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Tokyo Mew Mew New~♡ Episode 1 Quotes Jul 7, 2022 | Rei
Transcript - 373 new quotes

Tokyo Mew Mew New~♡


Another older series makes a come back. Fun trivia fact: Aoyama-kun! was said 24 times in this one episode!

I've watched a lot of anime, and this is my first time seeing the bump, trip and fall first kiss happen in this order:


Bu-Ling Huang | CV: Rian Toda, 戸田梨杏, とだ りあん | 1 lines
Ichigo Momomiya | CV: Yuuki Tenma, 天麻ゆうき, てんま ゆうき | 98 lines
Ichigo Momomiya (Mew Mew Form) | CV: Yuuki Tenma, 天麻ゆうき, てんま ゆうき | 47 lines
Keiichiro Akasaka | CV: Hikaru Midorikawa, 緑川光, みどりかわ ひかる | 8 lines
Masaya Aoyama | CV: Megumi Ogata, 緒方恵美, おがた めぐみ | 46 lines
Megan | CV: Akiko Nakagawa, 中川亜紀子, なかがわ あきこ | 12 lines
Mimi | CV: Tomoko Kaneda, 金田朋子, かねだ ともこ | 19 lines
Minimew | CV: Junko Noda, 野田順子, のだ じゅんこ | 3 lines
Mint Aizawa | CV: Mirai Hinata, 日向未来, ひなた みらい | 5 lines
Mint Aizawa (Mew Mew Form) | CV: Mirai Hinata, 日向未来, ひなた みらい | 14 lines
Ryou Shirogane | CV: Koichi Tochika, 遠近孝一, とおちか こういち | 29 lines

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D_Cide Traumerei the Animation Episode 1 Quotes Jul 4, 2022 | RinaK
Transcript - 234 new quotes

D_Cide Traumerei the Animation

Ryuuhei Oda is a normal teenager, happy to go to school and chat about games with his friends, practicing boxing and skipping doing homework.
That normal life comes to a halt when he gets bitten by a mysterious creature at night. After being bitten, Ryuuhei gets transported into a fantastical dream with large monsters chasing after them.
In the dream, a girl and a boy reveal that he must run before the "Desaria" appears.
Believing it all to be a very realistic dream, Ryuuhei forgets about the situation, until he gets visions of a portal in the middle of the streets.
The monsters in the dream get transported out of the dream, and now Ryuuhei with other dreamers, known as "Knocker-ups", must fight these creatures in real life.

Featuring Characters
Aruto Fushibe | CV: Shun Horie, 堀江瞬, ほりえ しゅん | 14 lines
Eri Ibusaki | CV: Marika Kouno, 高野麻里佳, こうの まりか | 2 lines
Eru Amami | CV: Kaoru Sakura, 佐倉薫, さくらかおる | 3 lines
Jessica Clayborn | CV: Aoi Yuuki, 悠木碧, ゆうきあおい | 33 lines
Ponsuke | CV: Takuma Nagatsuka, 永塚拓馬, ながつか たくま | 9 lines
Randou Furukata | CV: Hisayoshi Suganuma, 菅沼久義, すがぬま ひさよし | 3 lines
Rena Mouri | CV: Ayasa Itou, 伊藤彩沙, いとう あやさ | 15 lines
Ryuuhei Oda | CV: Youhei Azakami, 阿座上洋平, あざかみ ようへい | 90 lines
Yoshichika Murase | CV: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, 松岡禎丞, まつおか よしつぐ | 7 lines

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Comedy manga, MASHLE will get an anime adaptation!


Planned to air in 2023, Mashle is set in a fantasy world where magic is bound to everyday life, and society is separated into ranks of differing magic skills.
The main protagonist, Mash Burnedead, is a little bit different from his peers at magic school: he has no magic abilities.
But in what Mash lacks in magic, he has doubled in physical power.
Determined to show the Magic School that his abilities are as good as theirs, Mash is setting out to becoming a Divine Visionay, with the magic of muscles!

Check out the announcement teaser here!
Spy x Family Episode 6 Quotes Jun 29, 2022 | RinaK
Transcript -

420 new quotes

Spy x Family

The highly awaited first day of school comes close. At the tailor store, the Forgers get a warning, apparently being in such a high class school means danger,
as some Eden School's students get kidnapped and even parents that aren't alumni get bullied.
Twilight meets with Sylvia, WISE's handler for some debriefing about the mission.
Loid is instructed to encourage his daughter into social gatherings to proceed
with Operation Strix phase two, by getting academic merits, or as the school names it, Stellas.
Meanwhile, Yor decides to be more motherly towrards Anya, but the warning from the shop owner turns into reality when a gang of thugs try to extort money from Yor.
Inspired by Yor's strength fighting the thugs, Anya requests for some lessons on self defense.
First day of school comes by, and, as instructed, Anya tries to get close to
Damian, Desmond's second son, but starting a friendship proves to be more difficult than it seemed.

Featuring Characters
Anya Forger | CV: Atsumi Tanezaki, 種﨑敦美, たねざき あつみ | 64 lines
Becky Blackbell | CV: Emiri Katou, 加藤英美里, かとう えみり | 18 lines
Benedict Ivan Goodfellow | CV: Youhei Tadano, 多田野曜平, ただの ようへい | 6 lines
Damian Desmond | CV: Natsumi Fujiwara, 藤原夏海, ふじわら なつみ | 26 lines
Emile Elman | CV: Hana Satou, 佐藤はな, さとう はな | 6 lines
Ewen Egeberg | CV: Haruka Okamura, 岡村明香, おかむら はるか | 7 lines
Henry Henderson | CV: Kazuhiro Yamaji, 山路和弘, やまじ かずひろ | 26 lines
Hooligan | CV: Takaaki Torashima, 虎島貴明, とらしま たかあき | 10 lines
Loid Forger | CV: Takuya Eguchi, 江口拓也, えぐち たくや | 86 lines
Murdoch Swan | CV: Jin Urayama, 浦山迅, うらやま じん | 1 lines
Punk | CV: Shouhei Kajikawa, 梶川翔平, かじかわ しょうへい | 7 lines
Sylvia Sherwood | CV: Yuko Kaida, 甲斐田裕子, かいだ ゆうこ | 35 lines
Tailor Store Owner | CV: Hana Satou, 佐藤はな, さとう はな | 24 lines
Yor Forger | CV: Saori Hayami, 早見沙織, はやみ さおり | 55 lines

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