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Lloyd Allwin : Enemy above! 12 o'clock high! (0:00:31.29)
Yuri Flostre : Incoming multiple smaller hostiles, Archenar class and below! (0:00:34.20)
Lloyd Allwin : Should we fall back? (0:00:37.92)
Chloe Zeveni : No! They'll trace us back to Mistgun! (0:00:40.06)
Kanata Age : Are you okay, Yuri? (0:00:56.78)
Yuri Flostre : T-Thank you, Kanata-senpai! (0:00:58.32)
Chloe Zeveni : I have a clear line of fire. (0:01:04.54)
Lloyd Allwin : I've got your back. (0:01:05.95)
Lloyd Allwin : Enemy reinforcements incoming! (0:01:15.43)
Chloe Zeveni : Looks like the last batch were just scouts... (0:01:17.68)
Kanata Age : Chloe! (0:01:27.69)
Chloe Zeveni : Kanata! (0:01:30.18)
Chloe Zeveni : Kanata?! (0:01:37.19)
Kanata Age : I'm fine. (0:01:38.26)
Kanata Age : I'll lure them out, the rest of you fall back. (0:01:39.30)
Chloe Zeveni : Kanata... (0:01:44.35)
Kanata Age : Come on now... (0:01:59.51)
Kanata Age : Time for a fun game of tag! (0:02:01.47)
Kanata Age : Did you get out safely? (0:02:27.85)
Kanata Age : Chloe, Lloyd, and... (0:02:30.14)
Kanata Age : Yuri... (0:02:36.90)
Flonne Flamel : It is here, in the giant floating academic city of Mistgun, (0:04:56.77)
Flonne Flamel : that I spend my days as a student of the Sky Wizards division. (0:05:02.53)
Flonne Flamel : But this is merely a disguise. (0:05:11.91)
Flonne Flamel : The ugly pedestrians fuel their spite with jealousy towards my beauty. (0:05:15.46)
Flonne Flamel : To demand that I, goddess incarnate, (0:05:21.63)
Flonne Flamel : submit a written apology for not doing homework? (0:05:24.75)
Flonne Flamel : I wish they would cut it out. (0:05:28.82)
Chloe Zeveni : Um... Does she have issues with delusions or something? (0:05:33.97)
Flonne Flamel : Don't ask me. (0:05:38.41)
Chloe Zeveni : But... (0:05:42.85)
Chloe Zeveni : Rico Flamel, isn't she your... (0:05:45.35)
Flonne Flamel : Just read the rest. (0:05:48.98)
Rico Flamel : On a different note, I currently reside in E, (0:05:51.37)
Rico Flamel : the bottom rank of the Sky Wizards division. (0:05:55.42)
Rico Flamel : Furthermore, due to my fireteam's rock-bottom performance, (0:05:57.92)
Rico Flamel : people call us the F Rank Fireteam. (0:06:01.67)
Rico Flamel : It is unfortunate that the general public believes wrongly that a person like me is a failure. (0:06:04.60)
Rico Flamel : In reality, I, a goddess, am the hero that will save the world. (0:06:09.70)
Chloe Zeveni : The third resubmission for the written apology for skipping homework is rejected. (0:06:16.43)
Chloe Zeveni : Reviewer's comment: You are supposed to apologise for not doing your homework. (0:06:22.00)
Chloe Zeveni : Perhaps you wanted a stage to flaunt your rotten personality, (0:06:26.81)
Chloe Zeveni : but the second year in the Preparatory Department is not that. (0:06:30.28)
Chloe Zeveni : I hereby assign a fourth resubmission. (0:06:34.76)
Chloe Zeveni : O-Okay then... Next student. Lecty Eisenach. (0:06:39.79)
Lecty Eisenbach : I-I have a dream! (0:06:46.26)
Lecty Eisenbach : I want to be a Sky Wizard, (0:06:48.92)
Lecty Eisenbach : to protect the people of the floating cities by fighting the Devil Beetles! (0:06:50.50)
Lecty Eisenbach : Fighting the Devil Beetles is scary. (0:06:55.44)
Lecty Eisenbach : I shake just thinking about it. (0:06:58.48)
Lecty Eisenbach : B-But, being able to fight to protect someone, (0:07:00.77)
Lecty Eisenbach : I think, will make me happy. (0:07:04.77)
Chloe Zeveni : She seems very responsible! (0:07:07.74)
Flonne Flamel : The good kids die first. (0:07:10.33)
Flonne Flamel : That's how it is with us Sky Wizards. (0:07:12.69)
Chloe Zeveni : But... (0:07:14.79)
