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Quotes from Sir Edward Lampard Don't be too disappointed.
― Sir Edward Lampard
CV: Wataru Hatano
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Sir Edward Lampard World Break: Aria of Curse for a Holy Swordsman

Sir Edward Lampard from World Break: Aria of Curse for a Holy Swordsman | CV: Wataru Hatano | INFO

Top Quotes

Quotes from Sir Edward Lampard of the Great Britain Headquarters,
I formally nominate you for Rank S.

― Sir Edward Lampard
CV: Wataru Hatano
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Quotes from Sir Edward Lampard I went to see how good he is.
― Sir Edward Lampard
CV: Wataru Hatano
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Quotes from Sir Edward Lampard Don't worry, I just tested him.
― Sir Edward Lampard
CV: Wataru Hatano
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Quotes from Sir Edward Lampard I haven't hurt anyone.
― Sir Edward Lampard
CV: Wataru Hatano
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Quotes from Sir Edward Lampard He was a complete let-down.
― Sir Edward Lampard
CV: Wataru Hatano
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Quotes from Sir Edward Lampard Sadly I can't nominate him for Rank S.
― Sir Edward Lampard
CV: Wataru Hatano
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Quotes from Sir Edward Lampard I'm disappointed, too, of course.
― Sir Edward Lampard
CV: Wataru Hatano
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Quotes from Sir Edward Lampard But they'll find out sooner
or later, even if we lied.

― Sir Edward Lampard
CV: Wataru Hatano
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Quotes from Sir Edward Lampard Three Rank As might cause a miracle.
― Sir Edward Lampard
CV: Wataru Hatano
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Quotes from Sir Edward Lampard Maybe the other two besides
Moroha are pretty good, too.

― Sir Edward Lampard
CV: Wataru Hatano
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