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News | Feb 7, 2025 | Even Given the Worthless "Appraiser" Class, I'm Actually the Strongest Episode 1 Quotes

Even Given the Worthless "Appraiser" Class, I'm Actually the Strongest


Ein starts at the bottom rank, working for 2 high classed adventurers who continuously treat him terribly until ultimately abandoning him in the dungeon. When all hope seems lost, he discovers the long lost World Tree and an elf out of Fairy Tales.

Quote Trivia
Quotes to Learn Japanese Game
Quotes to Learn Japanese Game (Audio Version)

Ein | CV: Kikunosuke Toya, 戸谷菊之介, とや きくのすけ | 207 lines
Ursula | CV: Sayumi Suzushiro, 鈴代紗弓, すずしろ さゆみ | 4 lines
Zoid | CV: Daisuke Namikawa, 浪川大輔, なみかわ だいすけ | 69 lines


Kyoku Knives is having a Valentine's Day Sale

Spread the Love this Valentine's Day Our Valentine's Day sale is here! From February 8–20, receive 20% off all products!

Happy Birthday To


Kawaii or NOT and Smash or Pass are quite popular! Or test your knowledge witch Series Quizzes.

Family Tree

Latest Family Tree Relations

Yayoi Kirigakure
MTrus579 spent time with their Mother

3 minute(s) 26 second(s) ago

Sammy Tsukino
MTrus579 spent time with their Younger Brother

3 minute(s) 26 second(s) ago

Tsuyoshi Ohki
MTrus579 spent time with their Younger Brother

3 minute(s) 26 second(s) ago

Aono Ohki
MTrus579 spent time with their Other

3 minute(s) 26 second(s) ago

MTrus579 spent time with their Other

3 minute(s) 26 second(s) ago

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01:13 pm RinaK modified a character 02:12 am RinaK added a relation 02:12 am RinaK added a relation 02:11 am RinaK added a relation 02:11 am RinaK added an image 02:10 am RinaK new character Chizuko Chuzenji Reward: Diamonds 7 Sapphires 69 Rubies 45 02:10 am RinaK uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 5 Sapphires 35 Rubies 50 02:04 am RinaK added a relation 02:04 am RinaK added a relation 02:03 am RinaK added an image 02:03 am RinaK new character Atsuko Chuzenji Reward: Diamonds 8 Sapphires 35 Rubies 63 02:03 am RinaK uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 2 Sapphires 39 Rubies 8 02:02 am RinaK added an image 02:02 am RinaK new character Shutaro Kiba Reward: Diamonds 8 Sapphires 14 Rubies 9 02:02 am RinaK uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 7 Sapphires 97 Rubies 19 02:01 am RinaK added an image 01:58 am RinaK new character Tatsumi Sekiguchi Reward: Sapphires 54 Rubies 29 01:58 am RinaK uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 1 Sapphires 69 Rubies 34 01:57 am RinaK added an image 01:57 am RinaK new character Reijiro Enokizu Reward: Diamonds 8 Sapphires 65 Rubies 91 01:57 am RinaK uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 9 Sapphires 9 Rubies 20 01:56 am RinaK added an image 01:56 am RinaK modified a character 01:55 am RinaK new character Akihiko Chuzenji Reward: Diamonds 9 Sapphires 32 Rubies 19 01:55 am RinaK uploaded a character Reward: Sapphires 70 Rubies 72 01:55 am RinaK added an image 01:54 am RinaK modified a character 01:54 am RinaK new character Kanna Kusakabe Reward: Diamonds 2 Sapphires 12 Rubies 36 01:54 am RinaK uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 3 Sapphires 86 Rubies 46 01:49 am RinaK modified a title

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best boi - Anonymous


Wow, thank goodness! - Kazuma Satou

I thought it was all over, - Kazuma Satou

but now it feels like I pulled
through by the skin of my teeth.
- Kazuma Satou

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