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1 Natsuki Kuga
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

8 loves

2 Shizuru Fujino
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

6 loves

3 Sakuya Amakawa
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

5 loves

4 Midori Sugiura
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

4 loves

5 Nao Yuuki
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

4 loves

6 Alyssa Searrs
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

3 loves

7 Mikoto Minagi
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

3 loves

8 Miyu Greer
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

3 loves

9 Takumi
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

3 loves

10 Mutsumi Kujou
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

3 loves

11 Akane Higurashi
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

2 loves

12 Mashiro Kasahana
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

2 loves

13 Mai Tokiha
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

2 loves

14 Nagi Homura
Mai-HiME - The Genealogical Tree of Fate

2 loves

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