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Judge : This court finds the defendant,
Jolyne Cujoh…
Hermes Costello : You're an interesting one. (0:00:16.85)
Hermes Costello : So what did you do?
Why did you get thrown in?
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm innocent. (0:00:22.06)
Judge : …shall be confined to
Green Dolphin Street State Prison
Judge : for 15 years. (0:00:28.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : What is this? (0:00:30.86)
Gwess : Turns out you have an ability. (0:00:33.95)
Jolyne Cujoh : "Stone Ocean." (0:00:37.07)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll become free
from this ocean of stones.
Jolyne Cujoh : Stone Ocean. (0:02:14.75)
Jolyne Cujoh : When unraveled, this thread can reach far. (0:02:16.05)
Jolyne Cujoh : However, it becomes less powerful
and inflicts less damage.
Jolyne Cujoh : When it bundles, it hardens. (0:02:24.64)
Jolyne Cujoh : Its reach is reduced to about two meters. (0:02:27.18)
Jolyne Cujoh : Can I break through the bars
with Stone Ocean?
Jolyne Cujoh : No, it lacked the strength to do so. (0:02:35.11)
Jolyne Cujoh : The most it could do was this. (0:02:37.57)
Jolyne Cujoh : My mental energy is harnessed
using the stone inside the charm.
Jolyne Cujoh : I'd like to get out of here
using this power,
Jolyne Cujoh : but now's not the time yet. (0:02:51.54)
Jolyne Cujoh : First, I need to learn (0:02:53.67)
Jolyne Cujoh : all I can about this place. (0:02:55.88)
EXTRA : Hey, you. (0:02:57.76)
EXTRA : I'm talking to you! (0:02:59.92)
EXTRA : Sorry, but can you lend me some change? (0:03:01.68)
EXTRA : I've got some in my room,
but the call is about to disconnect.
EXTRA : I can pay you back as soon as I'm done.
A dollar is all I need.
EXTRA : I haven't spoken to my family in a while. (0:03:12.60)
Jolyne Cujoh : Sure. (0:03:16.40)
Jolyne Cujoh : Here. (0:03:18.11)
EXTRA : Thanks! You saved my skin!
I'll pay you back for sure!
Curly Haired Inmate : Move, bitch! Don't try to cut in line! (0:03:24.74)
Jolyne Cujoh : Hold on! (0:03:28.95)
Jolyne Cujoh : I was waiting for her
to finish for 30 minutes!
Jolyne Cujoh : I didn't see you waiting in line! (0:03:34.79)
Curly Haired Inmate : Dumbass, you must be new. (0:03:36.71)
Curly Haired Inmate : You've got to reserve
these phones in advance.
Jolyne Cujoh : No one told me that! (0:03:41.17)
Curly Haired Inmate : Well, now you know. (0:03:42.76)
Curly Haired Inmate : Also, the reservations
are made a month in advance.
Jolyne Cujoh : A month? (0:03:47.56)
Jolyne Cujoh : Why should I wait a whole month
for a few minutes of phone time?
Curly Haired Inmate : That's what's strange
about prison, isn't it?
EXTRA : Hey, I'll buy that spot
on the phone from you.
Curly Haired Inmate : And this is the cause of the phenomenon. (0:04:00.32)
EXTRA : Hey, Mom! (0:04:06.91)
Jolyne Cujoh : I want to call her.
I need to hear her voice.
Jolyne Cujoh : The voice of my mom… (0:04:12.21)
Gwess : Jolyne! (0:04:13.41)
Gwess : How do you fare? (0:04:15.25)
Jolyne Cujoh : Shut your trap! Keep away from me! (0:04:17.13)
Jolyne Cujoh : I already told you I'm through with you! (0:04:19.30)
Gwess : Don't push me away like that. (0:04:21.97)
Gwess : I'm giving you a warning. (0:04:25.18)
Gwess : You messed up big time just now. (0:04:26.76)
Jolyne Cujoh : What? (0:04:30.06)
Gwess : You just lent a dollar
to that blondie, right?
