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Alice Stardia The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter

Alice Stardia from The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter | CV: Yuki Nagano | INFO

Top Quotes

Quotes from Alice Stardia Oh, Big Brother!
― Alice Stardia
CV: Yuki Nagano
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Quotes from Alice Stardia Is my lap a comferble...
a comfortable pillow for you?

― Alice Stardia
CV: Yuki Nagano
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Quotes from Alice Stardia Huh?!
― Alice Stardia
CV: Yuki Nagano
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Quotes from Alice Stardia I will not accept this!
― Alice Stardia
CV: Yuki Nagano
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Quotes from Alice Stardia Who is this fiend who took
my dearest brother's position?

― Alice Stardia
CV: Yuki Nagano
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Quotes from Alice Stardia I will go talk to them personally!
― Alice Stardia
CV: Yuki Nagano
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Quotes from Alice Stardia But... that's simply not fair,
my dear brother!

― Alice Stardia
CV: Yuki Nagano
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Quotes from Alice Stardia I know! Why not take the exam
for the Hero Academy?

― Alice Stardia
CV: Yuki Nagano
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Quotes from Alice Stardia You should at least try!
― Alice Stardia
CV: Yuki Nagano
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Quotes from Alice Stardia If you don't make it,
I'll take care of you myself!

― Alice Stardia
CV: Yuki Nagano
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Their physical prowess is remarkable.
Wounds heal in the blink of an eye.
- Sakonji Urokodaki

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