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#107 Idea by tenkawaruri Added - [ Nov 7, 2020 ] Updated - [ Nov 7, 2020 ]
Similar to the violence rating, a sex rating.


0 - innocent or very light fan service (
1 - notable fan service, panty shots are expected, no explicit nudity, sex plays a role in the narrative or comes up (Does Rascal Dream of Bunny Girl Sempai?, The Hero is Overcautious, Blue Seed)
2 - nudity, teasing, sexual situations that fade to black quickly or get interrupted quickly (Macross Plus, Macross Do You Remember Love, Heaven's Lost Property)
3 - not explicitly sex but definitely sexual (High School DxD, Testament of Sister New Devil, How Not To Summon A Demon Lord)
4 - some sex, vanilla, a single scene, possibly interrupted (Lover In Law, Ninja Scroll, Perfect Blue, Berserk)
5 - tons of sex or overwhelming or kinky, bizarre, pushing the limit (Bible Black, Dark Love, Kite)

So basically most hentai is 4 or 5, and ecchi anime could be from 0 to 4 depending on how it's done, and most not ecchi anime is 0-2 unless it is somethign like Perfect Blue or Ninja Scroll where it is aimed at a mature audience.

Liked by Rico_MLG Princess_Uchiha
#106 Idea by tenkawaruri Added - [ Nov 6, 2020 ] Updated - [ Nov 6, 2020 ]
On pages for specific shows/games/etc, display what kind of media the item is. Right now the only ways I know of to check is either to open a character for it look at where it says "the character is from the ≺media type≻ ≺title≻" or to open up edit and see the selector for the title.
#105 Idea by tenkawaruri Added - [ Nov 6, 2020 ] Updated - [ Nov 6, 2020 ]
More achievements. Basically I like it when achievements guide me to new ways to experience something such as trying out a different character combo or approach in a game. Here they could be used to encourage the capture game, waifu system, converting cards to essences, submitting info, etc. I'm not sure how much some of those could be automated. Submitting edits that get accepted might be difficult depending on how that is programmed or just too much work to implement. But it could be fun and point to new ways to use the site that someone might miss.

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