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☰ Menu >>> Profile Picture for Asuka Langley Soryu Edit
ID 10712
Name Asuka Langley Soryu
Other Names 惣流・アスカ・ラングレー , そうりゅう・あすか・らんぐれー, Second Child
Wealth Pearls 14 Diamonds 75 Sapphires 75 Rubies 46
Role Main Character
From Neon Genesis Evangelion
Media Type Аниме
Voiced By Yuko Miyamura, 宮村優子, みやむら ゆうこ
Voiced By Tiffany Grant, ,
Voiced By Fernanda Bullara da Costa, Fernanda Bullara,
Теги eyepatch, pilot, mechsuit, hair ribbons, twintails, tomboy, tsundere, headset, school uniform
Birthday December 4
Sign Sagittarius ♐

6 Character of the Day nominations


8 Character of the Week nominations


8 Character of the Month nominations

Family Tree

Asuka Langley Soryu is planning a surprise party for Reinhard-Schewer 100%


Asuka Langley Soryu is a character from the Аниме Neon Genesis Evangelion.

They have been indexed as Женщина Подросток with Синий eyes and Оранжевый hair that is To Waist length.

Trait Появляется Official
Пол Женщина
Eye Color Синий
Цвет волос Оранжевый
Длина волос To Waist
Очевидный Возраст Подросток
Уши Животных Нет

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No, don't make me remember this! I'd forgotten about it! Don't dig it up again! I don't need any of this bad stuff anymore!



Anonymous Oct 27, 2023
we share a birthday
AlbertCamslut Jun 4, 2023
they could never make me hate you
sleepful Feb 12, 2023
best girl

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Most liked six word reviews


harno (Pearls 14 Diamonds 31 Sapphires 1 Rubies 70) Reinhard-Schewer ( Diamonds 40 ) AlbertCamslut ( Rubies 20) moetrons ( Diamonds 4 Sapphires 66 Rubies 37) sleepful ( Sapphires 7 Rubies 19)


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Последние комментарии

Ina'nis Ninomae

Ina has been my favorite hololive member since her debut over two years ago, where she revealed she's a fan of the Fate series (among other things that I enjoy). Over the course of her early streams, she'd reveal a fondness for puns that is honestly contagious, as well as just being someone whose content I genuinely enjoy. I joined her memberships on day 1, and still am one as of now. A lot has changed in my life since then, but I still watch her streams when I'm able to. Truly, she's the V-Tuber I WAHnt to WAHtch the most. - ShinyShinigami


Morning homeroom will now begin. - Sae Chabashira

No, this month's points have
already been allotted.
- Sae Chabashira

The points have been allotted. - Sae Chabashira

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