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Character Chii


Aug 28, 2016

Who is this?
My girlfriend is very into Anime and figurines, especially Sailor Moon.
I'm thinking this is Sailor Moon, or some offshoot (pardon my ignorance, I wasn't really into Anime before I met my girlfriend, and even though I'm learning, I know there are a LOT of similar looking characters, which is why I'm coming to the experts here to help identify the girl in this figurine).

So my girlfriend found out that this recently fell off the desk (arranged differently than in this older picture), and fell in the garbage. By the time she figured out what happened, the figurine was gone and she was really saddened by this because she'd had this figurine for over a decade.

So, I'm trying to find out exactly which character this is, so that I'm not wasting time looking for this exact figurine, but possibly calling her by the wrong name.
My apologies that the picture isn't better quality, but I can't ask her for the original picture because then she'll know what I'm up to and the surprise will be ruined.

Also, in addition, if anybody can recommend where I might search to buy this figurine, that would be extremely helpful as well.

Thanks in advance for your help.



Aug 28, 2016

Earned : 10 XP

Looks to be Chii (Chobits).


Aug 28, 2016

Ok, I just happened to stumble upon a site that lists this as "Chobits - Chi".
Can someone confirm this?
Also, once again, if anybody knows of a likely place to buy this online, please let me know.




Aug 28, 2016

As I just posted my follow up comment, my page refreshed and I saw NuitTombee's posting confirming that this is in fact, Chi.
Thank you for confirming that!
Any idea where I can buy this online (since it's discontinued)? As I said, I'm new to Anime, but don't know if there is some sort of marketplace/forum type place where people sell their figurines. I've found one or two on eBay, but wanted to know if there was anywhere else that anyone could think of or knows about.




Aug 28, 2016

I don't collect figures myself, so I can't help you there.


Aug 28, 2016

Okay, NuitTombee, thanks again for the ID.

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