I could bring other outfitsto try if you would like.
Perhaps she's this man's servant or something?
Welcome! May I ask whatyou're looking for today?
G-Giant gold coin?!Y-You want to pick something with that?
D-Don't be silly! I-I'll preparesomething for you at once!
This way please, Ma'am.
Use my hands! Please, feel freeto dispose of your ash on my hands!
Use my back!Please, come and sit down on my back!
Hurry up! Bring only thebest clothes for this lady!
Is it possible to have a girl like you in real life? - Anonymous
Is it possible to have a girl like you in real life?
For those confident in their abilities, labyrinths are a guaranteed income source. - Alan
For those confident in their abilities, labyrinths are a guaranteed income source.
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