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Happy Birthday Howdy

Welcome to Anime Characters Database

The visual search engine for animated characters. We index characters by eye color, hair color, hair length, age, gender, and animal ears.

Characters 135 this month
Titles 19 this month
Members 167 this month
Quotes 216 this month
Voice Actors 15 this month

News | Feb 16, 2025 | February Updates

This month began with us joining an affiliate network called Impact. Should anything catch your interest on our affiliates page buying from them will help us pay the bills.

A number of improvements to the site have recently been made:

Moderators now have a tool to more easily remove tags from characters. When viewing a tag click Moderate to bring up a view that allows clicking to select images and bulk un-tagging all selected.

Our site Menu now supports translations.

The link to Add a Second season has been simplified to use a prefilled New Title with the old seasons data.

Wikiposts now support a Rejection reason to give members feedback as to why their post was not Approved. It's also possible to view your last 100 posts along with Status.

Another tool for mods was created to help with spotting fake accounts abusing Home Page links: accountswithhomepage.php

We also put together a Media Kit for anyone wanting to Show Case ACDB

Anime By Genre now include year information and a cleaned up side layout.

Sort Series gained a Year filter.

Edit Characters was updated to support Spoiler tags in relations. It's also possible to search by name for a Character ID to use in a relation.

Added a Fav Character Counter to Quote Status.

Tidied up the Most Birthdays view using some Table Headers.

When adding new characters to a title, there will be a duplicate character search performed using AJAX. Also added WEBP support.

Do you like ACDB and want to support us? Consider getting us a coffee


Happy Birthday To


Kawaii or NOT and Smash or Pass are quite popular! Or test your knowledge witch Series Quizzes.

Family Tree

Latest Family Tree Relations

Milinda Brantini
must_zen spent time with their Waifu

1 hour(s) 5 minute(s) 3 second(s) ago

Satsuki Nakano
must_zen spent time with their Imouto

1 hour(s) 5 minute(s) 3 second(s) ago

Uzuki Nakano
must_zen spent time with their Imouto

1 hour(s) 5 minute(s) 3 second(s) ago

Yayoi Nakano
must_zen spent time with their Imouto

1 hour(s) 5 minute(s) 3 second(s) ago

Tina Sprout
must_zen spent time with their Waifu

1 hour(s) 5 minute(s) 3 second(s) ago

Quick Links for members.


12:27 am RinaK modified a character 12:05 am NatsumiSawada modified a character Yesterday 10:09 pm RinaK modified a title Yesterday 10:01 pm Rei modified a character Yesterday 09:59 pm Rei modified a character Yesterday 09:49 pm RinaK new character Middle Reward: Diamonds 8 Sapphires 13 Rubies 60 Yesterday 09:49 pm RinaK uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 2 Sapphires 41 Rubies 87 Yesterday 05:38 pm Twisted uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 2 Sapphires 82 Rubies 84 Yesterday 02:30 pm RinaK new character Comical Reward: Sapphires 13 Rubies 96 Yesterday 02:30 pm RinaK uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 8 Sapphires 54 Rubies 62 Yesterday 02:29 pm Rei modified a character Yesterday 02:29 pm Rei modified a character Yesterday 02:27 pm RinaK new character Subcal Reward: Diamonds 9 Sapphires 65 Rubies 21 Yesterday 02:27 pm RinaK uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 7 Sapphires 1 Rubies 4 Yesterday 02:25 pm RinaK new character Logical Reward: Diamonds 1 Sapphires 1 Rubies 6 Yesterday 02:25 pm RinaK uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 4 Sapphires 27 Rubies 76 Yesterday 02:24 pm RinaK modified a character Yesterday 02:24 pm RinaK new character Acacal Reward: Diamonds 2 Sapphires 66 Rubies 3 Yesterday 02:24 pm RinaK uploaded a character Reward: Sapphires 79 Rubies 38 Yesterday 02:17 pm RinaK modified a title Yesterday 10:56 am NatsumiSawada added an image Yesterday 10:54 am NatsumiSawada modified a character Yesterday 10:54 am NatsumiSawada modified a character Yesterday 10:53 am NatsumiSawada new character Varesa Reward: Diamonds 4 Sapphires 12 Rubies 7 Yesterday 10:53 am NatsumiSawada uploaded a character Reward: Sapphires 80 Rubies 87 Yesterday 06:45 am NgKQ uploaded a character Reward: Diamonds 1 Sapphires 45 Rubies 29 Yesterday 06:11 am NatsumiSawada added an image Yesterday 06:11 am NatsumiSawada added an extra detail Yesterday 06:10 am NatsumiSawada added an image Yesterday 06:09 am NatsumiSawada added an image

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Who Board | New Thread

12:59 am
Who is this?

Latest Comments

Aniya Jung

um, 193kg? - Anonymous


Test it out. - Rei Yasaku

What're you doing? - Rei Yasaku

Huh? - Rei Yasaku

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