Anime Characters Database


Q & A

account Where can I change my lounge avatar?

- savatar.php

account Where can I update my email?

- forum_usersettings.php

account Where can I change my forum avatar?

- forum_usersettings.php

watching Where can I see what people are watching?

- watching.php?showall

watching Where can I find a list of the most watched anime?

- watch.php?pop

watching Where can I see what's being watched this week?

- watch.php?week

popular Where can I find popular characters?

- love.php
- mostfavcharacters.php
- charpop.php

popular Where can I find popular series?

- seriespop.php

popular Where can I find hair color popularity stats ?

- haircolorfavstats.php

dates Where can I find a list of all anime released in a particular year?

- yearanime.php

dates Where can I find a release date calendar for anime and games?

- dates.php

reviews Where can I find anime/game reviews?

- reviews.php?index

tags Where can I find tags?

- tagcloud.php
- taglist.php
- taglist2.php

jewels What are jewels for?

- books.php?id=38

jewels Where can I check what percentage of the monies everyone has?

- richmembers.php

members Where can I find a list of the longest active members?

- epicrank.php

members Where can I find my Character Uploading XP?

- charxp.php

What are people watching this week?

- watch.php?week