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Lavian Winslet : Grandpa! (0:00:15.64)
Dren Dan : All right. Let's keep going. (0:01:08.17)
Ivano Norman : Man... We're the Zemurian
continent's largest jaeger corps,
Ivano Norman : the almighty Northern Jaegers, y'know? (0:01:23.15)
Ivano Norman : Why the hell do we gotta play delivery boys? (0:01:25.16)
Tak Yenski : Suck it up. (0:01:28.78)
Tak Yenski : If we keep this pace up, we can
make it to Haliask tomorrow.
Ivano Norman : Whew, I'd die for some pipin'
hot northern borscht right now.
Ivano Norman : We ain't gainin' much experience
beating up scrubs with these greenhorns.
Ivano Norman : Especially this one right here... (0:01:43.96)
Ivano Norman : who hasn't even been with us half a year! (0:01:48.97)
Tak Yenski : Oh? And they're already out on the battle
lines, if only for an escort mission?
Tak Yenski : What is this, the second coming
of the prodigious Purple Lightning?
Ivano Norman : I was stuck cleaning toilets half a year in! (0:02:02.82)
Tak Yenski : Oh, come on. (0:02:09.43)
Tak Yenski : You were being disciplined
for slacking off on your drills.
Ivano Norman : Grr! (0:02:24.70)
Ivano Norman : Hey, rook! Can't you show some respect?! (0:02:25.67)
Tak Yenski : Hey, hey. (0:02:26.71)
Tak Yenski : You're not kids anymore. (0:02:28.40)
Ivano Norman : Stay right— (0:02:29.54)
Tak Yenski : Give it a res— (0:02:30.34)
Ivano Norman : Dude, what? (0:02:37.65)
Tak Yenski : It's no big deal. (0:02:39.14)
Dren Dan : Let it go, Deputy Commander. (0:02:51.42)
Dren Dan : They may look hopeless, but they can
be counted on when it comes down to it.
Ivano Norman : Get a load of Dren, actin' all bossy. (0:03:01.19)
Ivano Norman : Didn't he enlist at the same time as us? (0:03:03.45)
Ivano Norman : Well, if I got serious, I could outrank him
and order him around in a heartbeat.
Tak Yenski : Man, it's been 8 years since you joined, (0:03:12.31)
Tak Yenski : and you're doing delivery
missions with rooks.
Tak Yenski : Wake up. (0:03:17.09)
Ivano Norman : This stuff we're delivering... (0:03:19.60)
Ivano Norman : It's just relief supplies
for civilians, right?
Ivano Norman : Why does it need so much security? (0:03:23.29)
Tak Yenski : Don't ask me. (0:03:25.64)
Tak Yenski : It has to be because Erebonia
and Calvard are butting heads, right?
Tak Yenski : You heard about the annexation of Crossbell? (0:03:31.31)
Ivano Norman : If I knew I'd be stuck
doing boring shit like this,
Ivano Norman : I would've volunteered for the recon corps. (0:03:36.40)
Tak Yenski : Wha? (0:03:39.50)
Tak Yenski : That mission's being led
by Rogan and the radicals.
Tak Yenski : They're total warmongers, man. (0:03:44.36)
Ivano Norman : Listen, I crave the true jaeger life. (0:03:46.79)
Ivano Norman : I need the hair-raising life-or-death battles,
thrills, shocking events, and suspense!
Tak Yenski : Anywhere Rogan goes,
he leaves nothing in his wake.
Tak Yenski : Not monsters, not people,
not even vegetation.
Tak Yenski : That's what gave him the moniker... (0:04:01.49)
Tak Yenski : "The Aurora Phenomenon." (0:04:03.98)
Ivano Norman : Hear that, rook? Ain't it something? (0:04:06.32)
Ivano Norman : Rogan now holds the most
influence in the jaeger corps.
Ivano Norman : Some young'uns are even
calling it the birth of a new hero!
