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Kero : Hidey-howdy-ho! (0:00:00.97)
Kero : How have y'all been? (0:00:02.97)
Kero : Today, my very own new TV series,
Kero-chan's Eat Till You Drop , begins!
Kero : This'll be a special presentation to
review what's happened so far.
Kero : It all started when Sakura found
an old book in her dad's library.
Kero : Inside the book were Clow Cards
that possessed magical power.
Kero : And Sakura accidentally activated
them, so they scattered.
Kero : And so, Cardcaptor Sakura was
born to retrieve all the cards.
Kero : This is her friend Tomoyo... (0:00:27.86)
Kero : She's the one who always
makes Sakura's costumes.
Kero : And this is the kid from Hong Kong, (0:00:32.63)
Kero : and he and Sakura like each other, and, um... (0:00:34.15)
Kero : Anyway, let's get to it! (0:00:36.60)
Kero : Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card starts now! (0:00:37.80)
Sakura Kinomoto : When all the cards have gathered together... (0:02:19.42)
Sakura Kinomoto : It is not the end, but rather, the beginning. (0:02:22.88)
Sakura Kinomoto : The beginning of the end... (0:02:27.78)
Kero : It's just about time to go, Sakura! (0:02:46.00)
Sakura Kinomoto : Okay! (0:02:48.42)
Sakura Kinomoto : My name is Sakura Kinomoto. (0:02:50.50)
Sakura Kinomoto : I just started my first year
at Tomoeda Middle School.
Kero : I don't even see any bedhead.
Lookin' sharp...
Kero : I like! (0:03:00.11)
Sakura Kinomoto : Thanks, Kero-chan. (0:03:01.82)
Fujitaka Kinomoto : I was just about to call for you. (0:03:06.60)
Fujitaka Kinomoto : It's almost time... (0:03:09.49)
Sakura Kinomoto : D-Do I look weird? (0:03:14.97)
Fujitaka Kinomoto : Not at all. (0:03:17.57)
Fujitaka Kinomoto : I was just thinking, it wasn't so long ago that
you were wearing the elementary uniform.
Fujitaka Kinomoto : The middle school uniform suits you
well, too. You look very cute!
Fujitaka Kinomoto : Right, Toya-kun? (0:03:28.14)
Touya Kinomoto : So even monsters wear costumes. (0:03:31.96)
Sakura Kinomoto : Excuse me?! (0:03:33.59)
Sakura Kinomoto : It's not a costume! It's my uniform! (0:03:35.26)
Touya Kinomoto : But you don't deny being a monster? (0:03:37.68)
Sakura Kinomoto : You might be in college now,
but you're still just a kid!
Touya Kinomoto : Well, you might be in middle school,
but you're still a brat.
Fujitaka Kinomoto : Sakura-san, you'd better get going. (0:03:45.32)
Sakura Kinomoto : I'm heading out now, Mom. (0:03:51.24)
Fujitaka Kinomoto : Be careful. (0:03:55.53)
Sakura Kinomoto : I will! (0:03:56.69)
Sakura Kinomoto : It's so pretty! (0:04:05.10)
Sakura Kinomoto : The cherry blossoms were still just buds
during our entrance ceremony.
Sakura Kinomoto : We should all have a flower-viewing party. (0:04:14.06)
Sakura Kinomoto : I'll talk to Tomoyo-chan about it. (0:04:16.87)
Sakura Kinomoto : I wish I could have seen this
with Syaoran-kun, too...
Syaoran Li : I promise I'll come back someday, (0:04:30.57)
Syaoran Li : after I finish what I need to do in Hong Kong. (0:04:35.18)
Sakura Kinomoto : Can I name this bear "Syaoran"? (0:04:42.61)
Syaoran Li : Sure. (0:04:46.40)
Sakura Kinomoto : Syaoran-kun is working hard in Hong Kong. (0:04:57.57)
Sakura Kinomoto : I'll work hard, too! (0:05:00.81)
EXTRA : Okay, our classes begin today. (0:05:03.75)
EXTRA : Now that you're in middle school,
if you're struggling with anything,
EXTRA : you can talk to me, your homeroom teacher,
or my assistant, Mori-sensei.
EXTRA : Yes, ma'am! (0:05:15.78)
Sakura Kinomoto : I'm so glad I get to sit next
to you, Tomoyo-chan!
Tomoyo Daidouji : I'm glad, too. (0:05:20.99)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Even Chiharu-chan is in our class again. (0:05:25.60)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah. (0:05:28.46)
Takashi Yamazaki : One in every ten thousand
cornstalks grows a cow.
