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ID 31769
Name M-21
Other Names M-21
Role Hauptcharakter
aus Noblesse
Medientyp manga
Gesprochen von Kousuke Oonishi, 大西弘祐, おおにし こうすけ
Gesprochen von Hisafumi Oda, 小田久史, おだ ひさふみ
Tags werewolf, facial scar, scar

2 Character of the Day nominations


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0 Character of the Month nominations


M-21 is a character from the Manga Noblesse.

They have been indexed as Männlich Erwachsen with Grau eyes and Grau hair that is Kinnlang length.

Trait Appears Official
Geschlecht Männlich
Augenfarbe Grau
Haarfarbe Grau
Haarlänge Kinnlang
Scheinbares Alter Erwachsen
Tierohren Nein


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10:11 pm
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Morel Mackernasey

[color=hotpink] I cannot describe how much I love this character. ≺3 His design is nice, he has a soft side and a cool nen ability. Also no matter what, he always wears his glasses, even under water xD we will never know how he looks without those.[/color] - NatsumiSawada


That's because his training's too tough
and everyone runs away. So I've heard.
- Tanjirou Kamado

But if it's going to help me
turn Nezuko back into a human again,
- Tanjirou Kamado

I want to be trained by a Hashira! - Tanjirou Kamado

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