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EXTRA : A Village Out in the Boonies: Hage (0:00:12.61)
Father Orsi Orfai : Here we go again... (0:00:18.63)
Father Orsi Orfai : There, there... (0:00:28.05)
Father Orsi Orfai : There you are. (0:00:31.14)
Father Orsi Orfai : Those two finally calmed down. (0:00:34.67)
Father Orsi Orfai : Are they brothers... or perhaps twins? (0:00:43.26)
Father Orsi Orfai : No, they're not. (0:00:48.15)
Father Orsi Orfai : This one is rather calm, but this one... (0:00:50.05)
Father Orsi Orfai : seems like he has a lot of spunk. (0:00:54.83)
Father Orsi Orfai : First of all, they don't look a thing alike. (0:00:57.43)
Father Orsi Orfai : Hm? "Yuno"... (0:01:01.70)
Father Orsi Orfai : Let's see. And the spunky one over here is— (0:01:07.17)
Father Orsi Orfai : Hey! You're a bit too spunky... (0:01:11.03)
Father Orsi Orfai : "Asta," eh? (0:01:19.43)
Father Orsi Orfai : Right! You two don't need to
worry about a thing anymore.
Father Orsi Orfai : Starting today, this is your new home... (0:01:26.87)
Father Orsi Orfai : Asta, Yuno. (0:01:31.02)
EXTRA : 15 Years Later (0:01:36.86)
EXTRA : Hopefully, we'll have a
great harvest this year.
EXTRA : Yeah. (0:01:49.58)
EXTRA : Hup. (0:01:51.71)
Asta : Sister Lily! (0:01:53.95)
EXTRA : What the... (0:01:56.81)
EXTRA : Must be that runt from the church again. (0:01:58.08)
Asta : I'll become the Wizard King
someday and make you happy!
Asta : So please marry me! (0:02:05.06)
Sister Lily Aquaria : I'm sorry, Asta, but I'm everyone's sister. (0:02:09.33)
Asta : Not yet! (0:02:14.98)
Sister Lily Aquaria : Um... I'm sorry. (0:02:17.48)
Asta : I'm not giving up yet! (0:02:21.34)
Sister Lily Aquaria : Er, um... But... (0:02:23.26)
Asta : I'm not giving up! (0:02:25.24)
Sister Lily Aquaria : I'm really sorry! (0:02:26.26)
Asta : One more time, Sister Lily! (0:02:28.46)
Sister Lily Aquaria : Stop pestering me! (0:02:31.98)
Sister Lily Aquaria : Water Creation Magic: Holy Fist of Love! (0:02:35.37)
Sister Lily Aquaria : I-I'm sorry, Asta. (0:02:41.94)
Sister Lily Aquaria : I used magic from my
grimoire without thinking...
Rekka : Well done, sister. (0:02:48.56)
Nash : No mercy whatsoever. (0:02:50.91)
Sister Lily Aquaria : I-I... It just happened.. (0:02:52.94)
Asta : I'm not done yet! (0:02:55.02)
Rekka : Sheesh. (0:03:02.74)
Nash : How many times does she have to dump you? (0:03:04.99)
Asta : Why are you getting in my way too, Yuno?! (0:03:08.85)
Yuno Grinberryall : Why? (0:03:13.37)
Yuno Grinberryall : Because you're loud, short, (0:03:15.05)
Yuno Grinberryall : obnoxious, and immature. (0:03:17.20)
Yuno Grinberryall : Basically, you're not appealing
to women in any way.
Asta : Hey! Is that what you say to
someone you've grown up with
Asta : for the past fifteen years,
you handsome jerk?!
Yuno Grinberryall : Let me give you a hand. (0:03:31.25)
Sister Lily Aquaria : Thanks. (0:03:32.42)
Asta : Don't ignore me, damn it! (0:03:33.34)
Yuno Grinberryall : Asta, Sister Lily is a woman of the cloth,
so she can't get married.
Yuno Grinberryall : Also, you're only fifteen,
so you can't get married anyway.
Asta : Shut up! Yuno, you jerk... I oughta... (0:03:43.26)
Asta : I challenge you to a fight, Yuno! (0:03:48.87)
Yuno Grinberryall : And I decline. (0:03:51.32)
Asta : Why the hell not?! (0:03:51.93)
Yuno Grinberryall : Because it's a waste of time. (0:03:54.55)
Asta : What'd you say?! (0:03:56.06)
Nash : Give it a rest, Asta.