Sakura Kinomoto : Naoko-chan and Yamazaki-kun
are in the class next door,
Sakura Kinomoto : but they're still in the same school. (0:05:32.54)
Sakura Kinomoto : Rika-chan went to another school, (0:05:34.73)
Sakura Kinomoto : but we can still call and e-mail her. (0:05:37.24)
Tomoyo Daidouji : We should all go out together again, sometime. (0:05:39.93)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah! (0:05:42.49)
EXTRA : Next. (0:05:45.61)
Chiharu Mihara : You're amazing, Sakura-chan! (0:05:52.17)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Just like always! (0:05:54.29)
Sakura Kinomoto : Thanks. (0:05:56.36)
EXTRA : My name is Mike. I'm from Portland. (0:05:57.58)
Tomoyo Daidouji : What did you think of first period? (0:06:05.17)
Sakura Kinomoto : It was so hard! (0:06:07.60)
Sakura Kinomoto : But I'm gonna try hard to make friends
with math in middle school.
Sakura Kinomoto : English, too. (0:06:12.99)
Tomoyo Daidouji : I'll be rooting for you. (0:06:14.02)
Sakura Kinomoto : Syaoran-kun... (0:06:55.65)
Syaoran Li : I finally finished my business in Hong Kong. (0:06:59.08)
Syaoran Li : Now I can stay in Tomoeda forever. (0:07:03.14)
Sakura Kinomoto : Really? (0:07:07.33)
Syaoran Li : Yeah. (0:07:08.87)
Sakura Kinomoto : I don't have to settle for letters
and phone calls anymore?
Syaoran Li : Yeah. (0:07:14.42)
Sakura Kinomoto : Now we can be together forever! (0:07:18.22)
Syaoran Li : Yeah. (0:07:21.10)
Sakura Kinomoto : There's so much I wanted to tell
you when I saw you again!
Syaoran Li : Me, too. (0:07:28.91)
Sakura Kinomoto : Tell me... All of it. (0:07:30.10)
Syaoran Li : Sure. (0:07:32.83)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Don't mind me. (0:07:40.72)
Tomoyo Daidouji : I got the cutest footage of
you today, Sakura-chan!
Syaoran Li : You haven't changed a bit, Daidouji. (0:07:48.70)
Sakura Kinomoto : Oh, yeah. What about school? (0:07:52.66)
Syaoran Li : I'm starting at Tomoeda Middle School tomorrow. (0:07:54.87)
Sakura Kinomoto : Really? (0:07:57.69)
Syaoran Li : Yeah. (0:07:58.79)
Tomoyo Daidouji : I hope we'll all be in the same class. (0:07:59.75)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah! (0:08:02.31)
Sakura Kinomoto : But it's okay if we're not. (0:08:03.98)
Sakura Kinomoto : I can still be right beside you. (0:08:06.23)
Syaoran Li : Sakura... (0:08:09.33)
Sakura Kinomoto : W-Well, I'd... I'd better hurry home! (0:08:16.22)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah! Syaoran-kun! (0:08:25.30)
Sakura Kinomoto : He's starting at Tomoeda
Middle School tomorrow.
Eriol Hiiragizawa : That's wonderful. (0:08:30.62)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah! (0:08:32.23)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : Please send me a picture of you all together. (0:08:33.40)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : I always look forward to those. (0:08:36.95)
Sakura Kinomoto : Same here! I always look forward
to your pictures of England!
Sakura Kinomoto : Mizuki-sensei's, too! (0:08:43.32)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : You heard her. (0:08:45.78)
Kaho Mizuki : Same goes for me. (0:08:47.54)
Kaho Mizuki : I always look forward to your pictures
and letters, Sakura-chan.
Sakura Kinomoto : Mizuki-sensei! (0:08:54.19)
Kaho Mizuki : If you take some more nice
ones, send them over.
Sakura Kinomoto : I will! (0:08:58.52)
Kaho Mizuki : I'll send you some delicious tea soon. (0:08:59.29)
Sakura Kinomoto : Thank you! (0:09:01.28)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : She's been looking at me all this time,
as if she wanted to talk to you.
Sakura Kinomoto : You two are so close! (0:09:08.63)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : And soon, you'll be able to see the one
you want to be closer to any time.
