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Spy x Family Episode 1 Quotes Jun 8, 2022 | RinaK
Transcript - 490 new quotes

Spy x Family


With the loss of their diplomat, WISE needs their top agent, Twilight, to dedicate to a very complex mission: catch Donovan Desmond, Ostania's National Unity Party Chairman.
But to do that he'll have to adopt a child and attain a wife, pass as a perfect family and enroll the child in Eden Academy, the same school where Donovan's son studies at.
Being a spy all his life, Twilight, real name Loid, has little understanding of what being a father or a family man, but he still accepts the mission.
Finding a good home for the new "Forger" family, Loid adopts Anya, a surprisingly brilliant 6 year old, but unbeknowsnt to his knowledge, Anya is an esper that can read minds and just hates to study.
Together with his new daughter Anya, Loid will now work to learn how to be a father and finish his top priority mission with success.

Featuring Characters
Anya Forger | CV: Atsumi Tanezaki, 種﨑敦美, たねざき あつみ | 80 lines
Bondman | CV: Taisuke Nakano, 中野泰佑, なかの たいすけ | 5 lines
Edgar | CV: Atsushi Ono, 斧アツシ, おの アツシ | 27 lines
Franky Franklin | CV: Hiroyuki Yoshino, 吉野裕行, よしの ひろゆき | 20 lines
Karen | CV: Marie Ooi, 大井麻利衣, おおい まりえ | 7 lines
Loid Forger | CV: Takuya Eguchi, 江口拓也, えぐち たくや | 215 lines
Nguyen | CV: Yuuji Murai, 村井 雄治, むらい ゆうじ | 14 lines
Orphanage Director | CV: Hiroki Gotou, 後藤ヒロキ, ごとう ヒロキ | 12 lines
WISE Office Chief | CV: Akio Ootsuka, 大塚明夫, おおつか あきお | 28 lines

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TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Episode 1 Quotes Jun 6, 2022 | RinaK
Transcript - 431 new quotes

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You


Sometimes the things we admire can be awfully interpreted by others; With such high hopes for a bright and strong child, the Yuzakis named their son Nasa, like the space research program.
In Nasa's childhood, people would make fun of his name, so to get back at them he worked such a strong will to surpass everything that he actually became someone incredibly blessed.
With high school coming to an end, Nasa had to choose what to do after finishing his studies and aimed for the top of the top University in Japan.
What Nasa didn't know is that he would meet the love of his life in a bus stop and everything in his life change in only a couple of minutes.
Comparing the girl he met to princess Kaguya, he immediately asks her out, but the girl was a match to his boldness, Tsukasa rebutes with only accepting that if they join in marriage.
In the next couple of years, Nasa's life turned out pretty differently, and he did not reach any goals of high standing, and invested all his hope and time into meeting his bride-to-be.
His dreams of meeting with Tsukasa once more come into fruition in a fateful night.

Featuring characters
Enishi Yuzaki | CV: Masashi Ebara, 江原正士, えばら まさし | 3 lines
Kanoka Yuzaki | CV: Masumi Asano, 浅野真澄, あさの ますみ | 1 lines
Nasa Yuzaki | CV: Junya Enoki, 榎木淳弥, じゅにゃ えのき | 225 lines
Truck Driver | CV: Shunzou Miyasaka, 宮坂俊蔵, みやさか しゅんぞう | 7 lines
Tsukasa Yuzaki | CV: Akari Kitou, 鬼頭明里, きとう あかり | 106 lines
Yanagi | CV: Kanae Itou, 伊藤かな恵, いとう かなえ | 15 lines

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May 2022 in Review May 30, 2022 | Rei
Since starting ACDB, I have struggled with how best to keep track of ideas and what I am working on.

My earliest approaches were scraps of paper and a rather large Five-Star-3-Subject-Notebook. The scraps of paper are enough to fill a half meter square box. lol

Later I moved onto Campus B 50 Page Notebooks. How wonderful it is to have a full sheet of dated paper, all in a standard size. Sadly they have gotten stupidly expensive to import. So this month, I tried out keeping a text file on the ACDB server

Some things done. Some things started. Lots of things considered.

The most exciting thing this month was a huge traffic spike.....
from Russia. lol

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