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Posted 7 year(s) ago Question of the Century: Clarion # 16302

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For anyone familiar with Pandora in the Crimson Shell , you surely know Clarion:

I collect the manga, but I haven't read it all (I just got books 6 and 7 last night) and I haven't had a chance to watch all of the anime either. no spoilers, please, but I just gotta ask cause as far as I know they haven't specified:

Is Clarion an android or cyborg???

In the first chapter, when Nene meets Uzal and Clarion, Uzal states "We have one like you where I work" and "She's heavier than she looks, she's just like you" and Nene says "I've never met someone like me before" meaning someone with a full-body prosthetic but a human brain. Androids are pretty common in that world, so she wouldn't have been amazed by a regular android.

But after that, we see that Clarion has an international AI registration, ownership docs, doesn't sleep, and definitely seems pretty programmed, and the only thing she doesn't share with androids is that she is not affected by network outages, but Uzal would have designed her that way and most of Clarion's construction is secret. The manga is pretty inconsistent, sometimes calling her a cyborg and sometimes a combat android :/

Nene seems pretty convinced that Clarion is human (it is implied that she informs Robert of it in book 3), but Korobase is always calling her "just a doll"

My best guess is that she's an experimental kind of android with an artificial human-like brain, passing off as a regular android. If she really was like Nene, she would only be able to function as she does if she was an Adeptor like Nene: a rare case when someone is able to control a prosthetic as well as their own body. Its so rare, that its what makes Nene special, and Uzal probably would not have taken an interest in Nene if Clarion is an Adeptor (cause it would mean Uzal can make Adeptors on her own)

That's my analysis. If you have any more info or your own analysis, let me know. But try not to spoil too much (:
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