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☰ Menu >>> Profile Picture for Ginka Shirokane Edit
ID 63300
Name Ginka Shirokane
Other Names 白金ぎんか(しろかね ぎんか)
Role Hauptcharakter
Primary Assignment Day Break Illusion - Il Sole Penetra le Illusioni
Medientyp anime
Gesprochen von Yuiko Tatsumi, 巽悠衣子, たつみ ゆいこ
Tags magical girl, dress, boots, neckerchief, wings, gradient hair, hairband, arm bands, bag, halo
Birthday January 14
Sign Capricorn ♑
Blood Type B
Birthyear 2004
Age 13
Height 144.75cm

3 Character of the Day nominations


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Ginka Shirokane and ShinyShinigami are doing homework together


Ginka Shirokane is a character from the Anime Day Break Illusion - Il Sole Penetra le Illusioni.

They have been indexed as Weiblich Kind with Blau eyes and Blond / Gelb hair that is Hüfte oder länger length.

Trait Appears Official
Geschlecht Weiblich
Augenfarbe Blau
Haarfarbe Blond / Gelb
Haarlänge Hüfte oder länger
Scheinbares Alter Kind (Teen)
Tierohren Nein


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Just thought I'd mention, Apsu is a male god in Mesopotamian mythology and he's likely supposed to be a guy here too (as seen from his voice actor). He just happens to have a pair of boobs. - Beldarius


Everything he just said - Kirito

If I'll die in the game, - Kirito

I will die in real life! - Kirito

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