There's no way you can beat Yuno.
Asta : Take this... (0:04:02.68)
Asta : My ultimate... (0:04:04.85)
Nash : Hold up, Asta. (0:04:07.06)
Asta : Attack! (0:04:08.18)
Nash : I mean, you can't even use magic. (0:04:08.85)
Asta : Nothing came out! (0:04:11.46)
Asta : I'm not done yet! (0:04:15.02)
Arlu : You're funny, Asta! (0:04:17.23)
Nash : You have zero sense. (0:04:19.21)
Nash : It's hard to believe someone
your age can't use magic yet.
Asta : The hell's your problem?! How dare
you speak to your elders that way?!
Nash : Shut up. (0:04:29.13)
Nash : Magic is everything in this world. (0:04:30.38)
Nash : It's only natural to be able to use magic. (0:04:33.50)
Nash : You're the only one I've ever
seen who can't use it, Asta.
Asta : G-Guess I don't have a choice... (0:04:41.07)
Asta : I'll have to show you what
I'm really made of...
Rekka : What you're really made of? (0:04:47.81)
Asta : How you like that?! I know you
can't do sit-ups this fast!
Nash : What's your point, you idiot? (0:04:54.73)
Arlu : You're funny, Asta! (0:04:56.67)
Arlu : Yuno's so cool! (0:05:04.82)
Nash : That's Yuno for you. (0:05:07.25)
Sister Lily Aquaria : He's such a great help. (0:05:09.20)
Asta : Then leave... the wood-chopping... (0:05:15.16)
Asta : to me! (0:05:18.48)
Nash : I still can't believe you
two are the same age.
Father Orsi Orfai : Yuno is the hope of this church! (0:05:32.11)
Nash : I won't be surprised if you end up joining (0:05:35.67)
Nash : the Magic Knights who serve
the Wizard King, Yuno!
Sister Lily Aquaria : The awarding ceremony is coming up, Asta. (0:05:41.43)
Sister Lily Aquaria : Once you receive your grimoire, (0:05:43.68)
Sister Lily Aquaria : it should trigger something within you,
and you should be able to use magic, too.
Asta : Sister... (0:05:49.54)
Sister Lily Aquaria : At least, I think so. (0:05:52.38)
Asta : I'll get my grimoire soon... (0:05:54.58)
Asta : Finally... Finally! (0:05:57.93)
Asta : I'll get a grimoire that's more
amazing than anyone else's,
Asta : get into the Magic Knights,
follow in your footsteps,
Asta : and become the Wizard King! (0:06:08.01)
Nash : There he goes again. (0:06:10.64)
Asta : And I'll fix up this shabby, ugly church! (0:06:12.93)
Father Orsi Orfai : Well, I'm sorry it's so shabby and ugly! (0:06:17.77)
Asta : Right, Yuno? (0:06:20.91)
Asta : Right? (0:06:24.02)
Asta : Just you wait... (0:06:35.15)
Asta : Just you wait, damn it! (0:06:37.33)
Sister Lily Aquaria : Asta, wait! (0:06:40.72)
Nash : Is he really older than me? (0:06:43.90)
Sister Lily Aquaria : Say, Yuno... Couldn't you
be a bit nicer to Asta?
Sister Lily Aquaria : Like you used to be. Remember how you two
were always together when you were little?
Sister Lily Aquaria : Yuno used to be such a crybaby, (0:07:05.07)
Sister Lily Aquaria : but ever since the day he brought
Asta back with those terrible injuries,
Sister Lily Aquaria : Yuno hasn't cried at all. (0:07:12.57)
Yuno Grinberryall : I can't be nicer to him. (0:07:18.18)
Sister Lily Aquaria : Come to think of it, Asta has come home
covered in mud ever since that day, too.
Sister Lily Aquaria : I wonder what he's doing out there... (0:07:30.02)
Asta : 994... 995, 996, (0:07:33.18)
Asta : 997, 998, 999... 1,000! (0:07:39.54)
Asta : And now for this moguro leaf juice,
which is supposed to be
Asta : good for increasing magical powers! (0:07:50.74)
Asta : I'm going to become the Wizard King. (0:08:02.98)
Asta : That's the one thing I'll never give up on! (0:08:05.36)
Asta : But before that, I need to build myself up! (0:08:08.96)
EXTRA : March... When firefly dandelion fluff
starts to dance through the air.
