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Kagami Hiiragi : Oh, yeah... (0:01:30.88)
Kagami Hiiragi : We switch to summer uniforms today. (0:01:32.07)
Kagami Hiiragi : Someone like Konata will probably show up in her winter uniform. (0:01:34.34)
Kagami Hiiragi : There's always at least one person in every class that forgets. (0:01:37.72)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Onee-chan, good morning. (0:01:41.22)
Kagami Hiiragi : There's one so close to me. (0:01:48.77)
Kagami Hiiragi : Oh no! (0:01:53.59)
Kagami Hiiragi : I forgot to apply for the TV giveaway. (0:01:55.11)
Kagami Hiiragi : Bah. (0:01:58.61)
Kagami Hiiragi : I kinda wanted the prize. (0:01:59.32)
Kagami Hiiragi : An apron from Apron of Love. (0:02:00.86)
Konata Izumi : You just didn't have enough love. (0:02:02.10)
Konata Izumi : You didn't have enough love, so you forgot. (0:02:04.91)
Kagami Hiiragi : Not really. (0:02:07.75)
Kagami Hiiragi : More like I've been busy with student council stuff and tests. (0:02:08.54)
Konata Izumi : Nope, nope. (0:02:12.50)
Konata Izumi : Those are just excuses. (0:02:13.21)
Konata Izumi : I've never forgotten. (0:02:15.26)
Kagami Hiiragi : Don't put me on the same level as
someone who only thinks about having fun!
Kagami Hiiragi : Or rather, the way you phrased it really pisses me off! (0:02:20.18)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : How do you win those giveaways? (0:02:22.89)
Konata Izumi : To put it simply... (0:02:25.56)
Konata Izumi : Love! (0:02:26.58)
Kagami Hiiragi : Yeah, yeah. (0:02:28.25)
Kagami Hiiragi : I'm just a woman with no love. (0:02:29.23)
Konata Izumi : Well... (0:02:31.56)
Konata Izumi : If you send in a normal postcard... (0:02:32.15)
Konata Izumi :'ll lose even if you had a chance of winning. (0:02:33.36)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Kona-chan, what do you put on yours? (0:02:35.90)
Konata Izumi : Stuff that'll help me win. (0:02:37.78)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : How? (0:02:39.55)
Konata Izumi : Neat handwriting is the most basic of fundamentals. (0:02:40.86)
Konata Izumi : You have to design a postcard that just begs to be drawn. (0:02:43.41)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Like what? (0:02:47.74)
Konata Izumi : Like... (0:02:48.59)
Konata Izumi : Use a highlighter to draw a border around the postcard. (0:02:50.26)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : That'll stand out. (0:02:54.42)
Konata Izumi : Furthermore, you add an illustration with a motif of the present you want. (0:02:56.34)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : An illustration, huh? (0:03:00.40)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I don't think i can draw very well though. (0:03:03.14)
Konata Izumi : In that case... (0:03:04.89)
Konata Izumi : ...just send in as many entries as you can. (0:03:06.76)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I can probably handle that. (0:03:10.83)
Konata Izumi : But... (0:03:12.06)
Konata Izumi : No matter how many you send... (0:03:13.02)
Konata Izumi : ...write each one out by hand without using a printer. (0:03:15.31)
Konata Izumi : And send out a hundred each time. (0:03:20.07)
Kagami Hiiragi : A hundred?! (0:03:21.82)
Konata Izumi : A hundred is like normal. (0:03:22.86)
Kagami Hiiragi : Wouldn't that cost a lot? (0:03:24.91)
Konata Izumi : You're fighting for something you want. (0:03:26.66)
Konata Izumi : That calls for both passion and investment! (0:03:29.08)
Kagami Hiiragi : But wouldn't sometimes it be cheaper to just buy it? (0:03:31.69)
Konata Izumi : There are things in this world that money can't buy. (0:03:34.42)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Can you fit a hundred postcards in a mailbox? (0:03:38.38)
Konata Izumi : You don't send them all at once... (0:03:40.51)
Konata Izumi : ...but a few here and a few there. (0:03:42.99)
Konata Izumi : And over the course of a few days. (0:03:45.80)
Konata Izumi : When you have a lot of cards at once... (0:03:48.54)
Konata Izumi : ...the chooser might shove all of them aside. (0:03:51.39)
Konata Izumi : Well, sometimes you're better off without the tricky stuff. (0:03:53.94)
Konata Izumi : And sometimes it's the exact opposite. (0:03:57.27)
Kagami Hiiragi : So what do we do? (0:03:58.96)
Konata Izumi : Like I said... (0:04:00.48)
Konata Izumi : Love! (0:04:01.36)
Kagami Hiiragi : Yeah, yeah. (0:04:01.90)
Konata Izumi : Anyway, if you want to win something... (0:04:02.94)
Konata Izumi : ...glance through free newspapers and flyers... (0:04:04.91)
Konata Izumi : ...and look for drawings that
probably aren't going to attract many people.
