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Earth : Video games are wonderful. (0:00:07.32)
Earth : I might be a 38-year-old man, (0:00:09.71)
Earth : but when I'm in a game, I'm young again. (0:00:11.37)
Earth : And I can do things that
I could never do in real life.
Earth : Okay, time to start by making my character. (0:00:18.97)
Earth : I'll name him "Earth," I guess. (0:00:22.98)
Earth : Since Daichi's my real name. (0:00:25.43)
Earth : And I'll make him look... young. (0:00:26.98)
Earth : He can be the same height as me... (0:00:29.70)
Earth : And he definitely needs
black hair and black eyes.
Earth : There. That should do it. (0:00:35.08)
Earth : He doesn't exactly stand out, but I'm not
the type to be the main character myself.
Earth : I'm a salaryman in the real world. (0:00:45.12)
Earth : I can only play two or three hours a day. (0:00:47.19)
Earth : So I might cause trouble for other
players if I tried to play with them.
Earth : I'll be going solo
most of the time, I bet.
Earth : Now to pick my skills. I can pick mostly
things that were underpowered...
Earth : or, let's be honest, trash, during the beta. (0:01:00.38)
Earth : Then the hardcore crowd will leave me alone, (0:01:04.77)
Earth : and I play the game at my own pace. (0:01:08.30)
Earth : Out of my ten skills, six are underpowered. (0:01:10.82)
Earth : Bows are supposed to have
really bad accuracy.
Earth : And potions are available cheap from NPCs,
so medicine's pretty worthless.
Earth : Kick has no special attacks. (0:01:23.93)
Earth : You can't beat an enemy in
one hit just by kicking it.
Earth : Wind Magic is worse than the
other types for attacking.
Earth : It doesn't work against Fire and
it's useless against Earth.
Earth : Sneak has a high MP cost. (0:01:38.21)
Earth : If you move, it's easy to find you, so it's
not good for trying to run away from monsters.
Earth : Improved Physical Abilities supposedly gives a
bonus to running, using a weapon, or crafting.
Earth : But it's a small bonus,
so if you want to be strong,
Earth : you should pick something more specialized. (0:01:53.66)
Earth : But by picking skills that are underpowered, (0:01:58.15)
Earth : other people won't want to play with me. (0:02:01.75)
Earth : So I can relax and play my way. (0:02:03.76)
Earth : That's it for making my character! (0:02:06.09)
Earth : Time for my first log-in! (0:02:08.44)
Earth : Episode 1 (0:03:41.45)
Earth : The concept of One More Free Life Online is,
like the name says,
Earth : that you can enjoy another life here. (0:03:46.73)
Earth : There's no big "Beat the Final Boss" quest, (0:03:51.52)
Earth : so you're free to spend all
your time fighting monsters,
Earth : or being a craftsperson who
specializes on making items.
Earth : Or you can just hang out
and talk to other players.
Earth : You can play the game however you want. (0:04:07.07)
Earth : It's the first day, so the place is packed. (0:04:12.16)
Myun : You're a new player, right?
How about some equipment?
Myun : We've got the good stuff! (0:04:19.01)
Earth : I guess there aren't any archers, huh? (0:04:28.12)
Ward : You there, loser. (0:04:31.98)
Ward : The one with the bow. (0:04:34.45)
Earth : This is an unlucky way
to start my first day...
Earth : You mean me? (0:04:39.61)
Ward : Don't you know that bows are useless? (0:04:40.97)
Ward : I guess some people are just weird! (0:04:43.28)
Ward : And you've got the face of a loser. (0:04:46.85)
Ward : You're such a dork! (0:04:48.56)
Ward : Let's go! (0:04:51.56)
Myun : Hey, is the new player okay? (0:04:56.12)
Myun : Hey, be careful, newbie! (0:05:01.84)
Earth : I guess people really don't like archers. (0:05:03.05)
Myun : Come back any time! (0:05:05.01)
Earth : That's better for me, though. (0:05:06.00)
Myun : Welcome! (0:05:07.40)
Earth : Oh, look at 'em all working hard! (0:05:13.59)
Earth : Okay, I'll try, too! (0:05:15.55)
Earth : I can't even shoot the thing... (0:05:21.18)
Earth : Guess I've gotta practice! (0:05:23.97)
Earth : Take this, and this, and this, and this! (0:05:26.88)
Earth : It's even less accurate than I'd heard! (0:05:30.69)
Earth : I fired 100 shots and made it to level 5. (0:05:35.41)
Earth : {\fad(175,0)\pos(105,55)\an8\b1\fs20\c&HF9B12C&\3c&HFFFFFF&\shad0}Archery (0:05:37.31)
Earth : Veni Ventus Volare. (0:05:40.75)
Earth : Wind Needle! (0:05:43.70)
Earth : {\an8\b1\fs20\c&HF9B12C&\3c&HFFFFFF&\shad0\pos(144,55)}Wind Magic (0:05:45.49)
Earth : It's more accurate than archery. (0:05:45.94)
Earth : And my kick skill's gone way up, too... (0:05:48.99)
Earth : {\an8\b1\fs20\c&HF9B12C&\3c&HFFFFFF&\shad0\pos(128,55)}Kick (0:05:52.99)
Earth : Okay, I've got the minimum skills
I need to survive out there.