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah. (0:09:16.54)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : I bet you'll have a lovely dream tonight. (0:09:18.11)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : You said you hadn't had many dreams lately, right? (0:09:23.69)
Sakura Kinomoto : Y-Yeah... (0:09:26.66)
Sakura Kinomoto : Because I've been so busy, I guess. (0:09:28.66)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : What matters most is that
you're healthy and energetic.
Kero : Go! Go! Go! Go! (0:09:32.05)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : Well, goodnight. (0:09:34.30)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : Tell Cerberus I said hello. (0:09:36.33)
Kero : Take that! And that! And that! (0:09:37.35)
Sakura Kinomoto : Goodnight. (0:09:38.37)
Kero : Yes! I beat the mid-boss! (0:09:41.47)
Sakura Kinomoto : Eriol-kun said to tell you hello. (0:09:44.69)
Kero : Oh, tell him to send us
somethin' tasty again!
Sakura Kinomoto : We already hung up... (0:09:50.68)
Kero : I'll send him an e-mail later, then! (0:09:52.60)
Kero : I should write Spinny, too. (0:09:54.99)
Kero : I gotta send him a picture from that
dessert buffet we went to the other day!
Kero : Which picture should I send?
This one? Or maybe this one?
Kero : This one looks delicious! (0:10:04.03)
Kero : Hey, isn't this the teddy
bear ya gave that kid?
Kero : The one ya stayed up all night to make,
before he went home to Hong Kong.
Kero : What's it doin' here? (0:10:15.99)
Sakura Kinomoto : U-Um... (0:10:19.96)
Sakura Kinomoto : Thanks for walking me home. (0:10:22.24)
Sakura Kinomoto : I know it was out of your way... (0:10:24.60)
Syaoran Li : I wanted to stay together a bit longer. (0:10:27.70)
Syaoran Li : Oh, right. Here. (0:10:32.01)
Syaoran Li : This Sakura stayed by my side the whole time. (0:10:36.49)
Sakura Kinomoto : My Syaoran-kun bear did, too! (0:10:41.57)
Sakura Kinomoto : He stayed with me the whole time! (0:10:43.93)
Syaoran Li : I think she was lonely, being separated
from the one who made her.
Syaoran Li : Would you stay with her for a little while? (0:10:53.42)
Sakura Kinomoto : Sure! (0:10:56.59)
Sakura Kinomoto : Oh, but in that case, (0:11:00.17)
Sakura Kinomoto : the Syaoran-kun bear probably
wants to see his maker, too!
Syaoran Li : Yeah, I guess so. (0:11:05.87)
Syaoran Li : Let's trade them for a while, then. (0:11:07.82)
Sakura Kinomoto : Okay! (0:11:10.81)
Sakura Kinomoto : Come in. (0:11:17.66)
Sakura Kinomoto : Welcome home. (0:11:20.17)
Touya Kinomoto : Thanks. (0:11:21.57)
Touya Kinomoto : It's from Yuki. (0:11:25.32)
Touya Kinomoto : He said he found it at the
general store he works at.
Sakura Kinomoto : I'll send him an e-mail to thank him! (0:11:30.28)
Touya Kinomoto : Sure. Get to bed soon. (0:11:32.28)
Sakura Kinomoto : Okay! (0:11:35.19)
Kero : So Yukibunny wasn't with him today? (0:11:38.53)
Sakura Kinomoto : I guess not. (0:11:42.17)
Sakura Kinomoto : If he'd stayed overnight, I could
have thanked him in person.
Sakura Kinomoto : I haven't used this in a long time... (0:11:54.04)
Sakura Kinomoto : But I know it's better that way. (0:11:57.25)
Sakura Kinomoto : Cards? (0:12:25.49)
Sakura Kinomoto : They're clear... (0:12:29.16)
Sakura Kinomoto : Who is that? (0:12:39.99)
Sakura Kinomoto : Are you... (0:12:47.74)
Kero : What the heck's wrong, Sakura? (0:13:13.26)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Sakura-chan! (0:13:37.06)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yukito-san... (0:13:38.91)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Good morning. What brings
you over so early?
Kero : This is an emergency! (0:13:45.55)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Come in. (0:13:50.66)
Yukito Tsukishiro : I'll change now. (0:13:52.92)
Yue : What happened? (0:14:09.43)
Yue : What is this? (0:14:12.16)
Sakura Kinomoto : I had a dream last night. (0:14:13.96)
Sakura Kinomoto : Clear cards were floating all around me, (0:14:16.56)
Sakura Kinomoto : and then they shattered. (0:14:18.79)
Sakura Kinomoto : I got worried and opened the
Book of the Clow Cards...