Konata Izumi : You'll have a high chance of winning. (0:04:12.12)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I'll give it a try! (0:04:14.92)
Kagami Hiiragi : Where's the love in that? (0:04:15.87)
Konata Izumi : Kagami and Tsukasa... (0:04:21.00)
Konata Izumi : ...even though you are twins, you don't look alike. (0:04:22.53)
Kagami Hiiragi : That's because we're fraternal twins. (0:04:25.97)
Kagami Hiiragi : So it's more like comparing ordinary sisters. (0:04:28.62)
Kagami Hiiragi : Identical twins look exactly the same... (0:04:31.72)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...but fraternal twins can be... (0:04:34.02)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...pretty different in appearance and personality. (0:04:35.27)
Konata Izumi : I see. (0:04:37.46)
Konata Izumi : It's true that Tsukasa is so laid back... (0:04:38.81)
Konata Izumi : ...but Kagami is vicious. (0:04:40.94)
Kagami Hiiragi : What was that?! (0:04:41.94)
Konata Izumi : If you had the same hairstyles with the same ribbons... (0:04:43.61)
Konata Izumi : might end up looking the same. (0:04:45.84)
Kagami Hiiragi : Kona-chan! (0:04:48.03)
Konata Izumi : No good. (0:04:49.95)
Konata Izumi : Kagami could never be the kawaii type. (0:04:50.45)
Kagami Hiiragi : Shut up! (0:04:51.87)
Kagami Hiiragi : Don't insult me with your weird fantasies! (0:04:52.74)
Konata Izumi : Do you have something like telepathy? (0:04:55.62)
Konata Izumi : You know. (0:04:58.08)
Konata Izumi : With twins... (0:04:58.60)
Konata Izumi : Even when they're raised separately... (0:04:59.75)
Konata Izumi : ...they end up having similar lifestyles and lovers. (0:05:01.63)
Konata Izumi : And sometimes they end up marrying another pair of twins. (0:05:06.53)
Konata Izumi : And when one of them is in danger... (0:05:08.89)
Konata Izumi : ...the other one can sense it from a completely different place. (0:05:11.01)
Konata Izumi : There are all kinds of mysterious phenomena. (0:05:15.06)
Konata Izumi : So can't you use telepathy? (0:05:17.39)
Konata Izumi : Give it a try. (0:05:19.48)
Konata Izumi : Like, beep-beep. (0:05:20.77)
Kagami Hiiragi : That's just you reading too much manga. (0:05:21.31)
Konata Izumi : Same with ManaKana... (0:05:23.30)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : ManaKana? (0:05:24.80)
Konata Izumi : I heard that they have a few differences. (0:05:26.09)
Konata Izumi : By the way, Mana is the careful one... (0:05:29.45)
Konata Izumi : ...and Kana is the optimistic one. (0:05:31.95)
Konata Izumi : And apparently they sound a little different when they sing. (0:05:33.66)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : That reminds me... (0:05:37.21)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : ManaKana thought they were fraternal twins for a long time... (0:05:38.21)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : ...but they recently learned that
they were actually identical twins.
Kagami Hiiragi : Seriously?! (0:05:46.17)
Konata Izumi : Is it really that surprising? (0:05:47.34)
Kagami Hiiragi : The definitions for identical and fraternal twins... (0:05:49.13)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...had been changed recently. (0:05:51.34)
Konata Izumi : Which means that you two could be identical twins. (0:05:53.12)
Konata Izumi : Your identical traits would be... (0:05:57.18)
Konata Izumi : You both like sweets, right? (0:06:00.52)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Love them. (0:06:03.19)
Kagami Hiiragi : I guess. (0:06:04.07)
Konata Izumi : You're both left-handed. (0:06:04.98)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : That's right. (0:06:07.32)
Konata Izumi : What's your favorite color? (0:06:08.40)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : White, I guess. (0:06:09.70)
Kagami Hiiragi : Black. (0:06:10.61)
Konata Izumi : The same colors as your souls. (0:06:11.32)
Kagami Hiiragi : What was that?! (0:06:13.16)
Konata Izumi : All this talk about eggs and sausage has made me hungry. (0:06:18.21)
Kagami Hiiragi : Nobody was talking about food. (0:06:22.08)
Konata Izumi : It's suffocating in here. (0:06:30.34)
Kagami Hiiragi : We end up sweating as soon as it gets a little crowded. (0:06:32.55)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : It's that time of year. (0:06:34.97)
Konata Izumi : Hot... (0:06:37.20)
Kagami Hiiragi : They haven't turned on the air conditioning yet. (0:06:38.93)
Kagami Hiiragi : H-Hey! (0:06:46.02)
Konata Izumi : Hot... (0:06:47.01)
Konata Izumi : Ladybug Samba, punk version. (0:06:49.99)
Konata Izumi : One of my relatives is getting married this month. (0:06:55.95)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Ah, a June bride! (0:07:01.04)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Sounds wonderful. (0:07:02.83)
Konata Izumi : How does this... (0:07:03.88)
Konata Izumi : ...wet and gloomy season supposedly signify happiness? (0:07:05.50)
Miyuki Takara : Why does getting married in June make you happy? (0:07:12.88)
Miyuki Takara : The name June... (0:07:17.31)
Miyuki Takara : generally said to be... (0:07:19.64)
Miyuki Takara : ...derived from the name of the Roman goddess, Juno. (0:07:21.35)
Miyuki Takara : In Greek mythology... (0:07:23.98)
Miyuki Takara : ...Juno is known as Hera... (0:07:24.86)
Miyuki Takara : ...the goddess of marriage and fertility. (0:07:27.30)
Miyuki Takara : Which is why those who get married
in Hera's month, the month of June...