Gwess : Get her to pay you back right now. (0:04:34.39)
Gwess : No, your life here will be over
if you don't get it back now.
Jolyne Cujoh : What are you saying?
Of course, she'll pay me back.
Jolyne Cujoh : It was just a dollar. (0:04:43.24)
Gwess : Hey, you said "just a dollar"! (0:04:44.70)
Gwess : You're digging your own grave
with that mentality!
Jolyne Cujoh : What? (0:04:51.37)
Gwess : Listen closely, Jolyne. (0:04:52.29)
Gwess : At the Aquarium, (0:04:54.41)
Gwess : lending or borrowing money between inmates (0:04:56.08)
Gwess : is one thing
you should avoid at all costs.
Gwess : Even if it's just a dollar. (0:05:01.96)
Gwess : Let's say that you fail
to get the dollar back.
Gwess : You know what will happen? (0:05:08.47)
Gwess : You'll become a bottom feeder like her. (0:05:11.18)
Gwess : "Jolyne the newbie
couldn't even extort back her dollar."
Gwess : The rumor will spread like wildfire (0:05:21.44)
Gwess : and you'll be the target in no time. (0:05:24.40)
Gwess : Just like her. (0:05:26.36)
Gwess : One after another, every single day. (0:05:27.41)
Gwess : Once you're out of money, you'll be forced
to give your body and even your mind.
Gwess : Isn't that what hell on earth is like? (0:05:34.37)
Jolyne Cujoh : Hey, now. You're exaggerating. (0:05:37.75)
Gwess : Am I, now? It was
"just a dollar" for her at first.
Gwess : See that blonde from earlier? (0:05:44.01)
Gwess : She went to her room, (0:05:46.72)
Gwess : but she's not planning on
coming down for you.
Gwess : I'm telling you for your own sake. (0:05:50.47)
Jolyne Cujoh : Got a minute? (0:06:06.57)
EXTRA : Oh, hello there. (0:06:07.86)
EXTRA : Apparently, this one's a classic. (0:06:09.95)
EXTRA : Have you read it? (0:06:11.99)
Jolyne Cujoh : No. (0:06:13.62)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm here for the money. (0:06:15.08)
Jolyne Cujoh : Are you ready to pay me back? (0:06:17.00)
EXTRA : Oh, of course. (0:06:20.54)
EXTRA : A dollar, right? I haven't forgotten. (0:06:22.71)
EXTRA : It's all in my head, don't worry about it. (0:06:24.84)
EXTRA : I'll pay you back later. (0:06:28.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : You said you have the money in your room. (0:06:30.05)
Jolyne Cujoh : You went back, right?
Do you have it now?
EXTRA : Shut up, you bitch! (0:06:34.97)
EXTRA : I said I'll give it back later.
I don't have it now, you hear me?
EXTRA : You a tightwad or what? (0:06:41.56)
EXTRA : Anyway, can you lend me ten more? (0:06:47.11)
EXTRA : I can call up friends on the outside
and ask for more money!
EXTRA : Please? You've got to have some on you.
Come on, don't be shy!
EXTRA : What's this… (0:07:22.40)
EXTRA : What the heck is this? (0:07:29.15)
EXTRA : I can't hold it in! (0:07:30.61)
EXTRA : Hey, you in there! (0:07:34.16)
EXTRA : Can you hurry it up? (0:07:36.91)
EXTRA : I know you're in there! (0:07:39.50)
EXTRA : I'll give you the dollar! (0:07:41.71)
Jolyne Cujoh : -Please!
-You'll pay me later, right?
EXTRA : -Please!
-You'll pay me later, right?
Jolyne Cujoh : Don't worry about it. Take your time. (0:07:48.30)
EXTRA : I'll buy the time from you!
I'll pay five… No, ten dollars!
Jolyne Cujoh : Sold! (0:07:56.26)
Jolyne Cujoh : Sorry. That'll be ten dollars. (0:07:58.01)
Jolyne Cujoh : Hey, you. (0:08:13.36)
Jolyne Cujoh : Go use the bathroom next. (0:08:14.95)
Jolyne Cujoh : Someone else will have
the urge to use it soon.
