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Kobato Hasegawa is a character from the Anime I Don't Have Many Friends.

They have been indexed as Female Child with Red eyes and Blonde / Yellow hair that is To Chest length.


Kodaka's younger sister; she is a student in middle school, but nonetheless joins the club. She is very close to her brother, who she calls "An-Chan", and behaves in a jealous and clingy way whenever she feels that he is not giving her the attention she deserves, to the point where it is obvious that she has a brother complex. She sees Maria as a rival for Kodaka's brotherly affections and so often gets into fights with the latter.

She has a penchant for darkness, vampires and the macabre ever since she started watching an anime called Full Metal Necromancer. As a result she often speaks in an affected fashion, and claims to be known as "Reisys VI Felicity Sumeragi", an ancient vampire who has lived for ten thousand years, but this façade quickly breaks down when she gets emotionally worked up and she speaks in a strong Kyūshū accent. Indeed, her behavior does not for the most part differ from that of a regular girl (procrastinating with her homework, staying inside when it is hot, etc.) which Kodaka points out, causing her to be embarrassed and slightly lose character.
Trait Appears (actual)
Gender Female
Eye Color Red (Blue)
Hair Color Blonde / Yellow
Hair Length To Chest
Apparent Age Child (Teen)
Animal Ears No
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Also from I Don't Have Many Friends

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Yozora Mikazuki
Kobato Hasegawa
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Kodaka Hasegawa
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2011 Trivia

2011 was a great year for anime. We have all kinds of interesting and fascinating trivia from this year to share with you. The most viewed series from that year on Anime Characters Database is Fighting of Ecstasy ( 298 views ). Our series view count resets each month as to give you a rolling idea what is currently popular. A total of 112 titles were released in 2011. Don't forget to have a look at what was most popular - you can even filter the list by genre helping you to more quickly spot titles that may be to your liking. By the way, it is possible we missed a title from this year, and we could use your help adding it! Let's continue with the trivia. The most violent of these is considered to be Senki Zesshou Symphogear ( Avg. Rating 5.0000/5.0000 ) and the least violent is Anohana ( Avg. Rating 0.0000/5.0000 ). Members have the option to assign a violence rating to their favorite series. The series with the most characters is Inazuma Eleven Go ( 209 characters ) and the series with the fewest is Hen Semi ( 1 characters ). Most titles have at least 10 characters by their final episode. We can always use help adding characters we missed! Please be sure to read this guide to adding characters first if you are interested. The series with the longest title is Kaito Tenshi Twin Angel ~Kyun Kyun Tokimeki Paradise!!~ ( 55 letters ) and the series with the shortest title is C3 ( 2 letters ). I hope you found this information interesting, and continue to explore ACDB to your hearts content. ^_^

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