Miyuki Takara : ...are said to receive her protection and blessing. (0:07:33.78)
Konata Izumi : But wasn't Hera Zeus's wife? (0:07:37.41)
Miyuki Takara : Yes, that's right. (0:07:40.02)
Konata Izumi : I have this image of Hera being extremely jealous... (0:07:41.79)
Konata Izumi : I'm not feeling this happy thing. (0:07:44.88)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : What? (0:07:48.13)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : For your wedding, would you rather wear a dress or a kimono? (0:07:49.00)
Miyuki Takara : I would like to wear a dress. (0:07:52.42)
Miyuki Takara : It's been my dream since I was little. (0:07:54.55)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I'd also go with a dress. (0:07:58.22)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : But a kimono would also be nice... (0:08:00.35)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I think I'd like to wear both! (0:08:04.23)
Miyuki Takara : They have miniskirts and really colorful dresses these days. (0:08:06.52)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : A miniskirt wedding dress? (0:08:10.94)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : It'd look really cute with lots of frills on them. (0:08:12.69)
Konata Izumi : Lots of dreams! (0:08:16.36)
Konata Izumi : Lots of frills! (0:08:17.57)
Konata Izumi : Right? (0:08:18.81)
Konata Izumi : Tsukasa is like Angel Salvia. (0:08:20.08)
Konata Izumi : Wait. (0:08:22.08)
Konata Izumi : Your hair makes you look more like Daisy. (0:08:22.66)
Konata Izumi : So a yellow top and miniskirt it is. (0:08:25.54)
Miyuki Takara : Tsukasa-san. (0:08:30.17)
Miyuki Takara : You'd probably look good in a miniskirt. (0:08:31.05)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Really? (0:08:32.67)
Konata Izumi : Your dress is important... (0:08:33.67)
Konata Izumi : ...but the person you're getting married to is also important. (0:08:34.84)
Konata Izumi : A childhood friend? (0:08:37.64)
Konata Izumi : Or a rich lady? (0:08:39.26)
Konata Izumi : It's hard to decide on which one. (0:08:40.93)
Konata Izumi : One has lots of money... (0:08:43.00)
Konata Izumi : ...and the ability to cast Beho*mi and l***zun. (0:08:45.02)
Konata Izumi : But, feelings wise... (0:08:48.86)
Kagami Hiiragi : Bianca, no doubt about it! (0:08:50.09)
Konata Izumi : Oh, Kagami. (0:08:51.76)
Konata Izumi : You're much more pure than I thought. (0:08:53.11)
Konata Izumi : I thought you'd go for the money. (0:08:54.61)
Kagami Hiiragi : No comeback, huh? (0:08:57.11)
Kagami Hiiragi : Yo, Konata. (0:09:01.20)
Kagami Hiiragi : I've got a question about a game I borrowed the other day. (0:09:03.62)
Konata Izumi : Oh. (0:09:06.67)
Konata Izumi : Hold it right there, Kagaminya. (0:09:07.29)
Konata Izumi : Isn't it more fun when you figure it out yourself? (0:09:09.02)
Kagami Hiiragi : You have a point. (0:09:13.42)
Konata Izumi : Yep, yep. (0:09:14.59)
Kagami Hiiragi : Since you understand that you should do things yourself... (0:09:15.32)
Kagami Hiiragi :'ll do your own homework from now on, right? (0:09:18.70)
Konata Izumi : Don't the detectives in manga and TV shows... (0:09:23.10)
Konata Izumi : into an awful lot of murders? (0:09:25.48)
Konata Izumi : Like in Conan or Kindaichi. (0:09:28.65)
Kagami Hiiragi : There wouldn't be a story otherwise. (0:09:30.56)
Konata Izumi : Really? (0:09:33.53)
Konata Izumi : Couldn't they just solve normal cases? (0:09:34.32)
Kagami Hiiragi : Normal? (0:09:36.44)
Konata Izumi : Like travel around Japan in search of a missing person . (0:09:37.30)
Konata Izumi : Tailing people has a highly game like aspect. (0:09:41.58)
Konata Izumi : With plenty of thrill and suspense. (0:09:44.41)
Kagami Hiiragi : I guess. (0:09:46.58)
Konata Izumi : You could also conduct investigations into unfaithful wives. (0:09:47.73)
Kagami Hiiragi : Or look for pets that ran away? (0:09:51.17)
Konata Izumi : Yep, yep! (0:09:53.00)
Kagami Hiiragi : But would that be fun to watch? (0:09:54.32)
Konata Izumi : Probably no fun at all. (0:09:57.63)
Kagami Hiiragi : Right? (0:09:59.68)
Konata Izumi : Also... (0:10:00.32)
Konata Izumi : Cases in real life... (0:10:01.51)
Konata Izumi : ...don't really use any brilliant tricks... (0:10:02.97)
Konata Izumi : the ones you find in manga and TV shows. (0:10:05.89)
Kagami Hiiragi : I guess not. (0:10:08.77)
Konata Izumi : Like faking a fingerprint, or fabricating something... (0:10:10.15)
Konata Izumi : ...or eliminating Luminol reaction. (0:10:12.80)
Konata Izumi : Stuff that's a step ahead of forensic labs. (0:10:14.57)
Kagami Hiiragi : Well... (0:10:17.07)
Kagami Hiiragi : Anything too good might lead to copycats. (0:10:17.97)
Kagami Hiiragi : Or be too sensitive for broadcast. (0:10:20.36)
Konata Izumi : Ah, or that... (0:10:22.37)
Konata Izumi : The really hard cases end without
anyone realizing they happened or go...
