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ID 61090
Name Grisha Yeager
Other Names グリシャ・イェーガー
Role Unsorted
From Attack on Titan
Media Type Аниме
Voiced By Hiroshi Tsuchida, 土田大, つちだ ひろし
Voiced By Chris Hury, ,
Voiced By Frank Röth, Frank Roth,
Теги father, moustache, glasses, doctor
Birthday January 26
Sign Aquarius ♒
Height 182cm
Weight 78kg

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Grisha Yeager is a character from the Аниме Attack on Titan.

They have been indexed as Мужчина Взрослый with Синий eyes and Коричневый hair that is To Shoulders length.

Trait Появляется Official
Пол Мужчина
Eye Color Синий
Цвет волос Коричневый
Длина волос To Shoulders
Очевидный Возраст Взрослый
Уши Животных Нет

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Minoru Mineta

honestly, I hate him but at the same time I believe he can progress to not be as intruding. Hey, he is slowly changing to actually focus on being a hero despite his "reasons"... There's hope? - ilikememes0


Leviathan, an alchemist who could produce
gold from the intestines of dead men.
- Kazuya Kujou

Both stories are pretty frightening... - Kazuya Kujou

A brilliant gray wolf that
can speak human languages.
- Kazuya Kujou

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