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86 -Eighty-Six- Episode 1 Quotes and Spring Anime, Love All Play PV Nov 29, 2021 | RinaK
Transcript - 308 new quotes

86 -Eighty-Six-


In the stellar year of 2148, two republics rage at war with each other. Using drones and robots controlled by soldiers, those nations alledge that they fight with no causalities, diminishing the lives of the young soldiers fighting inside the machines. Major Vladilena Milize, refuses to aknowledge this and accepts her place as the tactical commander of the Eighty Six platoon of soldiers, even though that job position has the fame of making every commander soon "meet the reaper".

Featuring new characters

Vladilena Milize | CV: Ikumi Hasegawa, 長谷川育美, 長谷川 育美(はせがわ いくみ) | 82 lines
Anju Emma | CV: Saori Hayami, 早見沙織, はやみ さおり | 1 lines
Chise Authen | CV: Masamu Ono, 小野将夢, おの まさむ | 1 lines
Crenna Kukumira | CV: Sayumi Suzushiro, 鈴代紗弓, すずしろ さゆみ | 4 lines
Cujo Nico | CV: Taishi Murata, 村田太志, むらた たいし | 15 lines
Daiya Irma | CV: Haruki Ishiya, 石谷春貴, いしや はるき | 5 lines
Haruto Keats | CV: Daiki Yamashita, 山下大輝, やました だいき | 3 lines
Henrietta Penrose | CV: Riho Sugiyama, 杉山里穂, すぎやま りほ | 69 lines
Jerome Karlstahl | CV: Satoshi Mikami, 三上哲, みかみ さとし | 40 lines
Kaie Tanya | CV: Haruka Shiraishi, 白石晴香, しらいし はるか | 3 lines
Lecca Rin | CV: Shizuka Ishigami, 石上静香, いしがみ しずか | 1 lines
Leyden Suga | CV: Seiichirou Yamashita, 山下誠一郎, やました せいいちろう | 5 lines
Louis Kino | CV: Shinei Ueki, 植木慎英, うえき しんえい | 1 lines
Shinei Nouzen | CV: Shouya Chiba, 千葉翔也, ちば しょうや | 9 lines
Theoto Rikka | CV: Natsumi Fujiwara, 藤原夏海, ふじわら なつみ | 7 lines

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Sports manga Love All Play's TV adaptation has been announced.


Along with a PV, the cast and main character also have been revealed.
The anime will be an adaptation from Asami Koseki.
Main character, Ryou Mizushima will be voiced by Natsuki Hanae
The exact release date is yet to be revealed, but the anime is planned to start broadcasting in April of 2022.

PV on the anime's official website

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