Kero : And all of the cards had become clear. (0:14:24.18)
Yue : I don't sense any magical power. (0:14:29.77)
Sakura Kinomoto : I didn't, either. (0:14:32.40)
Yue : And the key? (0:14:34.24)
Sakura Kinomoto : Release! (0:14:37.19)
Kero : So this means Sakura hasn't
lost her magical power...
Yue : Were the shattering cards
all you saw in the dream?
Sakura Kinomoto : Someone was standing there. (0:14:52.46)
Yue : Who? (0:14:54.52)
Sakura Kinomoto : They were wearing some kind of hood (0:14:57.40)
Sakura Kinomoto : that covered their face and everything else. (0:14:59.14)
Yue : Do you feel anything? (0:15:03.13)
Kero : Not a thing. (0:15:04.69)
Kero : Yukibunny's gotta go to school, too. (0:15:08.71)
Kero : I'll stick with Sakura for a while. (0:15:11.42)
Yue : But... (0:15:14.29)
Sakura Kinomoto : I don't know why this happened yet. (0:15:15.88)
Sakura Kinomoto : So I want Yukito-san to go about
his life as normally as possible.
Yue : Yukito doesn't retain any memories of this form, (0:15:28.30)
Yue : but he is perceptive. (0:15:32.30)
Yue : Not informing him may only
make him worry more.
Sakura Kinomoto : If it does, I'll tell him myself. (0:15:39.84)
Sakura Kinomoto : But until then... (0:15:42.78)
Sakura Kinomoto : I promise. (0:15:45.21)
Sakura Kinomoto : And since Syaoran-kun is back
now, I'll talk to him about it.
Yue : Make sure you tell him... (0:15:54.64)
Yue : Even the smallest things. (0:15:58.67)
Sakura Kinomoto : Okay! (0:16:02.93)
Tomoyo Daidouji : The cards? (0:16:05.30)
Kero : Yue didn't know why, either. (0:16:07.01)
Kero : Hey, kid, what d'you think? (0:16:09.97)
Syaoran Li : I don't know. (0:16:12.51)
Syaoran Li : But whoever you saw in your
dream must be connected.
Tomoyo Daidouji : You couldn't see their face, could you? (0:16:19.46)
Sakura Kinomoto : No... (0:16:22.67)
Kero : I went ahead and sent an e-mail to England. (0:16:24.34)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Then, if something does happen... (0:16:26.98)
Tomoyo Daidouji : It's the triumphant return
of Cardcaptor Sakura!
Sakura Kinomoto : Tomoyo-chan... (0:16:33.75)
Tomoyo Daidouji : I've only seen you in ordinary clothes lately. (0:16:35.08)
Tomoyo Daidouji : It was making me a little depressed. (0:16:38.74)
Tomoyo Daidouji : But in anticipation of something like this,
I always have a stock of costumes ready,
Tomoyo Daidouji : and it's their time to shine, at last! (0:16:46.38)
Kero : You've got some for me, too, right?! (0:16:49.34)
Tomoyo Daidouji : But of course! (0:16:51.33)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Oh, we need to get to class quickly. (0:16:53.65)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah. (0:16:56.37)
Sakura Kinomoto : Syaoran-kun... (0:16:59.81)
Sakura Kinomoto : Sorry I worried you. (0:17:01.69)
Syaoran Li : Don't worry about it. (0:17:04.84)
Sakura Kinomoto : S-See you at lunch! (0:17:07.66)
Syaoran Li : You brought up the costumes
on purpose, didn't you?
Syaoran Li : So that Sakura wouldn't have to worry more. (0:17:15.02)
Tomoyo Daidouji : It's because I believe in her. (0:17:20.77)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Sakura-chan has Kero-chan, Yue-san,
her father, her brother,
Tomoyo Daidouji : all of our friends in England, (0:17:29.13)
Tomoyo Daidouji : and... (0:17:32.07)
Tomoyo Daidouji : She has you, Li-kun! (0:17:33.85)
Tomoyo Daidouji : See you soon. (0:17:37.24)
Chiharu Mihara : Hey, Li-kun starts today, right? (0:17:39.96)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah. (0:17:42.36)
Chiharu Mihara : Why don't we all eat lunch together? (0:17:42.89)
Chiharu Mihara : I brought some sweets I made. (0:17:44.60)
Sakura Kinomoto : I love your sweets, Chiharu-chan! (0:17:47.07)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Yamazaki-kun is so lucky he gets to eat
such delicious sweets all the time.