EXTRA : Once a year, all around the Clover Kingdom,
all of the 15-year-olds are gathered,
EXTRA : Grimoire Tower (0:08:26.17)
EXTRA : and an awarding ceremony
is held, where they receive
EXTRA : their own grimoires, which
enhance their magical powers.
Asta : Wow! (0:08:34.24)
Asta : A-Are all of these grimoires? (0:08:36.37)
Asta : Which one is mine? (0:08:39.01)
Asta : Once I get my grimoire, I'm sure
I'll be able to use magic, too.
Asta : I'll catch up to Yuno in no time! (0:08:46.63)
EXTRA : Hmph. I guess today's the day
I become a full-fledged mage.
EXTRA : Hey, look over there. (0:08:55.16)
EXTRA : Pathetic, isn't it? They shouldn't have
to give grimoires to dregs like that.
EXTRA : You said it. (0:09:02.60)
EXTRA : Don't tell me they're (0:09:04.76)
EXTRA : actually planning on taking the
Magic Knights' entrance exams, too.
EXTRA : Only nobles born with immense magical power
or ties to the royal family ever get in.
EXTRA : Besides, I heard that shrimp
can't even use magic!
EXTRA : Wow... Then we need to take good care of him. (0:09:19.86)
EXTRA : He's like a national treasure,
since he's probably
EXTRA : the only one in this whole
kingdom who can't use magic.
Tower Master : Welcome, young men and women. (0:09:31.71)
Tower Master : You all begin a new journey today. (0:09:34.49)
Tower Master : I wish you all faith, hope, and love. (0:09:38.59)
Tower Master : I am the master of this grimoire tower. (0:09:44.15)
Tower Master : We've never had a Wizard King from this area, (0:09:48.42)
Tower Master : nor anyone who's actually achieved
greatness in the Magic Knights.
Tower Master : I sincerely hope that one of you
will become the Wizard King someday.
Tower Master : No, really! Seriously! (0:10:02.70)
Tower Master : Ahem. (0:10:05.86)
Tower Master : Now it's time (0:10:07.35)
Tower Master : for the awarding... of the grimoires! (0:10:08.54)
EXTRA : This is my grimoire? (0:10:24.81)
EXTRA : Check it out! Mine's bigger! (0:10:27.14)
EXTRA : Mine's thicker, though. (0:10:29.65)
EXTRA : All right! Now I can leave
this town and go to the city.
EXTRA : I'm gonna take over the family business. (0:10:35.79)
EXTRA : This is my grimoire? (0:10:38.73)
EXTRA : Mine's like... (0:10:41.60)
EXTRA : I'll... think about my future more once
my grimoire has more pages filled in.
EXTRA : We'll be taking the Magic Knights'
entrance exams in six months.
EXTRA : We'll be sure to get in. (0:10:55.83)
Tower Master : Good, good. I look forward to it. (0:10:59.54)
Asta : Um... (0:11:03.69)
Asta : My grimoire's not coming. (0:11:09.50)
Asta : Um... (0:11:18.95)
Asta : My grimoire's not coming. (0:11:20.57)
Tower Master : Er... (0:11:27.08)
Tower Master : Try again next year. (0:11:29.59)
Asta : What?! (0:11:30.83)
EXTRA : What the heck?! (0:11:34.69)
EXTRA : That's actually amazing! (0:11:36.24)
EXTRA : That's way too funny! (0:11:37.84)
Nash : Seriously? (0:11:39.98)
Rekka : I can't believe it. (0:11:41.20)
EXTRA : If we competed to see who was most pathetic,
we'd be no match for that guy.
Tower Master : A four-leaf clover... (0:11:59.03)
EXTRA : A four-leaf? You mean the legendary... (0:12:03.51)
EXTRA : H-Hey... (0:12:06.64)
Father Orsi Orfai : The one that the first Wizard King received? (0:12:08.08)
Sister Lily Aquaria : The grimoire said to be filled
with immense power and good luck?
EXTRA : Him? (0:12:16.89)
EXTRA : That peasant? (0:12:18.15)
EXTRA : Wow! (0:12:19.93)
Yuno Grinberryall : I'm going to become the Wizard King. (0:12:26.03)
EXTRA : Awesome! (0:12:31.77)
Father Orsi Orfai : He's the shining star of Hage! (0:12:35.27)
Arlu : You're amazing, Yuno! (0:12:38.11)
Rekka : He's so cool. (0:12:40.98)
Asta : Yuno... (0:12:47.37)
Asta : Just you wait. (0:12:49.27)
Asta : I'll catch up to you in no time. (0:12:50.42)
Asta : Because I'm your rival! (0:12:52.20)
EXTRA : Did he just say "rival"? (0:12:59.27)
EXTRA : He didn't even get a grimoire.
