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ACDB Forums :: Anime Characters Database :: Ideas
Posted 5 year(s) ago Re: # 17304

Shinobu's Pet Wolf

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Joined on 05-30-10
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To add what ShinyShinigami said (since I've been here for quite some time), we've always had a lack of a character division. At best, we had five, maybe seven character moderators? And with some people uploading 20+ characters a day, that makes fairly large load when the number of character moderators starts dwindling. All of us who moderate/administer the site are purely doing it voluntarily, we get paid absolutely nothing to do what we do here. In my case I moderate the extra details, and with two regular people uploading 100-200+ details (sometimes daily), I'm obviously not going to take hours upon hours trying to verify every single one of them, so I just glance through them to ensure that the detail follows uniformity and call it good since I'd rather spend my energy writing stories than getting frustrated that there isn't a legit source for 100+ extra details.

As far as the database goes, we index a bloody tonne of titles, and those that upload titles and characters for those titles have their own specialties. Maybe they're part of some other site that only stores text-only data for visual novels and/or H-games and they want to bring that data here by hand while providing character images that they're not able to do on that other site. Maybe another is great with keeping up with currently airing anime, maybe they're great with older stuff, maybe they're great with underground anime... Not everyone has the same tastes in anime, and not everyone is going to notice that a character or part of a franchise is missing from ACDB. Sure someone could scour other sites to fill in all the missing characters and series, but in all honestly, who is actually going to spend the thousands of hours - maybe even ten or hundreds of thousands of hours - doing it by themselves? The data on those other sites have been built by their community, and ACDB is no different.

If you really do care about the quality of the info on the site, then why not lend us your hand instead of condemning the lack of admins we actually have? Do you really understand how much time and energy confirming and approving all this data actually takes?

What Rei wants is more social interaction on ACDB, this is what Rei is after with his inquiry, and the database portion of ACDB should have very little to do with the social portion. Rei and I (and others) have noticed that quite a bit of people come into the lounge, maybe say hi, and never return. We can't be sure if it's that the inactivity that drives them away, the fact that most of the people lurking in the lounge are moderators (since that's usually the case more often than not), or perhaps a combination of the two, or even that they're intimidated by the fact that there's only moderators in the lounge because there's no other regular members that stick around in there.

By drawing in more people to socialise here on ACDB, we will draw in people that will actually care enough to take a bit of their time to help fix and/or add to ACDB's data. This is the end result that Rei wishes for, and Rei knows as well as I do that the reverse of that does not and will not help ACDB.
Top PM Nori13

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