Tak Yenski : You know how we Northern Jaegers
number more than 10,000,
Tak Yenski : with Master Glark at the top? (0:04:22.76)
Tak Yenski : Rogan is one of the few who
can go toe-to-toe with the boss.
Ivano Norman : Which means... (0:04:30.91)
Ivano Norman : Under Rogan, my potential will be unleashed. (0:04:31.95)
Ivano Norman : I can show what I can do when I'm serious... (0:04:35.35)
Ivano Norman : My 100 percent full power! (0:04:36.86)
Ivano Norman : Huh? (0:04:41.57)
Ivano Norman : Hey, you listenin'? (0:04:42.33)
Tak Yenski : What's up? You find a Pom or something? (0:04:43.96)
Tak Yenski : This hole's still fresh. (0:04:48.71)
Dren Dan : All troops, halt! (0:05:00.01)
Tak Yenski : So it is Dromes. (0:05:12.86)
Ivano Norman : We're too far out to hit them. (0:05:14.13)
Ivano Norman : Tak! (0:05:15.65)
Tak Yenski : You'll be okay now. (0:05:40.82)
Dren Dan : Fire! (0:05:59.50)
Ivano Norman : Good job figurin' out
there was a village here.
Dren Dan : Great. Which leaves... (0:06:35.82)
Tak Yenski : Their pulses are stable. (0:06:38.49)
Tak Yenski : That said... (0:06:40.76)
Tak Yenski : They need antidotes as soon as possible. (0:06:42.28)
Ivano Norman : Drome venom? That's trouble. (0:06:45.01)
Tak Yenski : Only Haliask's equipped to treat them. (0:06:47.48)
Mia : Haliask?! But that's so far! (0:06:49.63)
Ivano Norman : We'll keep them and you safe from monsters. (0:06:53.21)
Ivano Norman : Don't you worry, gran. (0:06:56.03)
Tak Yenski : We can get there as soon as tomorrow. (0:06:57.93)
Ivano Norman : All right, let's go. (0:07:05.85)
Ivano Norman : Hmm? What's wrong? (0:07:09.93)
Ivano Norman : Dromes, destroying walls
and swarming into a village?
Ivano Norman : You're right. That is strange. (0:07:16.70)
Tak Yenski : They do grow more active
in snowy conditions, but...
Tak Yenski : Wait, were they running from something? (0:07:25.67)
Dren Dan : Dodge it! (0:07:44.82)
Ivano Norman : Dren! (0:07:47.59)
Tak Yenski : He got careless! (0:07:48.20)
Dren Dan : Fall back... to the church! (0:07:51.80)
Tak Yenski : Damn it... (0:07:58.37)
Ivano Norman : We're not even scratching it! (0:07:59.19)
Ivano Norman : Hey, stop! (0:08:08.87)
Tak Yenski : We've been ordered to fall back! (0:08:09.78)
Ivano Norman : Is that moron for real?! (0:08:10.96)
Tak Yenski : This is no time to be impressed! (0:08:20.44)
Ivano Norman : Tch. Fine, let's buy some time! (0:08:22.64)
Ivano Norman : Chew on this... (0:08:37.70)
Tak Yenski : and go hibernate! (0:08:39.98)
Ivano Norman : You got more rounds? (0:08:55.42)
Tak Yenski : Just used my last one. (0:08:56.21)
Ivano Norman : Same here. (0:08:57.59)
Ivano Norman : Are you crazy, rook?! (0:09:38.67)
Ivano Norman : Lavi! (0:09:40.42)
Tak Yenski : Oh, boy. Can't wait to write
an apology for this.
Lavian Winslet : But hey, weren't you bored
and in need of thrills?
Lavian Winslet : Commander, I've finished my report. (0:11:55.61)
Dren Dan : Great. That was quicker than I expected. (0:11:58.02)
Dren Dan : Wait, where's the paperwork? (0:12:00.82)
Ivano Norman : Hey, you forgot something. (0:12:02.88)
Tak Yenski : I was a fool to be impressed when
you took down that giant piece of shit.