What is he thinking?
Yuno Grinberryall : Not possible. (0:13:13.95)
Father Orsi Orfai : All right, kids! We're heading
home to prepare for the feast!
Father Orsi Orfai : You can each have three tatoes today! (0:13:24.87)
Arlu : Yay! (0:13:28.16)
Rekka : I sure would like to eat something
else once in a while.
Revchi Salik : What an amazing thing to find
in a crummy little town like this.
Asta : I thought that once I got my grimoire, (0:13:49.54)
Asta : I'd be able to use magic, but... (0:13:52.11)
Asta : I never thought I wouldn't even get one. (0:13:56.59)
Asta : But... like hell I'm gonna give up! (0:14:05.34)
Asta : Don't you dare underestimate me, fate! (0:14:12.31)
Asta : I'll show you! (0:14:14.63)
Asta : Even if it takes one, two,
ten, or a hundred years!
Asta : I'll keep working hard
until I get my grimoire!
Asta : I'll become the Wizard King, and prove
to everyone that anyone can be awesome,
Asta : even if they're poor or just some orphan! (0:14:27.33)
Asta : You jerk! (0:14:30.51)
Asta : Just you wait, Yuno! (0:14:32.81)
EXTRA : H-Hey, you don't have to go that far. (0:14:36.29)
EXTRA : We should've been the stars today. (0:14:39.14)
EXTRA : And yet... this peasant receives
a four-leaf clover?!
EXTRA : I'll just... (0:14:47.19)
EXTRA : Hey! (0:14:48.24)
EXTRA : I'll just have to turn it into ash! (0:14:50.55)
EXTRA : He held back my flames without
even using his grimoire?!
EXTRA : D-Do something! (0:15:13.10)
EXTRA : But... (0:15:15.39)
EXTRA : Do it! (0:15:15.86)
Revchi Salik : I can't let you go and burn that. (0:15:28.11)
Revchi Salik : Don't bother to resist. (0:15:33.03)
Revchi Salik : My Creation Magic: Binding Iron Chain (0:15:35.99)
Revchi Salik : restricts the magic and movements
of the one it captures.
Yuno Grinberryall : Who are you? (0:15:42.00)
Revchi Salik : Until recently, I was a pretty well-known
Magic Knight called Revchi of Chain Magic.
Revchi Salik : But I got kicked out, so now
I'm just a wretched thief.
Revchi Salik : And I'll be taking that grimoire. (0:15:58.06)
Yuno Grinberryall : Revchi, was it? It's pointless
for you to steal that.
Yuno Grinberryall : The only one— (0:16:10.57)
Revchi Salik : The only one who can use a
grimoire is the one it chose.
Revchi Salik : However, underground collectors
are buying grimoires
Revchi Salik : with four-leaf clovers for insane prices. (0:16:18.92)
Revchi Salik : A four-leaf clover may have chosen you, (0:16:22.00)
Revchi Salik : but you only just received it.
You're still just a little chick.
Revchi Salik : How unfortunate for you that
I happened to be here.
Revchi Salik : Your legend is going to end
before it even begins.
Revchi Salik : Hey, that pendant looks like
it's worth something, too.
Revchi Salik : I guess I'll be taking that... (0:16:39.82)
Asta : Hold it! (0:16:41.42)
Asta : What do you think you're doing?! (0:16:53.71)
Asta : I've come to save... (0:16:56.42)
Asta : Huh? (0:16:58.46)
Asta : Who the hell are you?! (0:17:01.81)
Asta : That's Yuno's grimoire! (0:17:03.87)
Asta : Why do you have it? You thief! (0:17:06.14)
Revchi Salik : Aren't you the pathetic little brat
who wasn't even given a grimoire?
Asta : Oh, you remember me! (0:17:14.42)
Asta : Yeah, I'm that pathetic little brat! (0:17:15.69)
Asta : A grimoire is precious to
the person who received it!
Asta : Give it back to Yuno, you jerk! (0:17:22.28)
Revchi Salik : The outside world is a place where crooked
deeds like this can be overlooked.