Lecty Eisenbach : The Naturals, those without magical powers, (0:07:16.05)
Lecty Eisenbach : lose the memory of those who are killed by the Devil Beetles. (0:07:18.73)
Lecty Eisenbach : But we, the Wizards, do not forget them. (0:07:22.68)
Lecty Eisenbach : That's why I want to fight, for those who have lost even their grief! (0:07:26.36)
Chloe Zeveni : Let's see! (0:07:31.73)
Chloe Zeveni : She always seems nervous and uneasy. (0:07:33.47)
Chloe Zeveni : Her entrance exam results were not that good, (0:07:35.87)
Chloe Zeveni : and we first considered rejecting her application. (0:07:38.88)
Chloe Zeveni : However, her family is famous in the art of the magic twin swords, (0:07:41.40)
Chloe Zeveni : and her sincere attitude could not be ignored. (0:07:44.54)
Chloe Zeveni : We hope that her future as a Sky Wizard is bright. (0:07:47.95)
Flonne Flamel : The next girl is the last one, the fireteam leader. (0:07:54.87)
Chloe Zeveni : Misora Whitale... (0:07:59.44)
Chloe Zeveni : First year, first semester, practical exams, zero wins, 57 losses. (0:08:01.84)
Chloe Zeveni : Follow-up exam, zero wins, ten losses. (0:08:06.28)
Chloe Zeveni : Second semester, zero wins, 57 losses. (0:08:08.45)
Chloe Zeveni : Currently on a 124 losing streak. (0:08:11.43)
Chloe Zeveni : Summary: we recommend her to leave the school voluntarily. (0:08:14.32)
Chloe Zeveni : S-She seems to have trouble ahead of her. (0:08:17.89)
Flonne Flamel : They are the three members of what is known as the weakest, (0:08:21.98)
Flonne Flamel : or worst, fireteam in history, Fireteam E601. (0:08:26.34)
Flonne Flamel : I wanted to ask for your help to do something about them. (0:08:30.46)
Chloe Zeveni : I don't think a normal instructor can help them... (0:08:33.31)
Flonne Flamel : Let me remind you that I'm making this request to you, Chloe Sevegny, (0:08:36.57)
Flonne Flamel : as leader of the Sky Wizards division. (0:08:40.33)
Chloe Zeveni : In other words, whomever I recommend will become the instructor? (0:08:42.79)
Flonne Flamel : They don't call you Nirvana for nothing. (0:08:48.47)
Flonne Flamel : I will make certain that your request gets through. (0:08:51.56)
Chloe Zeveni : In that case... (0:08:54.40)
Lloyd Allwin : What are you doing in a place like this? (0:09:15.46)
Kanata Age : Oh, hey Lloyd. (0:09:18.26)
Lloyd Allwin : What are you up to? {Whatcha doin'? ≺- For all of the homo} (0:09:19.74)
Kanata Age : Here. (0:09:21.09)
Kanata Age : I checked the inventory in this warehouse and
compared it with what was on the list of materials.
Kanata Age : I was wondering why the food list wasn't matching up. (0:09:33.05)
Kanata Age : Some Machina division goons were stealing them. (0:09:36.55)
Kanata Age : I gave them a bit of a beating. (0:09:39.97)
Lloyd Allwin : W-Wait, what?{But the question is, will it be caught?! I really shouldn't do stuff like this though :D} (0:09:41.51)
Lloyd Allwin : You checked everything? (0:09:43.31)
Kanata Age : Took me all night. (0:09:44.73)
Lloyd Allwin : All night? (0:09:47.17)
Lloyd Allwin : It takes ten people three days... (0:09:48.89)
Kanata Age : Really? (0:09:52.03)
Kanata Age : So what do you want, anyway? (0:09:54.13)
Lloyd Allwin : Oh, the Sky Wizards division lead wants to see you in her office, at lunchtime. (0:09:55.94)
EXTRA : Next stop, Ground Station. (0:10:29.77)
Kanata Age : Seems like I'll make it in time for class. (0:10:46.49)
Kanata Age : Ow... (0:10:57.38)
Misora Whitale : Hey, watch where you're going! (0:10:59.73)
Kanata Age : Where I'm going? (0:11:02.85)
Kanata Age : I wonder... (0:11:04.81)
Misora Whitale : W-What?! You think I'm flat?! (0:11:08.68)