Jolyne Cujoh : It's up to you whether you can get
your money back, though.
Jolyne Cujoh : You're the only one who can save yourself. (0:08:24.17)
EXTRA : What the… What's going on? (0:08:30.59)
Jolyne Cujoh : That's right, I'll be leaving soon. (0:08:33.26)
Jolyne Cujoh : Somehow, I'll get out. (0:08:36.26)
Jolyne Cujoh : Inmate number FE40536. (0:08:40.77)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm returning to my cell. (0:08:43.98)
Jolyne Cujoh : Please unlock this door. (0:08:45.56)
Emporio Alniño : Tomorrow at noon, (0:09:06.21)
Emporio Alniño : you will have a visitor. (0:09:08.29)
Emporio Alniño : But you must not meet him. (0:09:10.67)
Emporio Alniño : You must not go to the visitation room. (0:09:12.67)
Emporio Alniño : If you do, (0:09:15.93)
Emporio Alniño : you and others will be in grave danger. (0:09:17.47)
Emporio Alniño : A fate more terrible than death
will happen.
Jolyne Cujoh : Who was that just now? (0:09:32.32)
Jolyne Cujoh : How did a child sneak in here? (0:09:34.61)
EXTRA : Hey you! (0:09:36.45)
EXTRA : Didn't you hear my order to standby? (0:09:38.16)
EXTRA : Do not touch the bars! (0:09:40.78)
EXTRA : Stand back! (0:09:42.79)
Jolyne Cujoh : Open the door. (0:09:43.87)
Jolyne Cujoh : Right now! (0:09:44.87)
EXTRA : I said do not grab the bars! (0:09:46.46)
EXTRA : A visitor is coming tomorrow at noon. (0:10:36.84)
EXTRA : Not to see you, though, (0:10:39.84)
EXTRA : but someone in the next building,
you know what I mean?
EXTRA : That's the intel. (0:10:44.18)
EXTRA : Oh, by the way, (0:10:50.77)
EXTRA : you got it on backwards. (0:10:52.98)
EXTRA : Your pants, I mean. (0:10:54.65)
EXTRA : You're overreacting. (0:11:10.16)
EXTRA : Sorry about yesterday, FE40536. (0:11:11.46)
EXTRA : But it's your fault
for grabbing onto the bars like that.
EXTRA : Rules are rules. (0:11:18.76)
Jolyne Cujoh : I had already let go. (0:11:20.42)
Jolyne Cujoh : But you still hit me twice. (0:11:22.26)
EXTRA : What? Did you mutter something?
Couldn't hear you.
Jolyne Cujoh : Never mind. How can I help you? (0:11:28.22)
EXTRA : Someone's here to see you. (0:11:31.14)
EXTRA : Stand up. I'll handcuff you. (0:11:35.02)
Jolyne Cujoh : A visitor? Who is it, my mom? (0:11:37.44)
EXTRA : How the hell should I know?
Give me your hands.
EXTRA : Stand on the mark right there. (0:11:52.16)
EXTRA : I'll explain the rules. (0:11:55.33)
EXTRA : You have 30 minutes.
You are allowed to hold hands,
EXTRA : but kissing or undressing are not allowed. (0:12:00.80)
EXTRA : You will receive anything
they bring after the visitation.
EXTRA : Foreign languages are forbidden. (0:12:06.26)
EXTRA : Depending on the visit,
the guard may choose to end it.
EXTRA : Wait there until you're authorized. (0:12:11.73)
Emporio Alniño : You mustn't go any further. (0:12:24.53)
Emporio Alniño : Turn around. Go back to your room! (0:12:29.37)
Emporio Alniño : It's not too late! (0:12:32.29)
Jolyne Cujoh : Who are you? (0:12:33.71)
Jolyne Cujoh : How did a child like you get in here? (0:12:36.75)
Emporio Alniño : I don't quite understand either, (0:12:43.05)
Emporio Alniño : but there are some things
more fearsome than death.
