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Posted 10 year(s) ago Pale Rider # 14136


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[Character sheets must have:

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[Rules: Please do not swear.
No god-moding or controlling other people's characters. 
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No one-line posts please.]

[Alias: Kato
Real name: ???
Appearance: Kato is maddeningly handsome with green eyes, long sable hair, and flawless skin. He wears dark colored robes and is inseperable from his combat scythe, named Dracolamina, which looks as if a dragon is coiled around it and has rubies in the eyes of the dragon and the hilt of the sword.
Skills: He is exeptionally seasoned in combat. He can also slow or stop time, disappear and reappear at different locations, and (due to his race) kill somebody. Dead. With a thought. (However I have sworn to limit my amout of god-moding so I will only be killing npc's)
Weaknesses: Kato once had his immortality taken away from him, and because of this he is more vuknerable than the other reapers, despite the fact that his immortality has been returned. Also, he cannot break his word if he is tricked into making a promise.
Age: Unknown (Was here since the world was created)
Occupation: Pale Rider (King Grim Reaper)
Race: Grim Reaper
Bio: Kato, being a Grim Reaper, is charged with the task of protecting the natural order and making sure the dead die when they are supposed to and, most of all, stay dead. He has a brother, Ren, but they don't talk much anymore because of complications with work. 

A couple of decades ago, he rescued the town of Fleur, but it changed him forever. His immortality was temporarily comprimised, he was betrayed by a close friend and the only mortal he had gotten close to, and he became colder in nature.
Personality: Kato is cold and bitter, but he is strangely pure and noble. He has a tendency towards sadistic or morbid humor.]

[Setting: Pale Rider takes place on a star called Exerion.

Exerion is a planet much unlike our own. The main residents are the Sephiron race, the High and Greater Faeries, and the Grim Reapers. The Grim Reapers, charged with the task of protecting the natural order, have taken the kingdom of Gren, a place inbetween Life and Death, as their home. The faeries have taken the underground and named it Fahren. The Sephiron, split between good and evil, have chosen the surface of Exerion as their home. Housing these races, one half in eternal light and the other in darkness, Exerion spins on.

In Pale Rider, an evil and powerful spirit named Alice threatens the natural order and the existance of Exerion.]

Kato swore. "Fudge, fudge, FUDGE! I HATE THESE SONS OF BATCHES OF COOKIES!" He yelled, running away from the hellhounds that were currently on his tail. All in all, they were cornering him. He could take them with Dracolamina, but he was busy. A vengeful spirit had escaped, and it was dangerous: Alpha class, in fact.

Unfortunately, saving the living would have to wait. Kato slowed time and sliced through the ugly hellhounds, reducing them to little more to ash one by one. Quickly, before the next wave swamped him, he checked his watch and hissed."Curses!"
Set by me!
Top PM Juder
Posted 10 year(s) ago Re: # 14137


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Joined on 08-06-13
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[You can however use any race name you want, there are far more races and chars but those are the main three. There are dragons etc., just no humans (although they're all humanoid races.). The Sephirons have replaced humanity.]
Set by me!
Top PM Juder
Posted 9 year(s) ago Re: # 14353

Some random Pokémon otaku

Aniahmator Avatar
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Joined on 07-27-12
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[I'm doing two characters, only because these characters are together.]

Name: Maizono
Age: 5,247 (Looks 16)
Gender: Female
Race: Celestrian (Guardian Angel)
Hair Color: Royal Blue
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Personality: Quiet, shy, rarely talks, often depressed (which stresses Leon out), sweet and kind
Appearance: Young, very beautiful, very short (4'10"), wears a school girls' uniform, wears a silver bracelet with a diamond heart charm on it
Skills/Abilities: She can fight with a katana and is good with a bow and arrow. She is quite strong for someone that is very small in size. She also has the ability to sense people's auras and has super-sonic hearing. She is quite intelligent about her surroundings.
Weaknesses: Her only known weakness is for the boy she is protecting (Leon). If Leon was in grave danger or has mentally upset her in any way, she would not work well in a situation.
Bio: She was once guarding a boy named Blaine and she fell in love with him, until she failed to protect him. When she began guarding Leon, she was cursed by a demon to have a difficult time working in a situation.
Occupation: Guardian Angel Of Leon Spikestein
Name: Leon Spikestein
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Sephiron (Looks human)
Hair Color: Red Orange
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Personality: Quite talkative, sometimes hot-headed, very kind and gentle
Appearance: Young, very handsome, wears a black biker jacket with black pants and white platformers, wears a gold ring on his right ring finger, very tall (6'1")
Skills/Abilities: He fights exceptionally well with a baseball bat and a machete. He is very strong and has the ability to see celestial beings (like Maizono).
Weaknesses: His only weakness is if Maizono is hurt or upset. It distracts him from combat and often leaves him wounded.
Bio: His parents were killed by hunters and was saved by Maizono. He has been by Maizono's side ever since.
Occupation: College Student

Leon was walking through Exerion and looked around. He felt as if the land was slowly crumbling away. He looked at the Celestrian, Maizono, that was following him at a short distance. "Hey Maizono! You alright?" he asked the angel. The angel slightly looked up and nodded at him, then looked down again. Leon grew concerned, but he decided to shrug it off. He suddenly looked up and saw a person [Kato] fighting hellhounds. He went to go help, but time froze and he was stopped in his tracks. Maizono felt time freeze and drifted over to Leon's side. She watched the figure [Kato] look at his watch and hiss. She went to him and took out her katana. She sliced up the hellhounds in one blow.

[ Edited Jun 23, 2014 ]

★ คภเคђ๓คt๏г ★
Top PM Aniahmator
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