Konata Izumi : ...unsolved. (0:10:28.00)
Kagami Hiiragi : That's a risky line in all sorts ways! (0:10:28.66)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Don't you hate how it's been
constantly raining the past few days?
Konata Izumi : You're right... (0:10:34.96)
Konata Izumi : And I used to like rain... (0:10:38.55)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : You get soaked... (0:10:42.55)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : ...and you can't hang clothes out to dry... (0:10:44.05)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I've never really liked it. (0:10:45.89)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Why did you like rain, Kona-chan? (0:10:48.18)
Konata Izumi : Because baseball games would be
cancelled and I'd get to watch anime.
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I see. (0:10:55.15)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Sounds just like something you would say. (0:10:56.36)
Konata Izumi : They have a lot more dome stadiums now. (0:10:58.21)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Is something wrong? (0:11:05.80)
Konata Izumi : You often see idiots and geniuses
going to the same school in anime...
EXTRA : That's enough outta you! (0:11:13.52)
EXTRA : Shut up! (0:11:14.77)
EXTRA : Gourds at the top of the vine should stay out! (0:11:15.85)
Konata Izumi : When you think about it, isn't that actually kinda strange? (0:11:18.06)
Kagami Hiiragi : If you put it that way... (0:11:20.53)
Kagami Hiiragi : some recent anime... (0:11:21.82)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...the teacher looks the same age as the students. (0:11:23.07)
Kagami Hiiragi : Or even younger. (0:11:27.12)
EXTRA : Sensei. (0:11:28.83)
EXTRA : Yes, Ta*****na-san? (0:11:29.87)
Konata Izumi : The world's always been interested in watching... (0:11:31.49)
Konata Izumi : ...the gap between physical age and mental age. (0:11:35.17)
Kagami Hiiragi : Don't get it. (0:11:38.59)
Konata Izumi : You shouldn't question it. (0:11:39.54)
Konata Izumi : In fact, wouldn't a student who's
really different from everyone else...
Konata Izumi : the real mystery? (0:11:45.18)
Kagami Hiiragi : Yeah. (0:11:48.93)
Kagami Hiiragi : I really have to agree on that part. (0:11:49.76)
Kagami Hiiragi : I shouldn't be saying this... (0:11:52.47)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...but I don't know how Konata got into this school. (0:11:54.14)
Kagami Hiiragi : You're good at cramming the night before... (0:11:56.98)
Kagami Hiiragi : maybe you did the same for your entrance exam? (0:11:58.69)
Kagami Hiiragi : What? (0:12:05.86)
Kagami Hiiragi : Is that really the case? (0:12:06.22)
Konata Izumi : Nah. (0:12:07.84)
Konata Izumi : Well, I couldn't have pulled it off in one night. (0:12:08.32)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : That gave me a scare. (0:12:11.12)
Kagami Hiiragi : But I'm impressed that you actually kept studying. (0:12:12.49)
Kagami Hiiragi : Did a quiz game come out for DS or something? (0:12:15.18)
Konata Izumi : My otou-san set some conditions. (0:12:18.12)
Konata Izumi : A D-rank would mean a Pippin. (0:12:20.84)
Konata Izumi : A C-rank would mean a 3DO. (0:12:22.17)
Konata Izumi : A B-rank would mean a PS2. (0:12:23.78)
Kagami Hiiragi : Izumi's dad... (0:12:25.84)
Kagami Hiiragi : You really know how to deal with your daughter, huh? (0:12:26.84)
Konata Izumi : I've been wondering... (0:12:29.59)
Konata Izumi : Isn't the real mystery how Tsukasa's in the same school as us? (0:12:36.18)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : You said it without even blinking! (0:12:39.31)
Konata Izumi : Woo-hoo! (0:12:43.70)
EXTRA : Come back in ten years! (0:12:44.25)
Konata Izumi : I won again! (0:12:44.92)
Kagami Hiiragi : Damn it! (0:12:45.08)
Kagami Hiiragi : I can't beat her at fighting games. (0:12:45.97)
Kagami Hiiragi : She's spent way more time on them than I have. (0:12:47.70)
Konata Izumi : Challenge to me a different game if you want. (0:12:49.16)
Kagami Hiiragi : Sure about that? (0:12:53.24)
Kagami Hiiragi : Then next is... (0:12:54.54)
Kagami Hiiragi : A quiz game! (0:12:56.41)
Kagami Hiiragi : N-No way... (0:12:58.54)
Kagami Hiiragi : I lost to Konata in a game of knowledge? (0:12:59.62)
Kagami Hiiragi : Unbelievable... (0:13:02.42)
Kagami Hiiragi : Don't tell me... (0:13:04.25)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...she memorized the question order? (0:13:05.18)
Konata Izumi : Humiliated. (0:13:06.64)
Kagami Hiiragi : Her memory's incredible when it comes to gaming. (0:13:07.72)
Konata Izumi : What should we play next? (0:13:11.14)
Kagami Hiiragi : Don't be in such a hurry. (0:13:12.37)
Konata Izumi : Huh? That's weird. (0:13:14.43)
Konata Izumi : Didn't you have a really easy party game? (0:13:16.27)
Kagami Hiiragi : How do you know all the games I have? (0:13:19.52)
Konata Izumi : You could probably beat me at that one. (0:13:22.77)
