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Campaign Date Clicks Impressions
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/30 30 86193
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/29 263 794435
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/28 209 798649
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/27 254 928846
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/26 247 830124
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/25 247 1081381
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/24 201 918455
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/23 206 983938
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/22 190 831369
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/21 272 822446
moemata footer 2024/4/21 0 89334
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/20 279 982033
moemata footer 2024/4/20 0 981179
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/19 305 1162281
moemata footer 2024/4/19 0 1159709
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/18 228 1037699
moemata footer 2024/4/18 0 1036777
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/17 117 526092
Animota 2024/4/17 73 400994
moemata 2024/4/17 2 0
moemata footer 2024/4/17 1 925727
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/16 122 474996
Animota 2024/4/16 118 475877
moemata 2024/4/16 2 0
moemata footer 2024/4/16 1 949724
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/15 153 497719
Animota 2024/4/15 160 497344
moemata 2024/4/15 2 0
moemata footer 2024/4/15 2 993444
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/14 155 500226
Animota 2024/4/14 90 499564
moemata 2024/4/14 1 0
moemata footer 2024/4/14 2 998578
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/13 198 483569
Animota 2024/4/13 178 483252
moemata 2024/4/13 4 0
moemata footer 2024/4/13 1 965667
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/12 162 499632
Animota 2024/4/12 124 498226
moemata 2024/4/12 4 0
moemata footer 2024/4/12 0 996821
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/11 116 461271
Animota 2024/4/11 96 460539
moemata 2024/4/11 4 0
moemata footer 2024/4/11 2 920939
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/10 127 473457
Animota 2024/4/10 67 473468
moemata 2024/4/10 1 0
moemata footer 2024/4/10 3 945741
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/9 98 502285
Animota 2024/4/9 66 503913
moemata 2024/4/9 3 0
moemata footer 2024/4/9 3 1005616
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/8 117 488747
Animota 2024/4/8 58 487370
moemata 2024/4/8 5 0
moemata footer 2024/4/8 6 970355
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/7 132 460502
Animota 2024/4/7 67 460014
moemata 2024/4/7 1 0
moemata footer 2024/4/7 1 916697
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/6 161 513875
Animota 2024/4/6 91 513642
moemata 2024/4/6 0 0
moemata footer 2024/4/6 1 1026647
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/5 196 515357
Animota 2024/4/5 154 515498
moemata 2024/4/5 3 0
moemata footer 2024/4/5 1 1029897
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/4 197 635850
Animota 2024/4/4 172 636999
moemata 2024/4/4 10 0
moemata footer 2024/4/4 2 1271283
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/3 204 634045
Animota 2024/4/3 160 633044
moemata 2024/4/3 3 0
moemata footer 2024/4/3 1 1266116
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/2 147 641757
Animota 2024/4/2 79 642886
moemata 2024/4/2 1 0
moemata footer 2024/4/2 1 1283152
SMASH or PASS 2024/4/1 116 545762
Animota 2024/4/1 54 544725
moemata 2024/4/1 2 0
moemata footer 2024/4/1 3 1089744
SMASH or PASS 2024/3/31 144 496114
Animota 2024/3/31 86 496298
moemata 2024/3/31 3 0
moemata footer 2024/3/31 2 991874
SMASH or PASS 2024/3/30 173 459002
Animota 2024/3/30 127 459628
moemata 2024/3/30 3 0
moemata footer 2024/3/30 8 917853
SMASH or PASS 2024/3/29 142 581712
Animota 2024/3/29 108 581963
moemata 2024/3/29 1 0
moemata footer 2024/3/29 2 1162947
SMASH or PASS 2024/3/28 139 652825
Animota 2024/3/28 65 650324
moemata 2024/3/28 4 0

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