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Tomo-chan is a Girl! Episode 1 Quotes Jan 17, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 414 new quotes

Tomo-chan is a Girl!


Tomo and Jun has been friends since childhood, and with their time together, Tomo grew romantic love for Jun and even confessed, but Jun only sees her as "one of the boys".
Tomo tries to get tips from her childhood friend Misuzu but, she can't bring herself to be more feminine without feeling embarrassed and hitting Jun.
In Karate club, Tomo's upper-classman Kosuke, admires her deeply and comments that he finds her a very charming girl. Happy about the compliment, Tomo asks him to help her emphatize her most charming aspects.

Featuring Characters
Chiyomi Ogawa | CV: Atsumi Tanezaki, 種﨑敦美, たねざき あつみ | 14 lines
Goro Aizawa | CV: Kenji Nomura, 乃村健次, のむら けんじ | 8 lines
Junichiro Kubota | CV: Kaito Ishikawa, 石川界人, いしかわ かいと | 76 lines
Kosuke Misaki | CV: Kouhei Amasaki, 天﨑滉平, あまさき こうへい | 21 lines
Misuzu Gundo | CV: Rina Hidaka, 日高里菜, ひだか りな | 81 lines
Naoko Mifune | CV: You Taichi, 大地葉, たいち よう | 20 lines
Tatsumi Tanabe | CV: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, 松岡禎丞, まつおか よしつぐ | 24 lines
Tomo Aizawa | CV: Rie Takahashi, 高橋李依, たかはしりえ | 152 lines

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REVENGER Episode 1 Quotes Jan 14, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 209 new quotes



In a dark night, Hirata and his samurai are attacked by a man, who happens to be Raizo Kurima, the daimyou's retainer.
In the next day's morning, a mysterious man called Yuen approaches Raizo, explaining that he was tasked to investigate the stern looking man that was sleeping under the bridge.
After detailing that he was tasked to dispose of an opium trading traitor that happened to be someone close to him, Raizo realises that he should just leave the town.
On his way out, three men attack Raizo, claiming the he was no use to the chief officer Matsumine anymore, leading Raizo to jump into a river to save himself from their gunshots.
Raizo is saved by Nio, a member of Yuen's group of "all-purpose laborers".
After learning that Matsume was the one trading opium and that killing his own father in law was a ploy, Raizo agrees to join Yuen's group and seek revenge.

Featuring Characters
Conspirator A | CV: Shinya Takahashi, 高橋伸也, たかはし しんや | 19 lines
Conspirator B | CV: Mitsuaki Kanuka, かぬか光明, かぬか みつあき | 8 lines
Conspirator C | CV: Yuu Miyazaki, 宮崎遊, みやざき ゆう | 9 lines
Genshin Hirata | CV: Motoi Koyanagi, 小柳基, こやなぎ もとい | 1 lines
Jonoushin Matsumine | CV: Naoki Tamanoi, 玉野井直樹, たまのい なおき | 9 lines
Nio | CV: Hisako Kanemoto, 金元寿子, かねもと ひさこ | 10 lines
Raizo Kurima | CV: Jun Kasama, 笠間 淳, かさま じゅん | 62 lines
Soji | CV: Shouta Hayama, 葉山翔太, はやま しょうた | 3 lines
Teppa Murakami | CV: Shunsuke Takeuchi, 武内駿輔, たけうちしゅんすけ | 4 lines
Yuen Usui | CV: Yuichiro Umehara, 梅原裕一郎, うめはら ゆういちろう | 69 lines

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Oniichan wa Oshimai! Episode 1 Quotes Jan 10, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 286 new quotes

Oniichan wa Oshimai!


Waking up at the usual time around mid-day, Mahiro get's the surprise of a lifetime, finding out that he got transformed into a girl.
Happy to check the results of her tests, Mahiro's younger sister, Mihari, confesses that she laced his drinks with her test "medication" and assures Mahiro that it'll go back to normal after halting the consuption of the medicine.
Eager to go back to his normal NEET eroge-addicted lifestyle, Mahiro comes to terms with the transformation, but Mihari has other ideas for her brother's recovery process.

Featuring Characters
Hiyori | CV: Emiri Suyama, 陶山恵実里, すやま えみり | 12 lines
Mahiro Oyama | CV: Marika Kouno, 高野麻里佳, こうの まりか | 123 lines
Mihari Oyama | CV: Kaori Ishihara, 石原夏織, いしはら かおり | 104 lines

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