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Kawaisugi Crisis Episode 1 Quotes Apr 16, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 450 new quotes

Kawaisugi Crisis


Declaring the planet Earth as weak and with a primitive civilization, the Azatoth Empire decides to destroy the entire planet.
Convinced to give the planet another chance before wiping everything out, the head researcher Liza comes down to Earth to see for herself if there is anything worth saving from human culture.
After being tasked with researching cuisine, Liza ends up in a cat cafe and... absolutely falls in love with cats!
Out of all the creatures the Azatoth Empire has been in contact with, the researcher declares Eearth's animals to be the cutest creatures in existence.
Afraid of wiping the entire fleet out of the sheer cuteness Earth's pets have, Liza decides to research further about our animals on her own.

Featuring Characters
Amato Roy | CV: Yuichi Nakamura, 中村優一, なかむら ゆういち | 32 lines
Fianna Tierley | CV: Reina Kondou, 近藤 玲奈, こんどう れいな | 8 lines
Kasumi Yanagi | CV: Saya Aizawa, 会沢紗弥, あいざわ さや | 57 lines
Liza Luna | CV: Yumiri Hanamori, 花守ゆみり, はなもりゆみり | 214 lines
Seiji Mukai | CV: Jin Ogasawara, 小笠原仁, おがさわらじん | 78 lines
Yozora | CV: Natsumi Fujiwara, 藤原夏海, ふじわら なつみ | 1 lines
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Trigun Stampede Episode 1 Quotes Apr 12, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 329 new quotes

Trigun Stampede


Within the depths of a spaceship, a child, his brother and their guardian are mantaining the ship while all the other passengers are in cryosleep. Suddenly, an attack happens and to the ship and to save Vash and Knives, Rem ships off both boys in a shuttle to save their lives while she stays behind.
In the dangerous deserts of Noman's Land, the newbie reporter Meryl Strife is partnered up with the lazy Robert de Niro, together they're searching for a big scoop looking for the dangerous bandit Humanoid Typhoon, but their car dies in the middle of nowhere.
After finding some hanged people in the road, Meryl decides to show some mercy to the only one that was alive, that man turns out to be the person they were looking for, Vash - The Human Typhoon, and the police questions both reporters about the man.
Cunningly, Meryl quickly dispatches the police officers to the wrong direction, with the plans of binding Vash again and getting her interview from him.

Featuring Characters
Chuck Lee | CV: Tomokazu Sugita, 杉田智和, すぎた ともかず | 34 lines
Meryl Stryfe | CV: Hiromi Tsuru, 鶴ひろみ, つる ひろみ | 79 lines
Millions Knives | CV: Toru Furusawa, 古澤徹, ふるさわ とおる | 9 lines
Rem Saverem | CV: Aya Hisakawa, 久川綾, ひさかわ あや | 11 lines
Roberto De Niro | CV: Kenji Matsuda, 松田賢二, まつだ けんじ | 76 lines
Rosa | CV: Kimiko Saitou, 斉藤貴美子, さいとう きみこ | 25 lines
Vash the Stampede | CV: Kouki Miyata, 宮田幸季, みやた こうき | 54 lines
Young Knives | CV: Yumiri Hanamori, 花守ゆみり, はなもりゆみり | 6 lines
Young Vash | CV: Tomoyo Kurosawa, 黒沢ともよ, くろさわ ともよ | 14 lines

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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel – Northern War Episode 1 Quotes Apr 8, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 279 new quotes

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel – Northern War

A raging war between the Erebonian Empire and the North Ambria State nearly destroyed what Lavian called home during her childhood.
After becoming a soldier, Lavian learns from other soldiers about Rogan, the leader of the recovery corps, the one that carries the moniker of Aurora Phenomenon.
Lavian constantly disregards orders from her commanders to fight monsters, and in one case ends up saving a village from attacks, but the behavior is quickly reprimanded when they reach the capital.
Receiving a 3 month cut in payment, Lavian ends up giving some borscht for her other two troop mates that ended up receiving the same punishment due to her actions.
After eating, Lavian and her mates meet up with an elderly lady from the village they rescued and together they all visit the memorial for the Heroes of the Revolution.
Suddenly Rogen appears at the memorial, revealing to Lavian about her grandfather, that turned out to be a deserter and former Hero of the Revolution.
Announcing that their previous heroes are all dead, Rogan proposes the start of a new revolution.

Featuring Characters
Dren Dan | CV: Kenji Nomura, 乃村健次, のむら けんじ | 18 lines
Ivano Norman | CV: Jun Fukushima, 福島潤, ふくしま じゅん | 79 lines
Lavian Winslet | CV: Makoto Koichi, 小市眞琴, こいち まこと | 8 lines
Mia | CV: Chika Makihara, 槇原千夏, まきはら ちか | 25 lines
Miju | CV: Shiori Kawabata, 川端しおり, かわばた しおり | 2 lines
Rogan Mugart | CV: Kouki Uchiyama, 内山昂輝, うちやま こうき | 26 lines
Tak Yenski | CV: Ryuichi Kijima, 木島隆一, きじま りゅういち | 64 lines

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