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Ya Boy Kongming Episode 1 Quotes May 16, 2022 | RinaK
Transcript - 412 new quotes

Ya Boy Kongming


The prodigious military strategist Zhuge Liang Kongming is in his deathbed. At the end of his days, he only wishes for peace and to pass on into a tranquil life without wars.
Kongmin wakes up in the middle of the streets, in Japan's biggest halloween event: Shibuya's Halloween street party.
Undoubting that this was hell, Kongming is taken into the mass of the crowd and decides to raise right there an army of demons.

Upset about yet another audition rejection, Eiko Tsukimi slips away from the bartending counters and takes the stage of the night club. In between all the ear piercingly loud EDM music, Kongmin finds peace in Eiko Tsukimi's voice.
Kongming is quick to praise Eiko's voice, something she hasn't heard much before.
After a night of hard partying, the war strategist was left on the streets, only to be rescued by Eiko.
They both bond quickly over music and Kongming is ready for taking a new job, a bartender alongside his new friend.
After a heart to heart, Kongmin and Eiko firms their partnership in a surprising proposal.

Featuring Characters
Clubber | CV: Shougo Sakata, 坂田将吾, さかた しょうご | 13 lines
Clubber 2 | CV: Kazuki Miyagi, 宮城一貴, みやぎ かずき | 7 lines
Eiko Tsukimi | CV: Kaede Hondo, 本渡楓, ほんど かえで | 132 lines
Kobayashi | CV: Jun Fukushima, 福島潤, ふくしま じゅん | 45 lines
Kongming Zhuge | CV: Ryotaro Okiayu, 置鮎龍太郎, おきあゆ りょうたろう | 180 lines
Liu Bei | CV: Daisuke Namikawa, 浪川大輔, なみかわ だいすけ | 4 lines

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In the Land of Leadale Episode 4 Quotes May 15, 2022 | Rei
Transcript - 322 new quotes

In the Land of Leadale


I rather enjoyed this series, now I'm looking to index all of it.

Arbiter | CV: Shinji Kawada, 川田紳司, かわだ しんじ | 42 lines
Cayna | CV: Eri Yukimura, 幸村恵理, ゆきむら えり | 121 lines
Elineh | CV: Tomoaki Maeno, 前野智昭, まえの ともあき | 32 lines
Heigl | CV: Takuya Makimura, 蒔村拓哉, まきむら たくや | 12 lines
Kartatz | CV: Tomokazu Sugita, 杉田智和, すぎた ともかず | 48 lines
Kenison | CV: Ryuichi Kijima, 木島隆一, きじま りゅういち | 9 lines
Key | CV: Yui Otagiri, 小田切優衣, おたぎり ゆい | 4 lines
Lonti Arbalest | CV: Natsuko Abe, 阿部菜摘子, あべ なつこ | 2 lines
Mai-Mai | CV: Kaori Nazuka, 名塚佳織, なづか かおり | 20 lines
Skargo | CV: Daisuke Ono, 小野大輔, おの だいすけ | 16 lines

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Skeleton Knight in Another World Episode 5 Quotes May 11, 2022 | Rei
Transcript - 298 new quotes

Skeleton Knight in Another World


This is one of the best from the current season. The first episode was pretty close to an Arc monologue, whereas this episode gives us lines for a bunch of characters.

The series does place women in situations where they are about to be raped, then Arc comes to save them. The series would be fine without such content.

Next up, there will be dragons !


Arc | CV: Tomoaki Maeno, 前野智昭, まえの ともあき | 92 lines
Ariane Glenys Maple | CV: Ai Fairouz, ファイルーズあい, | 83 lines
Celsika Dourman | CV: Hiroto Akiya, 秋谷啓斗, あきやひろと | 4 lines
Dakares | CV: Daiki Hamano, 濱野大輝, はまの だいき | 4 lines
Ferna | CV: Rikako Aida, 逢田梨香子, あいだ りかこ | 11 lines
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav | CV: Kikuchi Michitake, 菊池 通武, きくち みちたけ | 17 lines
Sekt | CV: Kengo Kawanishi, 河西健吾, かわにし けんご | 8 lines
Tryton Du Diento | CV: Hidenari Ugaki, 宇垣秀成, うがき ひでなり | 20 lines
Udolan | CV: Kengo Takanashi, 高梨謙吾, たかなし けんご | 2 lines
Yuriarna | CV: Saori Oonishi, 大西沙織, おおにし さおり | 24 lines

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