Lavian Winslet : Here. My written apology for defying orders. (0:12:10.98)
Tak Yenski : That seals it. Pay cut for three months. (0:12:14.57)
Ivano Norman : Back to the broke life again, huh... (0:12:16.83)
Dren Dan : Okay. I trust you also filed the relief
aid application for the settlement?
Lavian Winslet : Yep. (0:12:24.41)
Dren Dan : I'm fine. They just went
overboard on the bandages.
Dren Dan : Though, well, I won't be
on the front lines for a while.
Ivano Norman : Hey. (0:12:42.36)
Tak Yenski : Someone's in a hurry. (0:12:48.28)
Tak Yenski : They're always bossy, though,
so that part's nothing new.
Ivano Norman : Look at them acting like
they own the country.
Ivano Norman : Don't they realize they're only
living the cushy life thanks to us?
Tak Yenski : Do you know why we both got pay cuts? (0:13:06.88)
Ivano Norman : It's 'cause you went crazy! (0:13:09.37)
Dren Dan : I've got some things to take care of. (0:13:16.63)
Ivano Norman : Nobody asked. (0:13:18.86)
Ivano Norman : We know you enjoy the same pricey
cuisine as those snobby lawmakers!
Ivano Norman : Nothing in this world's tastier
than northern borscht, tho—
Dren Dan : Lavi. (0:13:28.33)
Ivano Norman : What? (0:13:29.40)
Dren Dan : Oh, it's just... (0:13:30.44)
Dren Dan : Those two are total gluttons, so be careful. (0:13:32.33)
Dren Dan : Keep them in check. (0:13:34.62)
Ivano Norman : If you wanna talk Haliask, (0:13:38.65)
Ivano Norman : you can't leave out the famous
Liberation Square arcade and its stalls!
Ivano Norman : It's just as grand as the one
in Heimdallr, over in Erebonia.
Tak Yenski : Huh? Is this your first time here, Lavi? (0:13:46.79)
Lavian Winslet : I have seen it in passing before, but yes. (0:13:49.54)
Ivano Norman : Okay, I'll give you a personal
guided tour, so be grateful, rook.
Tak Yenski : Quit acting high and mighty when
you're trying to mooch off of that rook.
Ivano Norman : Like you aren't! (0:14:01.40)
Tak Yenski : Oh, I guess I am. (0:14:02.97)
Ivano Norman : All right, then. Off we go! (0:14:05.16)
Ivano Norman : Let's get right to it! (0:14:39.20)
Ivano Norman : Yum! (0:14:42.18)
Tak Yenski : Yeah... This sour taste, topped off
by the sweetness of the veggies...
Tak Yenski : I could get hooked! (0:14:48.68)
Tak Yenski : Believe it or not, she's even
better in combat than the two of us.
Ivano Norman : Oh, hey, gran! (0:15:49.51)
Ivano Norman : We have something to do,
so we'll be heading out.
Ivano Norman : Thanks for the food! (0:15:56.14)
Tak Yenski : It was great. (0:15:57.01)
Mia : This is her first time out of our village. (0:16:01.02)
Mia : Thankfully, my daughter and her husband
got the antidote in time and are stable now.
Ivano Norman : That so? (0:16:10.85)
Tak Yenski : Good thing Lavi noticed so quickly. (0:16:11.73)
Mia : I'd never expected Liberation Square
to have become an arcade, though.
Tak Yenski : Huh? Have you been to Haliask before? (0:16:21.79)
Mia : Yes. I suppose things would change
after 27 years.
Tak Yenski : 27 years ago?
When the revolution took place?
Ivano Norman : Oh, right. This is a memorial, right? (0:16:40.03)
Mia : It's no surprise that you young'uns
wouldn't know much about it.
Mia : North Ambria used to be a principality
with a prosperous shipping industry.
Mia : It wasn't a poor country in any way or form. (0:16:56.53)
Mia : But that one morning... (0:17:01.38)
Mia : a massive white pillar, tall enough
to pierce the sky, appeared out of nowhere.
