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The visual search engine for animated characters. We index characters by eye color, hair color, hair length, age, gender, and animal ears.

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News | Feb 7, 2025 | Even Given the Worthless "Appraiser" Class, I'm Actually the Strongest Episode 1 Quotes

Even Given the Worthless "Appraiser" Class, I'm Actually the Strongest


Ein starts at the bottom rank, working for 2 high classed adventurers who continuously treat him terribly until ultimately abandoning him in the dungeon. When all hope seems lost, he discovers the long lost World Tree and an elf out of Fairy Tales.

Quote Trivia
Quotes to Learn Japanese Game
Quotes to Learn Japanese Game (Audio Version)

Ein | CV: Kikunosuke Toya, 戸谷菊之介, とや きくのすけ | 207 lines
Ursula | CV: Sayumi Suzushiro, 鈴代紗弓, すずしろ さゆみ | 4 lines
Zoid | CV: Daisuke Namikawa, 浪川大輔, なみかわ だいすけ | 69 lines


Kyoku Knives is having a Valentine's Day Sale

Spread the Love this Valentine's Day Our Valentine's Day sale is here! From February 8–20, receive 20% off all products!

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Michiru Isumi
Shinn_Yuu spent time with their Waifu

1 hour(s) 29 minute(s) 51 second(s) ago

Shinn_Yuu spent time with their Waifu

1 hour(s) 29 minute(s) 51 second(s) ago

Nora Frykberg
Shinn_Yuu spent time with their Waifu

1 hour(s) 29 minute(s) 51 second(s) ago

Waltrud Krupinski
Shinn_Yuu spent time with their Waifu

1 hour(s) 29 minute(s) 51 second(s) ago

Nikka Edvardine Katajainen
Shinn_Yuu spent time with their Waifu

1 hour(s) 29 minute(s) 51 second(s) ago

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05:47 pm NatsumiSawada added an image 03:49 pm WrongOpinions69 uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 7 Sapphires 51 Rubies 94 03:44 pm WrongOpinions69 uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 9 Sapphires 40 Rubies 28 03:35 pm WrongOpinions69 uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 8 Sapphires 2 Rubies 65 02:44 pm Twisted added an extra detail 02:43 pm Twisted added an extra detail 02:42 pm Twisted added an extra detail 01:36 pm RinaK new character Leila Overlock Reward: Diamonds 1 Sapphires 26 Rubies 39 10:31 am NatsumiSawada added new voice actor 10:31 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 10:30 am NatsumiSawada added new voice actor 10:29 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 10:25 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 10:24 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 10:24 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 10:13 am NatsumiSawada modified a title 10:11 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 10:10 am NatsumiSawada added new voice actor 10:08 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 10:07 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 10:05 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 10:04 am NatsumiSawada added an image 10:04 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 10:02 am NatsumiSawada added an image 10:01 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 10:01 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 10:00 am NatsumiSawada added an image 10:00 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 10:00 am NatsumiSawada modified a character 09:59 am NatsumiSawada modified a character

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There's a new Pokemon movie coming in the summer for this year. I personally want Neesha in that thing. - Jas


Well... I guess you did work hard. - Mikoto Sano

Huh? Yeah, you're definitely hearing things. - Mikoto Sano

Sano-kun? What're you going to do? - Mamekichi Maizuka

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