Emporio Alniño : And it's happening at this very prison. (0:12:50.26)
Emporio Alniño : So please turn back. Go back to your cell! (0:12:53.35)
Jolyne Cujoh : No. My mom must be here to see me. (0:12:56.56)
Jolyne Cujoh : I want to see her. (0:12:59.32)
Jolyne Cujoh : She must be missing me too. (0:13:01.19)
Jolyne Cujoh : I need to let her know
that I'm doing well!
Emporio Alniño : Then take this. (0:13:08.20)
Emporio Alniño : It should protect you. (0:13:10.49)
EXTRA : FE40536, all right. (0:13:13.87)
EXTRA : Enter! (0:13:16.42)
Jolyne Cujoh : These are bones! (0:13:19.46)
EXTRA : Stop dawdling. Get in. (0:13:24.59)
Jotaro Kujo : Jolyne, did you receive the charm
I asked your mom to give you?
Jolyne Cujoh : Dad… (0:13:56.37)
EXTRA : Car and wallet theft. Assault. (0:14:07.72)
Jolyne's Mother : This must be some mistake!
My Jolyne would never…
EXTRA : Since she's only 14,
she won't be charged this time.
Jolyne's Mother : You're headed to Tokyo? (0:14:18.02)
Jolyne's Mother : This is your daughter we're talking about! (0:14:19.40)
Jolyne's Mother : Why not go tomorrow instead?
And you call yourself her father?
Jolyne's Mother : Hello? Are you there? (0:14:26.49)
Jotaro Kujo : Jolyne, are you listening? (0:14:43.42)
Jotaro Kujo : Where's the pendant? (0:14:45.84)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'd rather receive disciplinary action. (0:14:49.88)
Jolyne Cujoh : Had I known it was you,
I wouldn't have come here.
Jolyne Cujoh : Hey, open the door! (0:14:55.56)
Jolyne Cujoh : Shit, I hit him too hard. (0:14:58.23)
Jolyne Cujoh : Get up! (0:15:01.10)
Jotaro Kujo : Good grief. (0:15:02.94)
Jotaro Kujo : Jolyne, listen up. (0:15:05.07)
Jotaro Kujo : It was not your boyfriend Romeo (0:15:06.48)
Jotaro Kujo : who conspired to frame you for murder
and had you sent to this prison.
Jotaro Kujo : Johngalli A. (0:15:13.82)
Jotaro Kujo : This man is incarcerated
in the men's prison here.
Jotaro Kujo : He's ex-military. (0:15:18.79)
Jotaro Kujo : A veteran sniper who could hit his mark
under any difficult circumstance.
Jotaro Kujo : According to the report, (0:15:24.08)
Jotaro Kujo : his vision has deteriorated
due to cataracts.
Jotaro Kujo : This man was behind it all. (0:15:29.34)
Jotaro Kujo : Even that manslaughter accident. (0:15:31.59)
Jotaro Kujo : A henchman of Johngalli A.
kidnapped an innocent hitchhiker
Jotaro Kujo : and threw him in front of the car. (0:15:37.72)
Jotaro Kujo : He also hired a greedy lawyer (0:15:41.44)
Jotaro Kujo : to set up the trust-fund baby. (0:15:43.90)
Jotaro Kujo : Johngalli A. was pulling the strings
from this prison.
Romeo Jisso : Help me, Jolyne! (0:15:49.86)
Lawyer : Do you know what a "plea deal" is? (0:15:51.57)
Romeo Jisso : I love you! (0:15:53.82)
Judge : This court finds the defendant, (0:15:55.24)
Judge : -Jolyne Cujoh…
-Fifteen years…
Jolyne Cujoh : -Jolyne Cujoh…
-Fifteen years…
Jolyne Cujoh : Damn you! You hit me twice yesterday! (0:16:01.41)
Jolyne Cujoh : Dammit! (0:16:05.17)
Jolyne Cujoh : What's the point? (0:16:08.67)
Jolyne Cujoh : Why would he plot my imprisonment? (0:16:10.38)
Jolyne Cujoh : -Sit.
-Answer me!
Jotaro Kujo : -Sit.
