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Mitsugu Mouryou’s Anime Review

Love Hina…Let me unleash some free floating negativity right away. Keitaro Urashima is another in a long line of wussy, whiny, wind bags that annoy the crap out of me. This is an anime staple, in where a fore mentioned character type is strangely surrounded by gorgeous women. I’ve gotten used to it, but when they're overly whiny and wussy, I don’t like it so much. Now I liked Love Hina back in the day… but after rewatching it I was sooooooorely disappointed. Now don’t misinterpret me, I do like Love Hina, but I must have blocked out how the 1st 7 episodes were written using the Chuck Jones Guide to Cartoon physics (if you don’t get the reference, allow Handy to explain). I used to like Merry Melodies, when I was 5, but I watch anime because most American animation is crap, and I don’t like them blended.
Moving on… After the initial set up, and the long string of Wile E. Coyote moments, the plot does develop into something: there is studding to do; chores to be done; mysteries to solve; and Ken Akamatsu’s inexplicable obsession with turtles. The Hinata Apartments have many secrets that unfold in every episode.
Character design is pretty damn good, as well as character development. There are a few snags such as: Su, and Sarah. Their characters are shallower than a deep dish pizza. Su does have some back story, but where does a kid get the engineering skills that put NASA to shame, and the voice… it requires earplugs. This is a true testament to Wendee Lee and her mad skillz. She can sound cool like Haruhi or Konata, or sultry like Hatsuho, or beyond the level of annoying like Miss Yoshimine.
All other characters have a rich back story, some more than others, and you’ll begin to appreciate them more and more as the story continues. Even Kitsune the unrefuted Queen of Cosplay! No matter what the situation she always has an outfit to match, and not just for herself! Though I must say the southern bimbo bell EN voice over work does wear thin, very quickly. All other characters travel their own paths, and none are really boring.
There is one thing that must be mentioned: episode 25: the lost ep that never aired, I just scrounged it up from the inteweb and will view it now. WOW! Mokoto in some many smexy outfits, and her older sister! Important note: all of my grievances of annoying whiny char voice over wash away in the original JP(insert ‘I told you so’ here… you know who ya are). I haven’t gone over Love Hina Again OVA yet because I can still say unequivocally that it is the best part of the series. Even thought you will have to watch the 1st 2 dozen eps, and seasonal specials in order to fully understand all that transpires, It is well worth it. The arrival of Kanako is the best part in any language. The final ending is as you can guess... nothing. No conclusion, no resolution, not graduation. Very disappointing.
With innuendo and mind cartoony violence, I was going to Give Love Hina a 4.2(out of 10) but in lieu of writing this review I’ve changed my tune, and will give it a 5.3(out of 10). Recommended as a should see and warning: after episode 7 it’ll suck you in.

Thank you

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Shadow Lurker

Score:3, Insightful If you have the Christmas movie DVD, episode 25 comes with it in the bonus section.

Anyway, I do agree that the anime is kinda "enh" and prefer the manga greatly over it. If you have the patience to read through it all, I'd say it's pretty worth it since the bulk of main characters do change over the years (Su and Sara not too much, but at the least their energy levels toned down enough) and there is resolution to the series.

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Evil Empire Overlord

Score:3, Interesting How did I know that if anyone were to comment on this review it would be you: You're the ubrefuted expert on on Love Hina. Where my insight leaves off yours soars. I'm glad I didn't write about Oh, My Goddess!... yet. I was unaware that the xmas special DVD had the lost ep 25 on it... Wikipedia said nothing of this, but thank you for that bit of inside information.
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Shadow Lurker

Score:3, Informative You're welcome. ^^
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