Chiharu Mihara : It's not all the time! (0:17:54.28)
Chiharu Mihara : I'm a little worried about Li-kun, though... (0:17:57.23)
Chiharu Mihara : He's in Class 3 with
Yamazaki-kun and Naoko-chan.
Naoko Yanagisawa : Are you familiar with the school yet? (0:18:06.49)
Syaoran Li : Well, I'm just starting today. (0:18:09.00)
Takashi Yamazaki : Speaking of "familiar"... (0:18:11.34)
Takashi Yamazaki : The word began with a fictional
creature called "Familiar."
Naoko Yanagisawa : Is that something like Baku? (0:18:16.27)
Takashi Yamazaki : Right, right. (0:18:17.95)
Takashi Yamazaki : And Familiar is a really friendly creature. (0:18:18.99)
Takashi Yamazaki : He only said things like "No walls between
us, right?" and "We're friends, right?"
Takashi Yamazaki : And that's where we got words like
"familiar," and even "family."
Naoko Yanagisawa : I think I've read about that before... (0:18:29.90)
Syaoran Li : I never knew! Thanks for telling me! (0:18:32.60)
Takashi Yamazaki : Never change, Li-kun. (0:18:37.55)
Naoko Yanagisawa : Yeah. (0:18:39.82)
Kero : Did they reply yet? (0:18:42.61)
Sakura Kinomoto : No. (0:18:44.35)
Kero : Well, there's a time difference...
Just give 'em a little longer.
Sakura Kinomoto : Okay. Thanks, Kero-chan. (0:18:48.91)
Kero : Sure! Feel free to give me more
snacks tomorrow, to thank me!
Sakura Kinomoto : Okay. Let's make some together. (0:18:56.15)
Kero : Score! (0:18:58.95)
Kero : Well, with that settled, let's get to sleep. (0:19:00.96)
Kero : Sweet dreams, Sakura. (0:19:07.52)
Sakura Kinomoto : Same to you, Kero-chan. (0:19:09.64)
Sakura Kinomoto : Goodnight, Syaoran-kun. (0:19:12.03)
Sakura Kinomoto : Who... are you? (0:19:23.79)
Sakura Kinomoto : A key? (0:19:59.89)
Kero : Sakura! (0:20:41.06)
Kero : You were havin' a nightmare! Are you okay? (0:20:43.63)
Sakura Kinomoto : A... dream... (0:20:47.04)
Kero : Sakura, is this... (0:20:54.91)
Sakura Kinomoto : It's the key... from my dream. (0:20:57.20)
Sakura Kinomoto : Why is it here? (0:21:02.85)
Kero : Still no reply from Eriol? (0:21:08.40)
Sakura Kinomoto : No. (0:21:11.12)
Sakura Kinomoto : Kero-chan, you didn't feel anything
bad last night, did you?
Kero : No, I didn't notice a thing until
your whimpering woke me up.
Kero : Watch out! (0:21:27.63)
Sakura Kinomoto : What is this?! (0:21:30.93)
Kero : I don't know... I don't sense any presence. (0:21:32.15)
Kero : But this is no ordinary wind! (0:21:34.61)
Kero : Sakura! The cards! (0:21:40.43)
Kero : Oh, wait. (0:21:42.72)
Kero : They've all turned clear! (0:21:43.66)
Sakura Kinomoto : The key! (0:21:54.46)
Sakura Kinomoto : Could this key be... (0:21:56.42)
Sakura Kinomoto : Release! (0:22:00.33)
Sakura Kinomoto : It turned into a staff... (0:22:10.71)
Sakura Kinomoto : The incantation I've always used
before won't do anything.
Sakura Kinomoto : An incantation to let me use this staff... (0:22:22.95)
Kero : Sakura! (0:22:27.20)
Sakura Kinomoto : Force without master, (0:22:28.62)
Sakura Kinomoto : heed the call of my Staff of Dreams,
and become my power!
Sakura Kinomoto : Secure! (0:22:35.59)
Kero : Sakura! (0:22:55.49)
Kero : What is that? (0:22:58.65)
Sakura Kinomoto : A new card... (0:23:01.44)
Sakura Kinomoto : A mysterious incident and a new card. (0:24:40.30)
Sakura Kinomoto : What? Tomoyo-chan, you made me a new costume? (0:24:43.19)
Sakura Kinomoto : Next time, "Sakura and the Room with No Exit." (0:24:49.00)
Sakura Kinomoto : Say it with me: "Release!" (0:24:51.76)

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