Mia : It later came to be known as the North
Ambrian Disaster, or the Salt Pale Incident.
Mia : People, land, and everything else turned
into white clumps of salt.
Mia : The prince fled the country, and riots
and coups become commonplace.
Mia : All I could do was run as far as I could. (0:17:27.28)
Mia : I had to keep my daughter safe. (0:17:31.07)
Mia : That was all I had on my mind as
I walked southwards for days on end.
Mia : But even then, I was this close
to losing all hope.
Mia : That's when... (0:17:42.77)
Mia : Some people took control
of all the local coups and riots,
Mia : and started a revolution. (0:17:49.58)
Mia : They became the heroes of the revolution. (0:17:54.13)
Mia : It was here that the
"State of North Ambria" was born.
Mia : It's all thanks to those heroes
that I'm still here today.
Tak Yenski : Later, those very same heroes (0:18:08.19)
Tak Yenski : became the core that
formed our Northern Jaegers.
Ivano Norman : What? Our boss was a hero of the revolution? (0:18:15.76)
Tak Yenski : Dude, even kids know that these days. (0:18:19.49)
Mia : Go on, Miju. (0:18:23.87)
Mia : Don't you have something to give her? (0:18:25.27)
Miju : Hey, miss... (0:18:31.50)
Miju : Thank you for saving my daddy,
mommy, and granny!
Ivano Norman : Get a move on. (0:19:00.94)
Ivano Norman : Hey, that's Rogan! (0:19:19.52)
Tak Yenski : Why is he here?
Wasn't he on a recon mission?
Ivano Norman : Let me in, Rogan! (0:19:27.47)
Ivano Norman : Let me join the Phenomenon Squad! (0:19:29.16)
Tak Yenski : Don't! They're radicals! (0:19:29.58)
Rogan Mugart : Wheat-treading season
is almost upon us, huh?
Rogan Mugart : Since it's a crop endemic
to mountainous regions,
Rogan Mugart : it ripens later than usual, does it not? (0:19:47.53)
Lavian Winslet : Why...? (0:19:50.64)
Rogan Mugart : You look like you're wondering how
I know the village you were born in.
Rogan Mugart : That's not all I know. (0:19:56.82)
Rogan Mugart : I also know the man
who was once hailed a hero
Rogan Mugart : and yet abandoned North Ambria... (0:20:02.01)
Rogan Mugart : Vlad Winslet. (0:20:05.57)
Rogan Mugart : I mean your grandfather... (0:20:10.13)
Rogan Mugart : Lavian Winslet, grandchild of a hero. (0:20:12.84)
Rogan Mugart : Back when this country teetered
on the brink of destruction,
Rogan Mugart : the heroes of the revolution saved us. (0:20:35.21)
Rogan Mugart : But what did they accomplish after that? (0:20:39.81)
Rogan Mugart : What did they leave for future generations? (0:20:43.18)
Rogan Mugart : This country still battles
harsh weather and abject poverty,
Rogan Mugart : and even those modest lives could be ruined
by foreign troops in the blink of an eye.
Rogan Mugart : The times are constantly changing.
They wait for no man.
Rogan Mugart : The heroes of North Ambria are dead. (0:21:06.32)
Rogan Mugart : This country needs another,
brand-new revolution.
Rogan Mugart : Calvard has lost to Erebonia! (0:21:15.50)
Rogan Mugart : Crossbell State has been
annexed by the Erebonian Empire!
Rogan Mugart : All it took was one Soldat. (0:21:28.22)
Rogan Mugart : All it took was one Imperial hero! (0:21:35.02)
Lavian Winslet : A hero... (0:21:41.38)
Rogan Mugart : It's clear as day what Erebonia
will set its sights on next.
Rogan Mugart : The time has come to make a stand! (0:21:47.41)
Rogan Mugart : I'm here to start another revolution! (0:21:50.57)

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