Gathering

The power to attract spirits, a curse to Keitarou and one he has to face everyday.
After many years of reclusion due to these powers, Keitarou's friend, Eiko, finally can see him overcome his fears and enroll in the same university as her.
Entering the tutoring program, Keitarou finds himself at Eiko's house, not to tutor her, but for her little cousin.
Yayoi is an exceptionally gifted girl, with an IQ of 160. Among her incredible intelligence, the girl carries the power of seeing spirits.
Noticing that her tutor can also sense spirits, Yayoi sets out to drag her new supernatural companion into the most haunted locations.

Featuring Characters
Doctor | CV: Hironori Miyata, 宮田浩徳, みやた ひろのり | 3 lines
Eiko Houzuki | CV: Kana Hanazawa, 花澤香菜, はなざわ かな | 71 lines
Keitarou Gentouga | CV: Nobunaga Shimazaki, 島﨑信長, しまざき のぶなが | 128 lines
Yayoi Houzuki | CV: Yuu Sasahara, 篠原侑, ささはら ゆう | 85 lines
Yayoi's Father | CV: Fumitake Ishiguro, 石黒史剛, いしぐろ ふみたけ | 3 lines
Yayoi's Mother | CV: Yurika Hino, 日野由利加, ひの ゆりか | 3 lines

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Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon Episode 1 Quotes Aug 29, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 517 new quotes

Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon


In an unfortunate accident, a vending machine aficionado ends up being reincarnated into another world.
Strangely, our main character gets turned into his most beloved item: a sentient vending machine!
To his dismay, in this fantasy world nobody knows what a vending machine is or how it works.
Due to this world having magic, our main character is not only sentient, but he also works without needing electricity.
To keep power running through his new body, Boxxo will have to figure out a way to serve this new world's population his goodies and exchange their money for energy points, before his power goes out.
Hungry and with little money, the hunter girl Lammis comes by Boxxo in the middle of the forest, and saves our protagonist from running out of power by purchasing all food he could provide.
Figuring out a mean of communication, Lammis proposes a deal with Boxxo: to carry him all the way to the dungeon's surface and meet the scientist Hulemy, someone Lammis believes can help Boxxo, in exchange for the machine's many delicious food items!

Featuring Characters
Gorth | CV: Toshiki Iwasawa, 岩澤俊樹, いわさわ としき | 11 lines
Hakkon | CV: Jun Fukuyama, 福山潤, ふくやま じゅん | 226 lines
Karios | CV: Taketora, 武虎, たけとら | 27 lines
Lammis | CV: Kaede Hondo, 本渡楓, ほんど かえで | 129 lines
Missus | CV: Risa Hayamizu, 早水リサ, はやみず りさ | 2 lines
Munami | CV: Yuuko Okui, 奥井ゆうこ, おくい ゆうこ | 15 lines
Suori | CV: Shizuku Hoshinoya, 星ノ谷しずく, ほしのや しずく | 3 lines

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Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero Episode 1 Quotes Aug 26, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 411 new quotes

Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero


The fight of a lifetime! The hero Max and his companions, Fred, Leo and Yuria, give their sweat and blood in a final battle against the Demon Lord.
After much struggle, the group gather their powers and Max deals the final blow on the Demon Lord.
Promising revenge, the powerful Demon Lord is finally gone, but only temporarily.
Ten years later, the Demon Lord awakens suddenly, with the intention of fighting the hero again, but due to this early awakening, his body is completely different and in a weakened state.
Eager to start up a new fight, the Demon Lord travels into the human country looking for Max, only to be left disappointed at what turn his life took.
The hero Max is no longer prestigious, due to some scandals, has no contact with his companions and has little perspective of future.
The Demon Lord ultimately has a turn of heart and decides to make Max some company, in hopes that by nursing Max back into better health and get an epic face off with him.

Featuring Characters
Demon Lord | CV: Yasuhiro Mamiya, 間宮康弘, まみや やすひろ | 224 lines
Fred | CV: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, 松岡禎丞, まつおか よしつぐ | 3 lines
Leo | CV: Hiro Shimono, 下野紘, しもの ひろ | 1 lines
Max | CV: Yuichi Nakamura, 中村優一, なかむら ゆういち | 116 lines
Person Inside The Closet | CV: Yuu Kobayashi, 小林ゆう, こばやし ゆう | 1 lines
Yuria | CV: Ami Koshimizu, 小清水亜美, こしみず あみ | 2 lines
Zenia | CV: Youko Hikasa, 日笠陽子, ひかさ ようこ | 44 lines

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