Kanata Age : Well, um, if you put it that way, yeah, but... (0:11:11.27)
Misora Whitale : You're disgusting! (0:11:15.23)
Misora Whitale : You can't even walk in a (0:11:18.69)
Misora Whitale : You ruined my toast! (0:11:28.41)
Misora Whitale : The strawberry jam side is down, too! (0:11:30.96)
Misora Whitale : You owe me big time! (0:11:34.38)
Kanata Age : Normally when this type of thing happens, (0:11:36.55)
Kanata Age : doesn't the one with the soiled crotch get the apology? (0:11:38.17)
Misora Whitale : What? (0:11:42.47)
Misora Whitale : I snoozed a bit too long and had to rush, (0:11:43.61)
Misora Whitale : couldn't finish my favourite jam toast, (0:11:46.43)
Misora Whitale : and am really worried about being late for practice! (0:11:48.41)
Misora Whitale : Do I really have to spell that out for you? (0:11:50.55)
Kanata Age : Was I supposed to read your mind? (0:11:54.97)
Misora Whitale : Someone help! (0:12:01.12)
Misora Whitale : There's a pervert here! Someone! (0:12:02.36)
Misora Whitale : There's a... (0:12:05.36)
Misora Whitale : He vanished. (0:12:08.96)
Kanata Age : Ugh, this red won't come off. (0:12:24.77)
Kanata Age : What is she doing? (0:12:46.68)
Rico Flamel : Did my beauty fascinate you? (0:12:56.08)
Kanata Age : I think it's normal to be drawn to eccentric behaviour. (0:12:58.54)
Rico Flamel : So in other words, you are... (0:13:02.58)
Rico Flamel : a stalker. (0:13:06.86)
Kanata Age : You're weird. (0:13:09.17)
Rico Flamel : It's not surprising that you find my actions inexplicable. (0:13:12.36)
Rico Flamel : I am the reincarnation of a goddess. (0:13:15.95)
Rico Flamel : Beautiful, am I not? (0:13:18.79)
Rico Flamel : But don't fall in love. (0:13:20.18)
Rico Flamel : The only person allowed to be in love with this beauty is me. (0:13:21.60)
Kanata Age : Maybe you should take time off from
admiring yourself and spend it on training.
Kanata Age : Judging from your uniform, you're a Sky Wizards preparatory student, right? (0:13:30.04)
Rico Flamel : Oh, but I hate bothersome activities, like those that involve sweating. (0:13:34.40)
Rico Flamel : Effort is for ordinary... (0:13:37.17)
Rico Flamel : Y-You pervert. (0:13:43.46)
Rico Flamel : Even though my beauty is truly irresistible, (0:13:44.97)
Rico Flamel : how could you suddenly take your pants off? (0:13:47.94)
Kanata Age : Huh? They were off from the start. (0:13:49.89)
Rico Flamel : You had your lower body revealed... from the start? (0:13:53.18)
Rico Flamel : Someone! Someone come! (0:13:59.15)
Rico Flamel : There is a pervert here! (0:14:01.39)
Rico Flamel : Someone! Someone... (0:14:03.11)
Rico Flamel : He vanished. (0:14:06.24)
EXTRA : Did you hear? There's a pervert around. (0:14:22.53)
EXTRA : Ew, gross. (0:14:25.14)
Kanata Age : Man, this sucks. (0:14:34.10)
Kanata Age : Not once, but twice? (0:14:36.08)
Lecty Eisenbach : Um, excuse me... (0:14:39.35)
Kanata Age : Now what? (0:14:41.31)
Lecty Eisenbach : Um... this... (0:14:48.89)
Kanata Age : Huh? (0:14:50.36)
Lecty Eisenbach : not... (0:14:51.60)
Kanata Age : What? (0:14:52.74)
Lecty Eisenbach : I mean, this... is not... um... (0:14:53.99)
Kanata Age : I can't hear you! (0:14:57.99)
Lecty Eisenbach : This... (0:15:00.56)
Kanata Age : This? (0:15:01.80)
Lecty Eisenbach : This is the girls' restroom. (0:15:04.64)
Kanata Age : Oh, um... (0:15:07.75)
Lecty Eisenbach : Um.... Would you happen to be... a pervert? (0:15:11.22)
Kanata Age : No! (0:15:17.49)
Kanata Age : I should not have taken the shortcut through the preparatory department field. (0:15:22.56)
EXTRA : What about this? (0:15:26.43)
EXTRA : Oh, this? (0:15:27.22)
EXTRA : Look, it's the traitor, taking his sweet time to show up. (0:15:28.97)
