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Nodoka Miyazaki is cheering up plipplop


Nodoka Miyazaki is a character from the Anime Negima! Magister Negi Magi.

They have been indexed as Feminino Adolescente with Rosa eyes and Azul hair that is Até os Ombros length.

Característica Descrição Oficial
Gênero Feminino
Cor do Olho Rosa (Azul)
Cor de Cabelo Azul (Roxo)
Comprimento do Cabelo Até os Ombros
Idade Aparente Adolescente
Orelhas de Animais Não

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NojEsco Nov 22, 2024
I can see maybe finding her boring but how does one 'hate' Nodoka? That's like saying you hate ducklings..

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Also from Negima! Magister Negi Magi

Natsumi Murakami
Fuka Narutaki
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Nodoka Miyazaki
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Anna Yurievna Cocolova
Misa Kakizaki
Sayo Aisaka
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Misora Kasuga
Setsuna Sakurazaki
Ako Izumi
Kazumi Asakura
Takamichi T. Takahata

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Ashe Bradley

i love you ashe best character in fiction - Anonymous


That's fine and all, but what do you need them for? - Yuji

What for? - Yuji

And they restore what, exactly? - Yuji

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