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Mitsugu Mouryou’s Anime Review

Popotan, Wow, just wow. Initially I have to say that Popotan has what can only be described as that most out there premise I’ve ever heard of… yet. First off, the title: Popotan is nonsensical word meant to reflect the prominence of dandelions, spelled tanpopo (たんぽぽ?) in Japanese; 2nd it’s loosely based on the VN, very, very loosely. The plot of the VN sounds much better to me.
The plot: 3 sisters travel through space and time in a house built around an x-mas shop, while talking to flowers(*cough*weeds*cough*), they ask for directions to meet up with some silver-haired broad they’ve only ever seen in their dreams dancing naked in a moon-lit field of dandelions. While protected by their battle maid Mea, they interact with the locals forming relationships, and once discovered the house shifts to a new time and place. I must be the only one standing around shouting: ‘Say what?!’
The music: Meh, didn’t really care for it. The opening and closing themes aren’t that great, nor that bad. The interstitial musical cues are that old-timey music box intended to be slightly sad, but come off more somber.
Character design was ok, generic, not bad, not that good… but what’s with that fury land eel? The creator of Popotan(Akio Watanabe) liked ferrets so much he name the development company Petit Ferret.
Character development: Throughout the course of the series most of the sisters’ histories/ motivations come to light, but the plot of the series is too short lived to go into great detail on any of them except Mai. This is why most of the characters seem to be one deep.
In conclusion: I must say that Popotan has its moments, though few and far between, but it’s a little too hokey for the average Otaku, also if you’ve ever played the VN, you’ll be scratching your head shouting: WTHITS? So I must say watch the anime before the VN. With a confusing nonsensical plot, mild violence(1 ep only), and nudity I rate Popotan a 2.2(out of 10) Some will like it some won’t, while most will just wonder wth they just wasted 3 hours watching.
Thank you

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