EXTRA : Lucky him. (0:15:31.84)
EXTRA : Meanwhile, we put our lives on the line. (0:15:32.86)
Yuri Flostre : Fourth period is starting. (0:15:35.81)
Kanata Age : Yeah, stuff came up. (0:15:38.71)
Yuri Flostre : You can't even keep track of time. (0:15:41.87)
Yuri Flostre : You really are a traitor. (0:15:44.19)
Kanata Age : What, are you still holding that grudge? (0:15:47.09)
Yuri Flostre : No, I stopped thinking about it. (0:15:50.55)
Yuri Flostre : Thinking about you at all is a waste of time. (0:15:53.86)
Kanata Age : So you really are holding the grudge. (0:15:57.12)
Yuri Flostre : Kanata... (0:15:59.51)
Chloe Zeveni : Come on, now. (0:15:59.89)
Chloe Zeveni : Don't start fights with Kanata. (0:16:02.21)
Yuri Flostre : Let me go, Chloe-senpai! (0:16:04.77)
Yuri Flostre : I don't have a grudge, and I'm not starting a fight! (0:16:07.05)
Yuri Flostre : I'm just stating facts! (0:16:10.15)
Kanata Age : See? That's what I call holding a grudge. (0:16:11.82)
Yuri Flostre : I will take my leave! (0:16:17.24)
Chloe Zeveni : Don't be like that. (0:16:25.55)
Chloe Zeveni : You know that'll make her angry. (0:16:27.74)
Kanata Age : But I was hoping she'd get angrier. (0:16:30.99)
Chloe Zeveni : What do you mean? (0:16:33.97)
Kanata Age : Yuri joined up because she longed to be with me. (0:16:35.14)
Kanata Age : She must still be hurt. (0:16:38.09)
Kanata Age : She never was good at controlling her emotions. (0:16:40.24)
Kanata Age : She needs to vent every once in a while. (0:16:42.86)
Chloe Zeveni : You could have explained it like that from the start. (0:16:47.55)
Chloe Zeveni : I've never been able to fully understand you. (0:16:51.10)
Kanata Age : It's already been more than six months, huh? (0:16:57.50)
Chloe Zeveni : Yuri was unconscious when it happened, so she didn't see it. (0:17:00.56)
Chloe Zeveni : You were injured too. (0:17:04.89)
Kanata Age : The only ones who get injured in battle are those
without the skills to make it out unscathed, right?
Chloe Zeveni : Still, I feel responsible. So... (0:17:15.05)
Kanata Age : So? (0:17:21.24)
Chloe Zeveni : I brought you a good deal! (0:17:24.49)
Kanata Age : When you smile like that, it's usually something troublesome. (0:17:27.60)
Chloe Zeveni : What? No! (0:17:32.74)
Chloe Zeveni : I convinced the leader of the Sky Wizards division. (0:17:34.90)
Flonne Flamel : Come in. (0:17:42.81)
Chloe Zeveni : Excuse me. (0:17:44.57)
Flonne Flamel : Traitor, you have some nerve, showing your face here. (0:17:47.15)
Kanata Age : I actually didn't want to come. (0:17:52.71)
Flonne Flamel : Anyway, I didn't summon you here for a lecture. (0:17:59.09)
Kanata Age : You want me to be an instructor?! (0:18:07.41)
Flonne Flamel : You'll be in charge of Fireteam E601. (0:18:10.83)
Flonne Flamel : You will train these misfits so that they can meet the goal of this school: (0:18:14.01)
Flonne Flamel : To train Sky Wizards capable of pushing back the Devil Beetle threat. (0:18:17.42)
Kanata Age : Why me? There must be tons of others. (0:18:27.08)
Chloe Zeveni : Everyone's booked for this season. (0:18:31.25)
Chloe Zeveni : Besides, I want you to do this. (0:18:34.06)
Kanata Age : What do you mean? (0:18:38.03)
Chloe Zeveni : I know you're working hard when no one's looking. (0:18:41.59)
Chloe Zeveni : Like helping out the Logistics division, and... (0:18:45.70)
Kanata Age : Yeah, yeah, okay, fine. (0:18:48.60)
Kanata Age : I'll read the document if that's what you want. (0:18:50.53)
Kanata Age : What the hell? (0:18:55.15)
Kanata Age : How is it possible to get such horrible scores? (0:18:56.35)
Kanata Age : Wait, is this...? (0:19:00.07)