Revchi Salik : But you'll be dead before you
find that out for yourself.
Yuno Grinberryall : Asta, run! (0:17:37.29)
Asta : I'm not going to run away (0:17:42.35)
Asta : from a disgraced loser like him! (0:17:44.43)
Asta : I'm not done yet! (0:18:01.30)
Revchi Salik : No... You're finished. (0:18:04.49)
Revchi Salik : Dance of the Pitless Viper! (0:18:11.35)
Asta : Wh-What a heavy blow... (0:18:19.26)
Asta : So this is the power of the mages
from outside this town.
Asta : I can't possibly beat him
with just my physical training.
Revchi Salik : Thank you for that useless struggle, brat. (0:18:33.87)
Asta : Not yet. I'm not finished... (0:18:39.15)
Asta : I'm going to be... the Wizard King. (0:18:42.19)
Revchi Salik : You? The Wizard King? (0:18:44.40)
Revchi Salik : I have the ability to find out (0:18:47.06)
Revchi Salik : just how much magical power
one has with these chains.
Revchi Salik : And you have no magic whatsoever. (0:18:52.73)
Revchi Salik : You must've been born that way.
No wonder you couldn't get a grimoire.
Revchi Salik : To think that you lack
even an ounce of magic
Revchi Salik : in this world where magic is everything. (0:19:03.54)
Revchi Salik : What a priceless find! (0:19:05.79)
Asta : Huh? (0:19:09.73)
Asta : What the hell? (0:19:11.12)
Asta : Then no matter how hard I try,
I won't be able to use magic?
Revchi Salik : To think that someone so pathetic existed. (0:19:20.97)
Revchi Salik : You won't even be able to find a job,
let alone become the Wizard King!
Revchi Salik : I'm sure your friend, the great
genius over there, mocks you, too.
Asta : Yeah, maybe. (0:19:33.53)
Asta : Yuno's so amazing that he
was chosen by the four-leaf.
Asta : I'm just... (0:19:40.17)
Revchi Salik : You can't do a thing in this world.
Just give up on everything.
Revchi Salik : You were born a loser! (0:19:47.49)
Asta : He's right. (0:19:50.99)
Asta : No matter how hard I try,
some things just can't be helped.
Asta : I'm just going to give... (0:20:00.07)
Yuno Grinberryall : Hey! (0:20:02.26)
Yuno Grinberryall : Who are you calling a loser? (0:20:04.18)
Yuno Grinberryall : Asta, it's true that you won't be
able to become the Wizard King,
Yuno Grinberryall : no matter what. (0:20:10.68)
Revchi Salik : You hear that? Even your little friend
is telling you it's impossible.
Yuno Grinberryall : That's because I'm going
to become the Wizard King!
Revchi Salik : What? (0:20:22.69)
Yuno Grinberryall : He's no loser. (0:20:24.66)
Yuno Grinberryall : He's... (0:20:27.87)
Yuno Grinberryall : Asta's my rival! (0:20:30.90)
Revchi Salik : Huh? (0:20:34.91)
Revchi Salik : Him? Your rival? (0:20:35.97)
Revchi Salik : This brat who has no
magical power whatsoever?
Asta : Not... Not yet. (0:20:42.27)
Asta : Sorry you had to see me
looking that pathetic, Yuno.
Asta : Just a sec... (0:20:51.52)
Asta : I'm gonna kick this guy's butt! (0:20:54.49)
Asta : A gri... moire? (0:21:11.25)
Yuno Grinberryall : I knew it. (0:21:14.37)
Yuno Grinberryall : There's no way that Asta
wouldn't have been chosen!
Revchi Salik : Your magic? (0:21:28.14)
Revchi Salik : But you didn't have any magic within you! (0:21:33.22)
Revchi Salik : What in the world is that grimoire?! (0:21:36.10)
EXTRA : The three leaves of the clover
represent faith, hope, and love.
EXTRA : Within a fourth leaf dwells good luck. (0:21:51.14)
EXTRA : Within a fifth leaf... (0:21:57.89)
EXTRA : resides a demon. (0:22:01.70)
EXTRA : Asta and Yuno (0:22:17.54)
Asta : I'm not going to give up just
because I can't use magic!
Asta : It doesn't matter if you're a peasant or
an orphan! Anyone can shine in this world!
Asta : Black Clover, Page 2: "The Boys' Promise." (0:23:46.81)
Asta : Not giving up is my magic! (0:23:50.51)

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