Kagami Hiiragi : It just stunk! (0:13:26.57)
Konata Izumi : Kagami, you've barely eaten any snacks. (0:13:28.70)
Konata Izumi : Usually, you wolf them down. (0:13:31.70)
Kagami Hiiragi : There's no real reason for it. (0:13:33.70)
Konata Izumi : I know. (0:13:35.74)
Konata Izumi : Dieting for summer? (0:13:36.58)
Kagami Hiiragi : It's not like that. (0:13:38.75)
Konata Izumi : Not like you have anyone to show your swimsuit off to. (0:13:40.87)
Kagami Hiiragi : Shut it! (0:13:43.00)
Kagami Hiiragi : It's none of your business! (0:13:43.75)
Konata Izumi : Oh, yeah. (0:13:45.05)
Konata Izumi : Weren't you guys born on Tanabata? (0:13:45.71)
Konata Izumi : Isn't your birthday soon? (0:13:47.84)
Kagami Hiiragi : Yeah, so? (0:13:49.72)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Kona-chan, you remembered. (0:13:50.76)
Kagami Hiiragi : Seventeen, huh? (0:13:53.80)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Seventeen's right before the unlucky one. (0:13:55.31)
Konata Izumi : What does that mean? (0:13:57.47)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : In the year before a real unlucky year... (0:13:59.23)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : ...unlucky things begin to happen. (0:14:00.77)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : As my birthday approaches... (0:14:04.65)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : ...I'm getting worried... (0:14:06.82)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I bought a bunch of wards... (0:14:08.90)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : ...and power stones. (0:14:11.03)
Konata Izumi : That kinda sounds like fun. (0:14:13.41)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Sure is! (0:14:15.20)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I couldn't stop buying them. (0:14:16.41)
Kagami Hiiragi : And like... (0:14:18.16)
Kagami Hiiragi : We have wards against rage at our place. (0:14:19.00)
Kagami Hiiragi : Er, no. (0:14:20.66)
Kagami Hiiragi : All-purpose ward. (0:14:21.41)
Konata Izumi : Wards against rage, hah. (0:14:22.63)
Konata Izumi : Like... (0:14:25.04)
Konata Izumi : We ensure safe pregnancy and protect
you from traffic accidents at the same time!
Kagami Hiiragi : Yeah, yeah. (0:14:29.67)
Konata Izumi : Oh, yeah. (0:14:30.97)
Konata Izumi : Did you know that your birthday is Ponytail Day? (0:14:32.13)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I had no idea. (0:14:36.22)
Kagami Hiiragi : But why is it July 7th? (0:14:37.43)
Konata Izumi : It's said that Orihime from the Tanabata legend had a ponytail. (0:14:39.85)
Kagami Hiiragi : Sounds like a stretch. (0:14:43.69)
Konata Izumi : There's really a Japan Ponytail Society... (0:14:45.69)
Konata Izumi : ...and they give an award every year to a
celebrity who they think would look good with a ponytail.
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Really... (0:14:55.41)
Kagami Hiiragi : But I have a feeling that anyone would look good with a ponytail. (0:14:56.70)
Konata Izumi : I wonder about that. (0:15:00.37)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : My hair's the shortest... (0:15:07.84)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : it's barely a ponytail. (0:15:09.86)
Konata Izumi : But a small ponytail's pretty cute. (0:15:10.92)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Kona-chan, yours looks good too. (0:15:14.11)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : You could go with that on an everyday basis. (0:15:15.97)
Konata Izumi : Think so? (0:15:18.68)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Sure. (0:15:20.77)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Onee-chan also... (0:15:27.36)
Konata Izumi : Kagami's is... (0:15:28.73)
Kagami Hiiragi : Fine! (0:15:29.77)
Kagami Hiiragi : I get the idea! (0:15:30.94)
Kagami Hiiragi : I should just take it off. (0:15:31.69)
Konata Izumi : All manly like a samurai. (0:15:33.57)
Kagami Hiiragi : Sorry about that! (0:15:34.99)
Konata Izumi : Don't drunks often wear ties around their heads? (0:15:37.82)
Konata Izumi : Is that supposed to mean something? (0:15:41.58)
Kagami Hiiragi : Oh, that? (0:15:43.50)
Kagami Hiiragi : Isn't that just when the guy loosens the tie... (0:15:44.75)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...and tries to pull it off over his head... (0:15:46.33)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...but it gets stuck? (0:15:48.34)
Kagami Hiiragi : In that case... (0:15:51.96)
Kagami Hiiragi :'s a lot weirder that they're always carrying a takeout box. (0:15:53.22)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Takeout box? (0:15:56.76)
Konata Izumi : The thing Kato-chan from the Drifters carries. (0:15:58.05)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I'm not getting it... (0:16:01.10)
Konata Izumi : Drunks these days... (0:16:02.66)
Konata Izumi : ...pretty much always have a tie around
their head and a takeout box in their hand.
