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Petra was a relatively short woman. In the manga, she is portrayed with blonde hair and blue eyes. However, in the anime, she had light ginger hair and amber-colored eyes. She wears the typical uniform of a member of the Survey Corps.

Petra looked up to Levi as a captain and cared deeply for her team, though was notably at odds with Oluo.
Petra was kind and caring, as shown when she looked after and guided Eren when he was first admitted to the squad. She seemed to have acted as some sort of attachment figure for Eren among Levi's Squad as she was the one shown to worry about him. Although all of Levi's squad wished (and demanded, to an extent) Eren's unconditional trust, it was ultimately Petra who convinced him to do so.

She also showed the most remorse over her reaction to Eren's accidental transformation. Along with her comrades, she had bit her hand just like Eren, signifying that they had established a close bond.

She was a skilled and experienced warrior and had a high kill record of Titan kills (58 Titans killed, 48 in team and 10 in solo), being one of the highest known in the series so far.

Petra was the only female in the original Special Operations Squad led by Levi.
Her name is Greek in origin, written "Πέτρα" and meaning "rock" or "stone". It's also the name of an ancient city in the region that is now Jordan.
According to Eld, Petra cried and soiled herself during her first Survey Corps expedition

Last edited by Mitsugu, Aug 3, 2015

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