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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean Episode 1 Quotes and Sasaki and Miyano's Release Date! Dec 12, 2021 | RinaK
Transcript - 406 new quotes

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean


Unfairly incriminated after a car accident, Jolyne Cujoh, is sent to one of the most highly guarded prisons in Florida: Green Dolphin Street Prison.
During her trial she finds out that the entire crime was actually a cruel plan to set her into inprisonment.
Filled with resentment and anger, Jolyne finds out the strange pendant her father, Jotaro Cujoh, gifted her with awakened mysterious powers.

Featuring Characters
Chief Guard | CV: Eiko Hanawa, 塙英子, はなわ えいこ | 17 lines
Gwess | CV: Momoko Taneichi, 種市 桃子, たねいち ももこ | 1 lines
Hermes Costello | CV: Mutsumi Tamura, 田村睦心, たむら むつみ | 66 lines
Inmate | CV: Riho Sugiyama, 杉山里穂, すぎやま りほ | 5 lines
Jolyne Cujoh Joestar | CV: Ai Fairouz, ファイルーズあい, | 157 lines
Judge | CV: Shinya Fukumatsu, ふくまつ進紗, ふくまつ しんや | 12 lines
Lawyer | CV: Hidenori Takahashi, 高橋英則, たかはし ひでのり | 67 lines
Loccobarocco | CV: Mitsuaki Kanuka, かぬか光明, かぬか みつあき | 7 lines
Police Officer | CV: Yuugo Sekiguchi, 関口雄吾, せきぐち ゆうご | 19 lines

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Highlights of today will be:
Food, a list dedicated to food terms, sure to satisfy your hunger for more food audio quotes.
Ambitions, a list filled to the brim with the flame of decision, great for more inspiration!


BL anime, Sasaki and Miyano got it's release date announced!


Along with the premiere date, a PV was also released.
The story will follow Yoshikazu Miyano (CV: Soma Saito), a high schooler that loves BL comics gets attention with a hotheaded upperclassman, Shuumei Sasaki(CV: Yuusuke Shirai).
For his surprise, the delinquent senpai is actually interested in BL manga too, and soon they develop a bond.
The anime will start releasing on January 9th of 2022 at Tokyo MX channel.

Check out the PV at the anime's official website
Another Episode 11 Quotes and Skilled Teaser Takagi-san's 3rd season! Dec 9, 2021 | RinaK
Transcript - 309 new quotes



In a state of frenzy and mass histeria, all the students start violently assaulting each other in hope to find and kill the "extra person", the one responsible for the ongoing curse.
Innocent lives are lost and now Kouichi and Mei have to run for their lives amidts chaos, and all that as they get closer and closer to the truth.

Featuring Characters
Kenzou Kawahori | CV: Kenichi Mine, 峰健一, みね けんいち | 7 lines
Yukito Tsujii | CV: Ryouta Asari, 浅利遼太, あさり りょうた | 5 lines
San Watanabe | CV: Satomi Akesaka, 明坂聡美, あけさか さとみ | 1 lines

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Be sure to check out Quote Lists too!

Highlights of today will be:
Overly Polite, with an array of very polite quotes, perfect for training honorific speech.
Positive[/url], for cheering up with very heartful quotes
And just for fun,


Skilled Teaser Takagi-san's third and final season!


Comedy anime, Skilled Teaser Takagi-san will have it's third season released in 2022. Along with the next installment's announcement, a PV was realeased.
It will start airing in January 7th of 2022 at the MBS/TBS channel.

A boy named Nishitaka is always teased by his desk neighboor, Takagi. While he tries his best to give her back the same level of teasing, Takagi always gets the upper hand.
With seasons come by, those feelings change and now, both are more mature in their own feelings and endeavors.
The cast will have returning characters:

Takagi, voiced by Rie Takahashi
[urll=characters.php?id=84771]Nishitaka, voiced by Yuuki Kaji
Mina, voiced by Konomi Kohara
Yukari, voiced by MAO
Sanae, voiced by Yui Oogura
Nakai, voiced by Yuuma Uchida
Takao, voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto
, voiced by Hinata Tadokoro

Official PV at the anime's official website
Recovery of an MMO Junkie Episode 1 Quotes Dec 8, 2021 | Rei
I noticed Hayashi showing up in the most viewed characters list and decided to check this out.

So many good themes! This episode is taking place near Christmas, giving us a few more Merry Christmas! lines.

After all the isekai's and vrmmo's it's different to see an anime about people who live near each other playing the same MMO.

The genders of the players and their characters are reversed, making this a bit more entertaining.

Plus a few scenes all of us who live on our own and have played a bit too much can relate to: [Image]

Cast for this episode:

Hayashi | CV: Ryouta Suzuki, 鈴木崚汰, すずき りょうた | 66 lines
Himeralda | CV: Takanori Yagi, 八木隆典, やぎ たかのり | 10 lines
Homare Koiwai | CV: Tomoaki Maeno, 前野智昭, まえの ともあき | 6 lines
Kanbe | CV: Yuichi Nakamura, 中村優一, なかむら ゆういち | 26 lines
Kazuomi Fujimoto | CV: Takuma Terashima, 寺島拓篤, てらしま たくま | 2 lines
Lilac | CV: Yuuka Aisaka, 相坂優歌, あいさか ゆうか | 2 lines
Lily | CV: Reina Ueda, 上田麗奈, うえだ れいな | 72 lines
Moriko Morioka | CV: Mamiko Noto, 能登麻美子, のと まみこ | 44 lines
Pokotarou | CV: Kazuhiro Sunseki, 寸石和弘, すんせき かずひろ | 6 lines
Sakurai Yuta | CV: Takahiro Sakurai, 櫻井孝宏, さくらい たかひろ | 7 lines

Transcript - 272 new quotes

Recovery of an MMO Junkie


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