Misora Whitale : So, how should we train today? (0:19:04.18)
Rico Flamel : What a silly question. (0:19:07.77)
Rico Flamel : A goddess does not need training. (0:19:08.89)
Misora Whitale : Rico! Are you going to disobey me, the fireteam leader? (0:19:12.33)
Rico Flamel : Fireteam leader? (0:19:18.32)
Misora Whitale : What? Speak clearly! (0:19:20.51)
Lecty Eisenbach : Um, actually... (0:19:24.01)
Misora Whitale : Hmm? What is it, Lecty? (0:19:26.31)
Lecty Eisenbach : I, uh, um... (0:19:28.89)
Misora Whitale : If there's something you want to say, be clear! (0:19:30.89)
Lecty Eisenbach : O-Okay! Well, there was this thing that happened this morning... (0:19:34.97)
EXTRA : Hey, look! (0:19:40.77)
EXTRA : Isn't that Kanata Age from the regular department? (0:19:42.08)
EXTRA : Ew, I don't want his traitor germs on me! (0:19:43.91)
EXTRA : Stay away! (0:19:46.99)
Kanata Age : Hey. (0:19:52.15)
EXTRA : Y-Yes?! (0:19:52.81)
Kanata Age : Where's the Fireteam E601 room? (0:19:54.63)
EXTRA : E601? (0:19:57.80)
EXTRA : The losers? (0:20:00.42)
EXTRA : F-Rank Fireteam? (0:20:02.18)
Lecty Eisenbach : I bumped into this horrible pervert this morning... (0:20:07.39)
Misora Whitale : Pervert?! (0:20:10.93)
Rico Flamel : Oh? What a coincidence. (0:20:11.76)
Rico Flamel : I met one too. It was the ultimate pervert. (0:20:13.94)
Misora Whitale : I did too! (0:20:18.23)
Misora Whitale : He had my jam toast on his crotch! (0:20:19.38)
Misora Whitale : That nasty, despicable, strawberry jam pervert! (0:20:23.28)
Rico Flamel : Incomprehensible. (0:20:27.87)
Rico Flamel : I am too noble to understand this commoner. (0:20:29.47)
Misora Whitale : What did you say? (0:20:32.75)
Lecty Eisenbach : U-Um, can you calm down? (0:20:32.75b)
Lecty Eisenbach : Misora-san, Rico-san... (0:20:36.19)
Kanata Age : I'm Kanata Age. (0:20:46.22)
Kanata Age : I've been assigned to be your instructor, Fireteam E601. (0:20:48.39)
Kanata Age : Sky Wizards regular department second year, 17 years old. (0:20:52.81)
Kanata Age : Nice to meet you. (0:20:55.98)
Misora Whitale : Kanata Age? (0:20:58.06)
Misora Whitale : The traitor! (0:21:00.78)
Rico Flamel : Oh, no wonder I thought I heard that name before. (0:21:02.95)
Lecty Eisenbach : Girls? Do you know him? (0:21:07.12)
Misora Whitale : He's the famous traitor! (0:21:09.49)
Misora Whitale : And a pervert on top of that! (0:21:11.52)
Rico Flamel : Indeed. (0:21:14.37)
Rico Flamel : The genuine, perfect, outrageous pervert. (0:21:15.28)
Lecty Eisenbach : I knew it! (0:21:21.80)
Lecty Eisenbach : You were a pervert! (0:21:22.72)
Rico Flamel : Pervert! (0:21:36.94)
Lecty Eisenbach : Pervert! (0:21:36.94)
Misora Whitale : Pervert! (0:21:36.94)
Kanata Age : Do any of you listen? (0:21:41.48)
Kanata Age : I'm Kanata Age. (0:23:12.67)
Kanata Age : I'll be using this part of every episode to instruct you about this world. (0:23:14.45)
Kanata Age : Our home, Mistgun, is the floating city focusing on training Sky Wizards. (0:23:18.97)
Kanata Age : Hovering at about 3000 meters above sea level, its population is about 6000. (0:23:25.71)
Kanata Age : About ninety percent of that are Wizards like us. (0:23:29.92)
Kanata Age : And like that, the next episode is "The Strongest Traitor." (0:23:34.34)
Kanata Age : Oh, I didn't tell you? (0:23:39.04)

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Violet Evergarden

Isn't she like an orphan therefore her birthday is even unknown? I think even the Wiki one is unsourced. - NatsumiSawada


In the festival, not even two members of the same clan are allowed to fight in an alliance! - Kai Kyou

That's the law! - Kai Kyou

Isn't it?! - Kai Kyou

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