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Posted 15 year(s) ago Wacky Dreams? WTF? # 2553

DeaD WoRld

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As the title suggests, have you ever had a dream that made you go WTF???!!!, be it because it was completely wEirD, or really SCARY!
If yes please feel free to share your inner, most sacred and weird neurological phenomenons, or just random thoughts and ideas on dreaming, here.

I have weird dreams constantly. Most of them are happening in the same world which is weird in itself. I can't really explain it but it looks like a place from a manga. Old, ruined, sad... terrifying.
There was that dream which wasn't that strange (I was being chased by some guy with a knife in a relatively normal world), thing is I got stabbed and when I woke up (which was almost instantly as you can imagine) my hand was hurting like hell exactly where I got stabbed. It took a day for the pain to dissapear.

The Power of the Human Mind....maybe. What do you think?

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Top PM Sorari
Posted 15 year(s) ago Re: # 2555

The Plotmeister

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Oh, I've had a billion strange dreams that I won't event start to recite here as there are still some things I'd like to get done tonight. Still, I'll mention that I seem to be dreaming a lot about my school days – which, in my case, is a very bad thing, as I don't have too many fond memories of those days. Also, I seem to often wake up bemused lately, repeating the line "That was utterly useless" before I reach a state of total consciousness. Strange.
Top PM Kyareshi
Posted 15 year(s) ago Re: # 2566

DeaD WoRld

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That is weird.... Hummm... Can't you remember what you are dreaming about? "That was utterly useless" could be refering to, lets say an annoying person with no brain capacity whatsoever. hahaha
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Top PM Sorari
Posted 15 year(s) ago Re: # 2567

The Plotmeister

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Oh, the dreams just have random content like me being back in high school studying for a test, or walking in the shopping mall buying stuff I don't need... I don't know, it's more the sentiment that amuses me. The fact that I realize what I dreamt was useless before I even realize that I'm awake. By the way, I hate those back-in-school dreams. Even half a decade after my release from that social nightmare, it still haunts me.
Top PM Kyareshi
Posted 15 year(s) ago Re: # 2568

DeaD WoRld

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High school is harsh. I'm almost 16 now and I can't wait till I got to 6th Form. The dreams you have are so normal that it's weird.... They probably mean something you know. I think you should analyze them as well as your feelings. Maybe you should just let all those bad memories go. It's not worth it to linger on them.
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Top PM Sorari
Posted 15 year(s) ago Re: # 2571


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I remember some strange ones. there was this one that haunted me when I was a kid where this troupe of entertainers came to town and they'd take certain people and refine them into milk (total strangeness and kept me up for a good two weeks). a little more recently I had one dream where I could skip along the water like a stone. I'd be skipping along the coast and it was a very cool dream. If you've seen 'The Goonies' you know which piece of coast I'm talking about (love that area, the beaches are excellent). Lately I've had dreams that would be good synopses for anime.
Top PM brobb355
Posted 15 year(s) ago Re: # 2577

The Plotmeister

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Oh, I've had my share of abnormal dreams, just can't think of that many at the moment (maybe I have a selective memory). Heheh, it's not that I haven't put the high school nightmare behind me, it's just that my subconscious keeps digging it out when I'm asleep. I've gotten a lot more comfortable around people since my horrid school days, but for some reason I still can't face my peers from that era.

One of my wackier nightmares involves my mother's old, notorious brown Datsun, and her driving us down a bizarre road that spirals around ridiculously high peaks and ramps into mid-air. I would be positively panicked while she would act as if it's perfectly normal that the road ends abruptly a couple of kilometres in the air. What's crazier is that this is a recurring dream – and the freakiest part of all is that my sister has had it too!
Top PM Kyareshi
Posted 15 year(s) ago Re: # 2585

DeaD WoRld

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I remember some strange ones. there was this one that haunted me when I was a kid where this troupe of entertainers came to town and they'd take certain people and refine them into milk (total strangeness and kept me up for a good two weeks). a little more recently I had one dream where I could skip along the water like a stone. I'd be skipping along the coast and it was a very cool dream. If you've seen 'The Goonies' you know which piece of coast I'm talking about (love that area, the beaches are excellent). Lately I've had dreams that would be good synopses for anime.

The skipping stone one is something I've never, EVER heard before. It sounds kinda cool! The first one would have freaked me out. It could be a movie. Hahaha!
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Top PM Sorari
Posted 15 year(s) ago Re: # 2586

DeaD WoRld

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One of my wackier nightmares involves my mother's old, notorious brown Datsun, and her driving us down a bizarre road that spirals around ridiculously high peaks and ramps into mid-air. I would be positively panicked while she would act as if it's perfectly normal that the road ends abruptly a couple of kilometres in the air. What's crazier is that this is a recurring dream – and the freakiest part of all is that my sister has had it too!

That's what I'm talking about! Once me and my mum had the same dream. I think some people are very sensitive when it comes to other people's dream waves (that's what I call them ). There are a lot of weird things connected with dreaming, and scientist still can't figure the whole thing out. It's so common yet so little is known about dreaming.
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Top PM Sorari
Posted 15 year(s) ago Re: # 2591

The Plotmeister

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I always thought it was simply a common reaction to being driven around in that same vehicle for so long. The Datsun was our primary means of transportation throughout each my education as well as each of my two siblings'. It witnessed good times as well as bad times and inevitably became a vital part of our memories. How ironic that it should come and haunt our dreams now that my mom has sold it.

Of course, I know nothing about the workings of dreams. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if it does turn out that there's more to them than meets the eye.
Top PM Kyareshi
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