Kagami Hiiragi : Right? (0:16:09.48)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I hope Orihime and Hikoboshi can see each other this year. (0:16:10.57)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Twinkle. Twinkle. Twinkle. (0:16:14.65)
Konata Izumi : Hope those rage wards of yours can deliver a miracle. (0:16:16.45)
Kagami Hiiragi : Mind your own business. (0:16:19.24)
Konata Izumi : They're giving away all varieties of QUO cards at Comp Festival. (0:16:21.66)
Kagami Hiiragi : Oh, yeah... (0:16:25.12)
Kagami Hiiragi : You're always collecting QUO cards... (0:16:25.96)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...but do you ever use them? (0:16:28.08)
Konata Izumi : I don't. (0:16:30.19)
Kagami Hiiragi : Then why spend the effort? (0:16:31.80)
Konata Izumi : Isn't it natural to want any item... (0:16:33.59)
Konata Izumi : ...related to a series you like? (0:16:35.76)
Konata Izumi : As a fan. As a collector. (0:16:37.76)
Kagami Hiiragi : Not really... (0:16:39.68)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...if you're never gonna use them... (0:16:40.72)
Konata Izumi : You can't use them! (0:16:42.01)
Konata Izumi : You have to take good care of them! (0:16:43.68)
Konata Izumi : It really pisses me off when I see someone use one. (0:16:45.39)
Konata Izumi : You're not supposed to use these things! (0:16:49.52)
Konata Izumi : Much less auction them off or sell them. (0:16:51.96)
Konata Izumi : If you do, of course you fail as a fan... (0:16:55.76)
Konata Izumi : ...but you also fail as a collector! (0:16:57.40)
Kagami Hiiragi : You say it so passionately, but... (0:17:00.24)
Konata Izumi : In my case, I need at least three. (0:17:02.28)
Konata Izumi : One for preservation. (0:17:05.75)
Konata Izumi : I keep it in a special case. (0:17:07.75)
Konata Izumi : Then one to take out occasionally to look at. (0:17:10.13)
Kagami Hiiragi : What's the last one for? (0:17:13.30)
Konata Izumi : An extra. (0:17:14.21)
Kagami Hiiragi : What's that? (0:17:14.96)
Konata Izumi : Don't you always want two or three of something you like? (0:17:15.88)
Konata Izumi : Yeah, yeah. (0:17:23.89)
Konata Izumi : You don't. (0:17:24.56)
Konata Izumi : I'm just a otaku. (0:17:25.39)
Konata Izumi : I'm strange. (0:17:26.98)
Kagami Hiiragi : No. (0:17:27.77)
Kagami Hiiragi : I kind of understand what you're saying. (0:17:28.48)
Konata Izumi : You'd expect Tsukasa to be popular with guys... (0:17:32.52)
Konata Izumi : ...but I've never heard anything like that. (0:17:34.82)
Kagami Hiiragi : Tsukasa's a little plain and doesn't really stand out. (0:17:37.69)
Konata Izumi : Isn't it because she's got a scary looking onee-chan always guarding her? (0:17:41.45)
Kagami Hiiragi : Did you say something? (0:17:43.99)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I'm not sure if I'm really plain... (0:17:45.70)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : ...or if it's more that Kona-chan and Yuki-chan are really unique. (0:17:47.66)
Konata Izumi : Miyuki-san knows all kinds of things. (0:17:50.50)
Konata Izumi : And she's pretty. (0:17:53.59)
Konata Izumi : Has a good figure. (0:17:54.36)
Konata Izumi : Wears glasses. (0:17:55.50)
Konata Izumi : Hates the dentist. (0:17:56.71)
Konata Izumi : Clumsy. (0:17:57.76)
Konata Izumi : Naturally clueless. (0:17:58.26)
Kagami Hiiragi : Hey now. (0:17:58.64)
Kagami Hiiragi : Isn't this getting a little weird? (0:17:59.40)
Kagami Hiiragi : But it's true that I haven't heard anything about Miyuki. (0:18:01.55)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Maybe it's because she's so pretty... (0:18:04.60)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : ...that everyone's afraid to approach her? (0:18:06.06)
Kagami Hiiragi : I doubt that. (0:18:07.52)
Kagami Hiiragi : She's kind... (0:18:09.02)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...and really good at helping others. (0:18:09.85)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : That's true. (0:18:11.02)
