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Quotes from Sir Zechs Lucifer Yes, pretty much nonexistent.
― Sir Zechs Lucifer
CV: Junichi Suwabe
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Sir Zechs Lucifer High School DxD

Sir Zechs Lucifer from High School DxD | CV: Junichi Suwabe | INFO

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Quotes from Sir Zechs Lucifer Yes, pretty much nonexistent.
― Sir Zechs Lucifer
CV: Junichi Suwabe
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Quotes from Sir Zechs Lucifer I merely gave her a choice.
― Sir Zechs Lucifer
CV: Junichi Suwabe
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Quotes from Sir Zechs Lucifer Just as expected.
― Sir Zechs Lucifer
CV: Junichi Suwabe
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Quotes from Sir Zechs Lucifer How typical of her.
― Sir Zechs Lucifer
CV: Junichi Suwabe
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Quotes from Sir Zechs Lucifer Rias made the decision herself
― Sir Zechs Lucifer
CV: Junichi Suwabe
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Quotes from Sir Zechs Lucifer as heiress apparent of the Gremory household.
― Sir Zechs Lucifer
CV: Junichi Suwabe
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