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ID 104025
Nome Delta Akane
Outros Nomes 茜デルタ, Delta Zakuro
Papel Não Classificado
De Beyblade Burst GT
Tipo de Mídia anime
Dublado Por Kensho Ono, 小野賢章, おの けんしょう
Age 11

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Delta Akane is a character from the Anime Beyblade Burst GT.

They have been indexed as Masculino Criança with Castanho eyes and Turquesa hair that is Até o Pescoço length.

Característica Descrição Oficial
Gênero Masculino
Cor do Olho Castanho
Cor de Cabelo Turquesa
Comprimento do Cabelo Até o Pescoço
Idade Aparente Criança
Orelhas de Animais Não


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NatsumiSawada Mar 13, 2023
Yes, it is. Probably in the Dub it is Zakuro. His name translates from 茜デルタ which is Akane Delta/Deruta used in the original.
Anonymous Mar 13, 2023
It's Delta Zakuro not Delta Akane!

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Perfecto - Anonymous


How many times do I have to tell you? - Misaki Ayuzawa

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Sarashina, at least button up to
the 2nd button, and wear a belt!
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