-Answer me!
Jotaro Kujo : I said sit. (0:16:18.35)
Jotaro Kujo : Listen. Johngalli A.'s target
was you all along.
Jotaro Kujo : It's so that he can eliminate you
any time he wishes
Jotaro Kujo : within these prison walls. (0:16:30.73)
Jolyne Cujoh : Why is he after me? (0:16:32.15)
Jotaro Kujo : Because you are my daughter. (0:16:33.49)
Jotaro Kujo : You are of the Joestar bloodline. (0:16:36.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : Joestar? (0:16:39.95)
Jotaro Kujo : The Joestar bloodline
can be traced back hundreds of decades.
Jotaro Kujo : And Johngalli A. plots to
take revenge on our family.
Jotaro Kujo : We are endowed with
the wonderful gift to move others.
Jotaro Kujo : But at times,
powerful emotions leave dregs.
Jotaro Kujo : Dregs called grudges, that is. (0:16:55.55)
Jotaro Kujo : In the past, (0:16:58.72)
Jotaro Kujo : I defeated a mortal enemy
of the Joestar clan.
Jotaro Kujo : Johngalli A. is a pawn of this enemy. (0:17:04.02)
Jotaro Kujo : We've never met,
but I have no doubt about it.
Jotaro Kujo : Though it's been over 20 years, (0:17:08.94)
Jotaro Kujo : Johngalli A. uses his fanaticism
for this man to exact his revenge.
Jolyne Cujoh : I don't understand. I thought
you were just a marine biologist.
Jolyne Cujoh : What's this about enemies and grudges? (0:17:19.32)
Jotaro Kujo : Just know that you are being targeted. (0:17:21.49)
Jotaro Kujo : I'll get you out immediately. (0:17:25.00)
Jotaro Kujo : We will bypass the law. (0:17:26.62)
Jotaro Kujo : Have you acquired your Stand yet? (0:17:28.04)
Jolyne Cujoh : "Stand"? (0:17:30.21)
Jotaro Kujo : As my daughter, you are predisposed
to the ability to use this power.
Jotaro Kujo : Did you see any changes
from the pendant I gave you?
Jotaro Kujo : It seems you have. (0:17:40.18)
Jotaro Kujo : That's the Stand ability. (0:17:41.93)
Jolyne Cujoh : Stand… Then you too? (0:17:43.89)
Jotaro Kujo : Use your power to get out. (0:17:46.48)
Jotaro Kujo : Okay? (0:17:47.90)
Jolyne Cujoh : Quit your yapping. (0:17:52.32)
Jolyne Cujoh : Don't try to act like a father now. (0:17:54.03)
Jolyne Cujoh : So you're finally here to save me. (0:17:58.74)
Jolyne Cujoh : What, because you love me? (0:18:01.20)
Jolyne Cujoh : I've already forgotten about you. (0:18:02.99)
Jolyne Cujoh : But fine, whatever. (0:18:06.21)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll keep that shocking story
and the Stand ability in mind.
Jolyne Cujoh : You can go now. (0:18:13.42)
Jolyne Cujoh : Don't ever visit me again. (0:18:14.88)
Jolyne Cujoh : My handcuffs! (0:18:19.51)
Jolyne Cujoh : When did I get out of them? (0:18:21.22)
Jotaro Kujo : Since when… (0:18:29.60)
Jotaro Kujo : The brand is different. (0:18:31.73)
Jotaro Kujo : The guard didn't even approach the table. (0:18:33.15)
Jotaro Kujo : Jolyne, get away from that door! (0:18:38.15)
Jotaro Kujo : Star Platinum: The World! (0:18:41.37)
Jotaro Kujo : Time, stop! (0:18:45.04)
Jolyne Cujoh : What happened just now? (0:19:07.02)
Jotaro Kujo : Stay still! The fight has already begun. (0:19:08.93)
Jotaro Kujo : What's the layout to the right?
Any windows in that direction?
