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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable Episode 10 Quotes Sep 29, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 380 new quotes

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable


Hungry after school, Okuyasu wishes to stop by the new restaurant that has opened shop in town.
Inside the restaurant, Josuke and Okuyasu find out that there is no menu, and that the Italian chef, Tonio Trussardi, makes every dish depending on what each customer needs.
Tonio identifies many phyisical ailments on Okuyasu, and decides to make a special menu for him, while Josuke only asks for a cup of coffee.
While waiting and drinking the most delicious water the two boys have tasted, things start becoming strange, with Okuyasu crying his eyes out, quite literally, only to get completely healed up the second later.
The chef brings out the first dish, a delicious caprese salad, with the most harmonious flavor combinations.
After having the dish, Okuyasu again starts having bizarre reactions, shedding a softball-sized chunk of dead skin.
Wary about all the strange occurances that have happened after eating the food, Josuke decides to get to the bottom of it and figure out just who this mysterious chef is and what is causing such reactions on Okuyasu!

Featuring Characters
Josuke Higashikata | CV: Yuuki Ono, 小野友樹, おの ゆうき | 82 lines
Jotaro Kujo | CV: Daisuke Ono, 小野大輔, おの だいすけ | 1 lines
Okuyasu Nijimura | CV: Wataru Takagi, 高木渉, たかぎ わたる | 135 lines
Tonio Trussardi | CV: Tokuyoshi Kawashima, 川島得愛, かわしま とくよし | 108 lines
Toshikazu Hazamada | CV: Hiroki Shimowada, 下和田裕貴, しもわだ ひろき | 1 lines

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Love Hina Episode 1 Quotes Sep 26, 2023 | Rei
Transcript - 333 new quotes

Love Hina


At long last, quotes from Love Hina! Love Hina was one of the first manga's I collected. Still some good laughs to be had from this series.

Haruka Urashima | CV: Megumi Hayashibara, 林原めぐみ , はやしばらめぐみ | 22 lines
Hinata Urashima | CV: Masako Nozawa, 野沢雅子, のざわ まさこ | 6 lines
Kaolla Su | CV: Reiko Takagi, 高木礼子, たかぎ れいこ | 8 lines
Keitaro Urashima | CV: Yuuji Ueda, 上田祐司, うえだ ゆうじ | 122 lines
Kimiaki Shirai | CV: Michio Miyashita, 宮下道央, みやした みちお | 4 lines
Masayuki Haitani | CV: Hiroyuki Yoshino, 吉野裕行, よしの ひろゆき | 10 lines
Mitsune Konno | CV: Junko Noda, 野田順子, のだ じゅんこ | 34 lines
Motoko Aoyama | CV: Yuu Asakawa, 浅川悠, あさかわ ゆう | 3 lines
Naru Narusegawa | CV: Yui Horie, 堀江由衣, ほりえ ゆい | 55 lines
Shinobu Maehara | CV: Masayo Kurata, 倉田雅世, くらた まさよ | 4 lines

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Dark Gathering Episode 1 Quotes Sep 16, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 348 new quotes

Dark Gathering

The power to attract spirits, a curse to Keitarou and one he has to face everyday.
After many years of reclusion due to these powers, Keitarou's friend, Eiko, finally can see him overcome his fears and enroll in the same university as her.
Entering the tutoring program, Keitarou finds himself at Eiko's house, not to tutor her, but for her little cousin.
Yayoi is an exceptionally gifted girl, with an IQ of 160. Among her incredible intelligence, the girl carries the power of seeing spirits.
Noticing that her tutor can also sense spirits, Yayoi sets out to drag her new supernatural companion into the most haunted locations.

Featuring Characters
Doctor | CV: Hironori Miyata, 宮田浩徳, みやた ひろのり | 3 lines
Eiko Houzuki | CV: Kana Hanazawa, 花澤香菜, はなざわ かな | 71 lines
Keitarou Gentouga | CV: Nobunaga Shimazaki, 島﨑信長, しまざき のぶなが | 128 lines
Yayoi Houzuki | CV: Yuu Sasahara, 篠原侑, ささはら ゆう | 85 lines
Yayoi's Father | CV: Fumitake Ishiguro, 石黒史剛, いしぐろ ふみたけ | 3 lines
Yayoi's Mother | CV: Yurika Hino, 日野由利加, ひの ゆりか | 3 lines

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