Kagami Hiiragi : Maybe a lot of guys ask her out. (0:18:12.48)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : But she turns them down? (0:18:14.77)
Kagami Hiiragi : Turns them down, huh... (0:18:16.53)
Konata Izumi : Nah. (0:18:17.86)
Konata Izumi : Maybe she doesn't realize that they're asking her out. (0:18:18.44)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : That's possible. (0:18:21.03)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Yuki-chan can be a little clueless... (0:18:22.66)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : an indirect approach might not work. (0:18:24.66)
Kagami Hiiragi : Really, the boys in your class are hopeless. (0:18:27.01)
Kagami Hiiragi : Doesn't a single one of them have the guts... (0:18:30.75)
Kagami Hiiragi : confess his passionate feelings to Miyuki? (0:18:32.96)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Guess not... (0:18:35.79)
Konata Izumi : We don't have enough maniacs in our class. (0:18:37.09)
Konata Izumi : Miyuki-san's type is usually a bigger hit with maniacs. (0:18:40.63)
Kagami Hiiragi : Maniacs, huh? (0:18:45.51)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Right? (0:18:47.97)
Miyuki Takara : Oh. (0:18:48.89)
Miyuki Takara : It's already this late. (0:18:49.52)
Miyuki Takara : I'll need to excuse myself. (0:18:51.73)
Kagami Hiiragi : Really? (0:18:53.94)
Miyuki Takara : Please continue to enjoy yourselves. (0:18:55.15)
Miyuki Takara : Then I'll excuse myself. (0:18:59.32)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : See you later! (0:19:01.61)
Konata Izumi : Later! (0:19:02.82)
Konata Izumi : Anyway... (0:19:06.03)
Konata Izumi : Going on with the story... (0:19:07.08)
Konata Izumi : ...that person was actually... (0:19:08.85)
Miyuki Takara : O-Oh? (0:19:11.46)
Miyuki Takara : I-I'm terribly sorry! (0:19:13.16)
Konata Izumi : Yay! (0:19:14.42)
Miyuki Takara : I-I'm sorry. (0:19:16.13)
Konata Izumi : Man, oh, man... (0:19:17.59)
Kagami Hiiragi : Doesn't that always happen? (0:19:19.05)
Kagami Hiiragi : I did it the other day. (0:19:20.76)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : So did I. (0:19:23.01)
Kagami Hiiragi : Everybody does it at least once. (0:19:24.43)
Kagami Hiiragi : Konata you've done it too right? (0:19:26.93)
Konata Izumi : Nope. (0:19:28.14)
Konata Izumi : That was definitely an element of moe! (0:19:29.56)
Konata Izumi : Miyuki-san. (0:19:32.98)
Konata Izumi : Good job! (0:19:34.36)
Akira Kogami : Morning luckies! (0:19:40.82)
Akira Kogami : Okay! (0:19:42.32)
Akira Kogami : Today's another whoo-whoo happy episode of Lucky Channel! (0:19:43.03)
Akira Kogami : I'm your navigator, Kogami Akira. (0:19:46.70)
Akira Kogami : And... (0:19:48.78)
Minoru Shiraishi : Uh. (0:19:49.12)
Minoru Shiraishi : I'm Akira-sama's assistant, Shiraishi Minoru. (0:19:50.12)
Minoru Shiraishi : It's a pleasure. (0:19:52.87)
Akira Kogami : Okay, okay. (0:19:53.83)
Akira Kogami : The two of us have now done this show... (0:19:54.79)
Akira Kogami : Ta-da! (0:19:56.88)
Akira Kogami : Three times after today! (0:19:58.17)
Akira Kogami : How do you feel about it, Shiraishi-san? (0:19:59.79)
Akira Kogami : Have you gotten used to it? (0:20:01.38)
Minoru Shiraishi : Well... (0:20:02.55)
Minoru Shiraishi : Not yet... (0:20:03.22)
Minoru Shiraishi : So sorry. (0:20:04.47)
Akira Kogami : It feels like Shiraishi-san hasn't opened up to me yet. (0:20:06.22)
Akira Kogami : And it looks like we're sitting further apart than usual. (0:20:11.35)
Akira Kogami : Maybe this is the distance between our hearts... (0:20:14.06)
Akira Kogami : Sob. (0:20:16.44)
Minoru Shiraishi : Th-Th-That's not true! (0:20:17.56)
Minoru Shiraishi : Shuffle. (0:20:19.52)
Akira Kogami : Okay! (0:20:20.09)
Akira Kogami : I'd like to start with a twinkle again today! (0:20:20.90)
Akira Kogami : Um... (0:20:23.53)
Akira Kogami : We've got something the fans will love today! (0:20:24.24)
Akira Kogami : Can you believe it? (0:20:27.20)
Akira Kogami : We'll be doing our first
introduction for a member of the regular cast!