Jolyne Cujoh : Two or three. But they're all barred. (0:19:19.70)
Jotaro Kujo : This is a real bullet. (0:19:23.57)
Jotaro Kujo : This bullet, called a Sniper Premium,
is specific to rifles.
Jotaro Kujo : The shot was undoubtedly
taken by Johngalli A.
Jolyne Cujoh : Hold on, I thought he was an inmate. (0:19:31.50)
Jolyne Cujoh : Inmates are prohibited
from even having pens.
Jotaro Kujo : Is that so?
But guns can be disassembled, you see.
Jotaro Kujo : Precise parts may be snuck in
through various objects.
Jotaro Kujo : Guards can be bribed by his henchmen (0:19:43.80)
Jotaro Kujo : and the objects won't get searched. (0:19:46.64)
Jotaro Kujo : Little by little, slowly but surely. (0:19:49.31)
Jolyne Cujoh : But we're in the women's prison!
He can't possibly shoot me from the men's!
Jolyne Cujoh : We're inside a building.
There are obstructions!
Jotaro Kujo : A rifle and an ability make that possible. (0:19:59.32)
Jotaro Kujo : In other words, Johngalli A. is,
without a doubt, a Stand user.
Jotaro Kujo : Look. (0:20:06.33)
Jolyne Cujoh : What's that? (0:20:16.88)
Jotaro Kujo : Keep your distance. (0:20:20.67)
Jotaro Kujo : Certainly, that's not just some rubbish. (0:20:22.72)
Jolyne Cujoh : But it's moving away. (0:20:25.22)
Jolyne Cujoh : It seems really light. (0:20:27.22)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's just floating in the air. (0:20:28.89)
Jotaro Kujo : Don't engage it. (0:20:30.85)
Jotaro Kujo : First, we must know what it can do. (0:20:32.18)
Jolyne Cujoh : It dodged! (0:20:38.86)
Jotaro Kujo : I said don't engage it. (0:20:39.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : Can it see my thread? (0:20:41.28)
Jotaro Kujo : Don't be so loud. (0:20:43.20)
Jotaro Kujo : It's reacting to something. (0:20:44.82)
Jotaro Kujo : However, not to the thread. (0:20:47.07)
Jotaro Kujo : Its movement seems unrelated
to the thread.
Jolyne Cujoh : Oh, could it be reacting to that? (0:20:52.41)
Jolyne Cujoh : What was it called?
The change in the air from the thread.
Jolyne Cujoh : Like, the movement of the air? (0:20:58.63)
Jotaro Kujo : Aerodynamics. (0:21:00.71)
Jotaro Kujo : It detected our positions
using aerodynamics.
Jolyne Cujoh : All right, so he knows our location. (0:21:05.68)
Jolyne Cujoh : But how can he shoot us
from the men's dormitory?
Jotaro Kujo : That's the real problem. (0:21:10.76)
Jotaro Kujo : Jolyne, you were saved
by a fortuitous accident.
Jotaro Kujo : Do not make a move
until we understand the contraption.
Jolyne Cujoh : Don't order me around! (0:21:20.57)
Jolyne Cujoh : -I know that!
-You… FE40536!
EXTRA : -I know that!
-You… FE40536!
EXTRA : You're done for, I'll have you know! (0:21:28.28)
Jolyne Cujoh : Got it? Jolyne Cujoh! (0:21:32.12)
Jolyne Cujoh : -What?
-It's headed towards us!
Jotaro Kujo : -What?
-It's headed towards us!
EXTRA : I'll make sure you get disciplined! (0:21:39.63)
Jotaro Kujo : Don't move! (0:21:42.71)
EXTRA : After I beat you to death, that is! (0:21:44.01)
Jolyne Cujoh : Calm down! (0:21:47.72)
Jotaro Kujo : Jolyne, don't leave the wall! (0:21:48.76)
Jolyne Cujoh : I know! And don't order me! (0:21:50.76)
Jolyne Cujoh : Let's knock him out
before we get into more trouble!
EXTRA : Damn you, who do you think
you're talking to?
EXTRA : You bastard! (0:21:59.77)
Jotaro Kujo : Jolyne! (0:22:01.40)

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