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Quotes from Hanzou Urushihara Aren't these bowls from Sugiya?!
― Hanzou Urushihara
CV: Hiro Shimono
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Hanzou Urushihara The Devil is a Part-Timer!

Hanzou Urushihara from The Devil is a Part-Timer! | CV: Hiro Shimono | INFO

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Quotes from Hanzou Urushihara I'm sorry to interrupt, but it's
time to put an end to this.

― Hanzou Urushihara
CV: Hiro Shimono
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Quotes from Hanzou Urushihara I see you've successfully blended into Japanese society, Emilia the Hero.
― Hanzou Urushihara
CV: Hiro Shimono
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Quotes from Hanzou Urushihara What's gotten into you two?
― Hanzou Urushihara
CV: Hiro Shimono
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Quotes from Hanzou Urushihara Being a NEET is awesome.
― Hanzou Urushihara
CV: Hiro Shimono
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Quotes from Hanzou Urushihara I'm really hungry!
― Hanzou Urushihara
CV: Hiro Shimono
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Quotes from Hanzou Urushihara Alsiel!
― Hanzou Urushihara
CV: Hiro Shimono
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Quotes from Hanzou Urushihara It's time to hunt.
― Hanzou Urushihara
CV: Hiro Shimono
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Quotes from Hanzou Urushihara I'm Urushihara. Cheers!
― Hanzou Urushihara
CV: Hiro Shimono
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Quotes from Hanzou Urushihara I see. It's a shame you don't believe me.
― Hanzou Urushihara
CV: Hiro Shimono
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Quotes from Hanzou Urushihara Oh, so you figured it out?
― Hanzou Urushihara
CV: Hiro Shimono
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Latest Comments : Ina'nis Ninomae

Ina has been my favorite hololive member since her debut over two years ago, where she revealed she's a fan of the Fate series (among other things that I enjoy). Over the course of her early streams, she'd reveal a fondness for puns that is honestly contagious, as well as just being someone whose content I genuinely enjoy. I joined her memberships on day 1, and still am one as of now. A lot has changed in my life since then, but I still watch her streams when I'm able to. Truly, she's the V-Tuber I WAHnt to WAHtch the most. - ShinyShinigami


If we don't do something about those ants, - Baek Yoonho

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