Minoru Shiraishi : Okay, uh... (0:20:32.58)
Minoru Shiraishi : We'll be introducing Takara Miyuki-san today. (0:20:33.45)
Akira Kogami : Let's see... (0:20:36.12)
Akira Kogami : The class representative, well-mannered, kn— (0:20:37.25)
Minoru Shiraishi : Knowledgeable. (0:20:41.59)
Akira Kogami : Knowledgeable... (0:20:42.63)
Akira Kogami : both literary and culinary arts. A perfect person. (0:20:43.71)
Akira Kogami : Shiraishi-san. (0:20:46.26)
Akira Kogami : You know Miyuki-san, right? (0:20:47.13)
Minoru Shiraishi : But of course! (0:20:49.34)
Minoru Shiraishi : She's so wonderful, yeah? (0:20:51.10)
Minoru Shiraishi : First, there's her glasses! (0:20:52.76)
Minoru Shiraishi : And then she's really pretty. (0:20:54.35)
Minoru Shiraishi : With those looks... (0:20:56.06)
Minoru Shiraishi :'d expect her to be hard to approach... (0:20:57.52)
Minoru Shiraishi : ...but she's actually a friendly person... (0:21:00.31)
Akira Kogami : I wish you'd talk that much on the radio show... (0:21:03.15)
Akira Kogami : You can't stop talking when it's about Miyuki-san. (0:21:07.40)
Minoru Shiraishi : No! (0:21:10.32)
Minoru Shiraishi : That's not it... (0:21:11.03)
Akira Kogami : Well, yeah. (0:21:12.30)
Akira Kogami : Takara Miyuki-san, is it? (0:21:13.37)
Akira Kogami : A pretty face. (0:21:15.25)
Akira Kogami : With large breasts. (0:21:16.62)
Akira Kogami : And other various elements of moe. (0:21:17.79)
Akira Kogami : Isn't she so lucky to be a pretty character? (0:21:19.69)
Minoru Shiraishi : Akira-sama, that's a little... (0:21:20.45)
Akira Kogami : The maniacs love her. (0:21:22.09)
Minoru Shiraishi : Uh, maniacs is a little... (0:21:23.68)
Akira Kogami : But you know... (0:21:23.96)
Akira Kogami : If it's maniacs you want, I'm a huge hit with those lolicons... (0:21:24.67)
Akira Kogami : Too bad! (0:21:27.76)
Akira Kogami : It's time to say goodbye! (0:21:29.43)
Akira Kogami : And so... (0:21:31.30)
Akira Kogami : In this segment we always seek questions and praise for me... (0:21:32.30)
Akira Kogami : well as your opinions of the show, so send them please☆! (0:21:36.00)
Minoru Shiraishi : Please look forward to next time. (0:21:39.64)
Akira Kogami : See ya! (0:21:41.44)
Akira Kogami : So what's she really like? (0:21:43.98)
Minoru Shiraishi : Just like how i described her. (0:21:46.07)
Akira Kogami : No way! (0:21:47.15)
Akira Kogami : Doesn't she like smoke a pack at a time backstage? (0:21:48.20)
Minoru Shiraishi : No worry of that. She isn't you. (0:21:51.36)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : That was fun! (0:21:57.33)
Miyuki Takara : A unique song. (0:21:58.73)
Kagami Hiiragi : I'd like to hear a song that normal people can enjoy already. (0:22:00.46)
Konata Izumi : You know the next one, Kagami. (0:22:04.17)
Konata Izumi : Guess it from the intro! (0:22:06.71)
Kagami Hiiragi : It's not another weird song, is it? (0:22:08.47)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : What was this song again? (0:22:14.60)
Kagami Hiiragi : Don't know... (0:22:15.81)
Konata Izumi : Kagami. (0:22:16.97)
Konata Izumi : The answer is... (0:22:17.64)
Kagami Hiiragi : It's from Full Metal! (0:22:19.56)
Konata Izumi : And it's Kagami's favorite... (0:22:22.15)
Konata Izumi : Fumoffu! (0:22:24.27)
Miyuki Takara : Really... (0:22:25.36)
Kagami Hiiragi : I-I just read the novels a bit... (0:22:26.48)
Kagami Hiiragi : ...and was only slightly hooked! (0:22:28.36)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : You're really good, Kona-chan! (0:22:33.53)
Miyuki Takara : You can also sound like an adult. (0:22:35.08)
Kagami Hiiragi : Isn't she just doing an imitation? (0:22:37.33)
Kagami Hiiragi : So? (0:22:43.17)
Kagami Hiiragi : So, Tsukasa and Miyuki, what are you going to sing? (0:22:43.79)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I wonder if there's anything I can sing... (0:22:46.46)
Miyuki Takara : I don't know very many songs... (0:22:48.30)
Kagami Hiiragi : Anything works. (0:22:50.42)
Kagami Hiiragi : Konata's like that... (0:22:51.90)
Kagami Hiiragi : we should sing what we want too. (0:22:53.09)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Um... (0:22:55.87)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Then I'll have a look. (0:22:56.58)
Miyuki Takara : I'm not very confident about my singing... (0:22:58.14)
Kagami Hiiragi : It's fine. (0:23:00.39)
Kagami Hiiragi : We're the only ones who'll hear you. (0:23:01.81)
Kagami Hiiragi : Just take it easy. (0:23:03.44)
Miyuki Takara : Is that so? (0:23:04.94)
Miyuki Takara : In that case... (0:23:06.48)
EXTRA : Well, next time on Lucky Star: (0:23:25.96)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I'm Tsukasa. (0:23:28.17)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Guess what? (0:23:29.02)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I laughed so hard the other day that I couldn't breathe. (0:23:29.63)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Then at school one morning... (0:23:33.59)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : I'm already out of time? (0:23:34.64)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Next time: (0:23:36.18)
Tsukasa Hiiragi : Motivation Issues. (0:23:36.80)
EXTRA : Look forward to next time! (0:23:37.85)

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