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Tengoku Daimakyou Episode 4 Quotes Jun 11, 2023 | Rei
There seemed to be a lot of interest in Tokio from Tengoku Daimakyou. Even indexing this episode for the quotes, I can't quite summarize the series. There's at least a few overlapping plots. A brother sister duo acting as monster exterminators for hire while traveling in search of something. Then Tokio seems to be in a highly monitored facility that is up to no good experimentation.

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Tengoku Daimakyou


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Kiruko | CV: Sayaka Senbongi, 千本木彩花, せんぼんぎ さやか | 86 lines
Kona | CV: Toshiyuki Toyonaga, 豊永利行, とよなが としゆき | 8 lines
Kuku | CV: Tomoyo Kurosawa, 黒沢ともよ, くろさわ ともよ | 22 lines
Maru | CV: Gen Satou, 佐藤元, さとう げん | 44 lines
Mimihime | CV: Shunsuke Takeuchi, 武内駿輔, たけうちしゅんすけ | 10 lines
Shiro | CV: Shunsuke Takeuchi, 武内駿輔, たけうちしゅんすけ | 22 lines
Taka | CV: Yuuki Shin, 新祐樹, しん ゆうき | 1 lines
Tokio | CV: Hibiku Yamamura, 山村響, やまむら ひびく | 36 lines
Rokudo's Bad Girls Episode 1 Quotes Jun 7, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 393 new quotes

Rokudo's Bad Girls


Tosuke Rokudo is a teenager that has to face many challenges in his daily life due to bullying.
His only friends are Hinomoto Masaru and Kijima Kouta, and they are constantly picked on by the delinquents in his class.
After school, Rokudo and his friends find a mysterious box that was given to Rokudo by his deceased grandfather.
Inside the box they find a single scroll that, by legend, contains spells of onmyouji dating back to the Heian period.
After accidentally activating the scroll, now Rokudo has a symbol on his forehead and strangely "bad girls" are very attracted to it, making them drop their tough personas and become enamored with Rokudo.
A new transfer student shows up, the incredibly powerful sukeban Ranna Himawari, and due to the scroll's power she falls madly in love with Rokudo.
After deciding to be courageous and promising to protect Ranna, Rokudo and his friends now have a powerful guardian by their side against the bullies!

Featuring Characters
Haruya Iinuma | CV: Haruki Ishiya, 石谷春貴, いしや はるき | 39 lines
Kouta Kijima | CV: Akira Ishida, 石田彰, いしだ あきら | 18 lines
Masaru Hinomoto | CV: Daisuke Namikawa, 浪川大輔, なみかわ だいすけ | 42 lines
Ranna Himawari | CV: Sumire Uesaka, 上坂すみれ, うえさか すみれ | 30 lines
Tousuke Rokudou | CV: Gen Satou, 佐藤元, さとう げん | 134 lines
Tsubaki | CV: Misato Matsuoka, 松岡美里 , まつおかみさと | 24 lines

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The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World Episode 1 Quotes May 30, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 428 new quotes

The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World

Following the death of his mentor, Ray White awaken his iceblade sorcerer powers, the strongest sorcerer in the world. Ray hides this identity and tries to have a normal life in the Arnold Academy of Sorcery, but that leads to the students ostracizing him, because of his background, coming from an "ordinary" family.
Although Ray faces bullying, not all students are prejudiced, an example being the school idol Amelia Rose, which quickly befriends Ray.
Within the sorcerer society, individuals are separated in five ranks: bronze, silver, gold and platinum. Seven incredible skilled sorcerers were given a special rank, the Grand Sorcerers, the academy's principal Abby Garnet, the researcher Carol Caroline, four annonymous sorcerers and the great Iceblade Sorcerer, who alledgely disappeared after the East War.
During class, Ray has less than impressive results in his spells, leading to more harassment from his school colleagues, but despite that, he still manages to befriend more students: a shy half-elf girl called Elisa Griffith, and Evi Armstrong, Ray's muscle obsessed roommate.
Featuring Characters
Abbie Garnet | CV: Nanako Mori, 森なな子, もり ななこ | 30 lines
Albert Alium | CV: Kouhei Amasaki, 天﨑滉平, あまさき こうへい | 25 lines
Amelia Rose | CV: Iori Saeki, 佐伯伊織, さえき いおり | 41 lines
Claris Cleveland | CV: Kaede Hondo, 本渡楓, ほんど かえで | 23 lines
Cusuechs Igul | CV: Eiji Miyashita, 宮下栄治, みやした えいじ | 6 lines
Elisa Griffith | CV: Nana Harumura, 春村 奈々, はるむら なな | 31 lines
Evi Armstrong | CV: Yuichiro Umehara, 梅原裕一郎, うめはら ゆういちろう | 23 lines
Helena Grady | CV: Nana Harumura, 春村 奈々, はるむら なな | 81 lines
Howard Kennet | CV: Yoshihisa Kawahara, 川原慶久, かわはら よしひさ | 4 lines
Jeryl Yumimaru | CV: Rinko Natsuhi, 夏日凜子, なつき りんこ | 7 lines
Laquis Simeld | CV: Nozomi Furuki, 古木のぞみ, ふるき のぞみ | 5 lines
Ray White | CV: Junya Enoki, 榎木淳弥, じゅにゃ えのき | 97 lines
Rebecca Bradley | CV: Azumi Waki, 和氣あず未, わき あずみ | 9 lines
Wanda Erika | CV: Chisato Mori, 森千早都, もり ちさと | 8 lines
Zuina Shuck | CV: Fumiko Uchimura, 内村史子, うちむら ふみこ | 3 lines

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