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Rei's Dev Environment Sep 5, 2018 | Rei
Here's a little info on what I use to develop ACDB.

I've fallen in love with Slackware Linux. It's a pretty bare bones OS. But comes with everything I need, and thanks to SlackBuilds I have access to all the fancy tools that make my life easier. To me, the OS is a tool I want to "just work". It's best that I set it up once, and it wont bug me to update/upgrade for as long as possible. As there is nothing worse than having a moment of creative genius, only to find all your energy has to be spent upgrading your OS and solving dependency issues, reformatting, reinstalling everything .... *looking at you Gentoo!*

I'm at home with a console, so even when I have a GUI, I have TONS of terminals open. There was a time I liked drop down terminals - they are cool. But having one or two to the side of every window works even better for me.

I've used all the major GUI's, from GNOME to KDE to Xfce to fluxbox and Cinnamon. Then I chanced upon wii, and it's slimmed down successor - dwm. dwm is as simple as it gets.


Now for a text editor, it's been kate for the longest time. As I'm often editing multiple files, having a list to the side is great. Kate also has a terminal plugin, but I prefer having two to the side. It's always amazing the little things that keep you locked in to one text editor or another. We all develop our own formatting styles, so one challenge is telling a text editor to STOP INDENTING MY CODE LIKE THAT. Then there's the file formats ... latin1 or ASCII just drive me insane. Has to be UTF-8 on open, on close, on save, on everything. Then there's the color highlighting. And the auto completion. You always want these feature to help you, and never hinder you. If a text editor is nothing but annoyances, that frustration greatly reduces your productivity. So, kate just works for me.

Other tools that I use:
- screen
- ssh
- scp
- MariaDB
- my own bash scripts
- rsync
- multitail
Dice Sep 4, 2018 | Rei
Poker Dice is now available for testing on Character profiles.

I've been busy coding the logic for the game, then integrating it with characters.

Eight Hands are supported. From strongest to weakest they are:

#1 Five of a Kind
#2 Four of a Kind
#3 Full House ( Three of a Kind + a Pair )
#4 Straight
#5 Three of a Kind
#6 Two Pair
#7 Pair
#8 Highest

I'd welcome any help improving the presentation and ease of use. If you have design ideas, please send a mockup my way!

So long as the game proves to work reliably .... we can move onto incentivizing play.

Do you want to gamble with jewels?
Do you want cards if you win?
Should I tie this in with the capture game, limiting play only to characters you have captured?
Should some characters be easier to win against...?
Should an additional roll be allowed?
Some Changes Aug 26, 2018 | Rei
Added two new Random links:

- Tag | for a Random Tag
- CV | or Character Voice, for a random voice actor/actress

Also shaved off a lot of pixels from the header, to hopefully reduce scrolling.

I'm working on replacing the Top Links with a show/hide menu table.

And exploring adding something of a Poker Dice game to the site. Where you'd play against characters. I have a proof of concept up but it'll take A LOT more code to make it playable.

There's also a new favorites tool to hopefully make it a little easier to explore your favorite characters and series, as well as rate and comment on them.

We're close to getting out of the Red financially. A thousand thanks to our brave Patreon supporters! While we're still a long ways off the $150/month needed to pay the bills, I have enough to cover this months server bill and next.

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