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This is a place for me ( rei ), the head developer of ACDB to write unfiltered about what goes on behind the scenes at ACDB.

Although, all members can write and post their own news.

My posts though, will always be highly technical and mostly incomprehensible to all but the most esoteric of nerds.

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Inventory Tracker Mar 24, 2024 | Rei
I got tried of writing the same shopping list, or variations of it, week after week after week. Figured maybe I could modify my chore tracker code to make an Inventory Tracker - and success!

While only members can use this to make an inventory, it become easy to share your inventory with friends and family ( the kind that might buy you what you are low on xD )

A little while back I coded a Price per 100g tool, entirely in JavaScript so if you load it on your phone, you can use it while you are out shopping even without data. Nothing is submitted to our servers either.

Inflation is hitting us all hard, so I hope these 2 tools can help you save money!

One Piece Episode 1088 Quotes Mar 12, 2024 | Rei
One Piece Episode 1088 Quotes
Transcript - 264 new quotes

One Piece


With the Kaido arc finished after something like 2 years, I've started catching up on One Piece again. While I'm not a fan of flash backs - they are making it easier to get quotes from earlier episodes. Nearly 30 characters in this one episode alone!

Bartholomew Kuma | CV: Hideyuki Hori, 堀秀行, ほり ひでゆき | 3 lines
Belo Betty | CV: Yuko Kaida, 甲斐田裕子, かいだ ゆうこ | 1 lines
Boa Hancock | CV: Kotono Mitsuishi, 三石琴乃, みついし ことの | 6 lines
Boa Marigold | CV: Kimiko Saitou, 斉藤貴美子, さいとう きみこ | 1 lines
Boa Sandersonia | CV: Chiwa Saito, 斎藤千和, さいとう ちわ | 4 lines
Brook | CV: Chou, チョー, ちょお | 2 lines
Coby | CV: Mika Doi, 土井美加, どい みか | 7 lines
Emporio Ivankov (male form) | CV: Mitsuo Iwata, 岩田光央, いわた みつお | 4 lines
Foxfire Kin'emon | CV: Kenyuu Horiuchi, 堀内賢雄, ほりうち けんゆう | 1 lines
Franky | CV: Kazuki Yao, 矢尾一樹, やお かずき | 4 lines
Gloriosa | CV: Ako Mayama, 真山亜子, まやま あこ | 4 lines
Jinbe | CV: Katsuhisa Houki, 宝亀克寿, ほうき かつひさ | 2 lines
Karasu | CV: Takeshi Kusao, 草尾毅, くさお たけし | 2 lines
Koala | CV: Satsuki Yukino, 雪野五月, ゆきの さつき | 6 lines
Kozuki Momonosuke | CV: Ai Orikasa, 折笠愛, おりかさ あい | 1 lines
Lindbergh | CV: Hisayoshi Suganuma, 菅沼久義, すがぬま ひさよし | 1 lines
Marshall D. Teach | CV: Akio Ootsuka, 大塚明夫, おおつか あきお | 23 lines
Monkey D. Dragon | CV: Hidekatsu Shibata, 柴田秀勝, しばた ひでかつ | 7 lines
Monkey D. Luffy | CV: Urara Takano, 高乃麗, たかの うらら | 30 lines
Monkey D. Luffy (young) | CV: Mayumi Tanaka, 田中真弓, たなか まゆみ | 2 lines
Morley | CV: Kenta Miyake, 三宅健太, みやけ けんた | 4 lines
Nami | CV: Akemi Okamura, 岡村明美, おかむら あけみ | 9 lines
Nefeltari Cobra | CV: Toshiya Ueda, 上田敏也, うえだ としや | 3 lines
Nico Robin | CV: Yuuko Kobayashi, 小林優子, こばやし ゆうこ | 20 lines
Portgas D. Ace (young) | CV: Daisuke Sakaguchi, 阪口大助, さかぐち だいすけ | 7 lines
Roronoa Zoro | CV: Kazuya Nakai, 中井和哉, なかい かずや | 20 lines
Sabo | CV: Tooru Furuya, 古谷徹, ふるや とおる | 4 lines
Sabo (young) | CV: Junko Takeuchi, 竹内順子, たけうち じゅんこ | 5 lines
Sanji | CV: Hiroaki Hirata, 平田広明, ひらた ひろあき | 8 lines
Shakuyaku | CV: Hiromi Tsuru, 鶴ひろみ, つる ひろみ | 5 lines
Silvers Rayleigh | CV: Keiichi Sonobe, 園部啓一, そのべ けいいち | 19 lines
Tony Tony Chopper | CV: Ikue Otani, 大谷育江, おおたに いくえ | 7 lines
Usopp | CV: Kappei Yamaguchi, 山口勝平, やまぐち かっぺい | 7 lines
Yamato | CV: Saori Hayami, 早見沙織, はやみ さおり | 3 lines

Quote Trivia
Quotes to Learn Japanese Game
Quotes to Learn Japanese Game (Audio Version)
Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama Mar 8, 2024 | RinaK
We are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Akira Toriyama.

It is sad witness the loss of such a legendary creator in this industry. He will be missed by family and countless fans.

Rest well, Akira Toriyama. Your work will be forever eternalized in our minds and hearts.



I can safely say Akira Toriyama's works changed the lives of an entire continent, Latin America will be mourning.

I still remember running fast from school to watch Dragon Ball Z on tv, immitating the kamehameha with my family, drawing a Goku mural with my cousin... Such a transformative work will live on forever.
We will always remember you.

- RinaK


It's a sad day today learning of the passing of Akira Toriyama, creator of Dragon Ball and inspiration of so much great anime. He will live on for many of us in fond childhood memories.

My own being drunk friends doing the fusion dance.

- Rei

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