Earth : Time to head out into the field! (0:05:59.76)
Earth : Looks like a mess. (0:06:06.29)
Earth : I guess I won't be doing any combat today. (0:06:07.99)
Earth : I'll focus on gathering herbs. (0:06:09.69)
Earth : Long-Distance Vision (0:06:15.22)
Earth : So you don't know what it is
after you pick it up, huh?
Earth : I guess I'll go back and appraise it. (0:06:28.87)
Earth : I lost another one? (0:06:31.46)
Earth : At first, I kept messing up and losing
my herbs before I could identify them.
Earth : But I'm starting to figure it out. (0:06:39.66)
Earth : And the reason for that is... (0:06:42.97)
Earth : My medicine level is going up, (0:06:45.48)
Earth : and I've been able to figure out
which category an herb is in.
Earth : The problem is that I found two of these! (0:06:51.77)
Earth : What was I supposed to do if I didn't
use appraise on these first?
Earth : What were the devs thinking,
putting this in the first area?
Earth : I went to a potion store and used my starting
cash to buy a beginner's medicine crafting set.
Earth : The method to make healing potions... (0:07:16.79)
Earth : It's just what I thought. (0:07:20.00)
Earth : You grind up the herb, soak it in
clean water, heat it, and you're done.
Earth : In this game, once you've made
an item, you can batch craft it.
Earth : The items aren't as high-quality,
but it's much easier.
Earth : Guess I'll make some potions
and antidotes for tomorrow!
Earth : My medicine skill is at level 7! (0:07:51.39)
Earth : And my Production Fingertips
skill went up a bit, as well!
Earth : But you can get potions for
really cheap from NPCs,
Earth : so nobody's going to want these. (0:08:02.86)
Earth : Now it's time to go hunting! (0:08:07.54)
Earth : It's finally emptied out! (0:08:12.54)
Earth : I won't have to argue with other players
about who gets to fight a monster.
Earth : You can't fire quickly with a bow,
so the first shot is really important.
Earth : It noticed me? (0:08:33.27)
Earth : I got it! (0:08:39.89)
Earth : I'm less of an archer and
more of a kicker, huh?
Zwei : Gwaaaahh! (0:08:58.84)
Zwei : That was hilarious! (0:09:03.14)
Earth : What? (0:09:07.51)
Zwei : "What," he says! (0:09:08.35)
Milly : You're laughing too much. (0:09:10.46)
Zwei : But, Millie! (0:09:13.84)
Earth : So, what was so funny? (0:09:15.31)
Zwei : Sorry, sorry! (0:09:18.87)
Zwei : I've fought rabbithorns before, but I've
never seen one make a noise like that!
Zwei : It was like, "Fwraaaaaagghhh!" (0:09:26.25)
Zwei : Humor is justice! (0:09:32.22)
Earth : So you're a comedian or something? (0:09:34.78)
Milly : Sorry. (0:09:36.95)
Zwei : You seem pretty cool. (0:09:39.39)
Zwei : I'm Zwei. (0:09:42.21)
Zwei : This is Millie. (0:09:43.31)
Zwei : I can send a friend request, right? (0:09:45.36)
Milly : May I send one, too? (0:09:47.05)
Earth : Sure, but... (0:09:49.68)
Zwei : Awesome! (0:09:51.41)
Zwei : I've got a partner now! (0:09:53.03)
Zwei : Time to aim for being a top comedic duo! (0:09:54.71)
Earth : I'm not your partner! (0:09:57.45)
Zwei : That was perfect! (0:09:58.95)
Zwei : Let's party up some time! (0:10:00.83)
Milly : See you around, okay? (0:10:03.40)
Earth : Sure. (0:10:05.15)
Earth : It took way too long to take
out a single monster...
Earth : I need to get more experience. (0:10:14.70)
Earth : They notice me even when I try to
hit them from their blind spots.
Earth : Veni Ventus Volare! (0:10:25.08)
Earth : Wind Needle! (0:10:27.36)
Earth : Wind Needle's a wind spell, so it hits... (0:10:32.28)
Earth : But how do I stay hidden from them? (0:10:35.72)
Earth : {\fad(175,250)\move(314,55,104,55)\fnArial\b1\3c&HBF993B&\shad0\blur2}Sneak (0:10:39.49)
Earth : My sneak skill? (0:10:39.95)
Earth : It's worth a try! (0:10:41.85)
Earth : The bow never hits, and you
can't use sneak to run away.
Earth : But put them together,
and they're really strong!
Earth : I think I'm seeing what my next step is! (0:11:02.95)
Earth : The hardcore crowd will be
up all night, I'm sure.
Earth : But I've got work tomorrow. (0:11:15.18)
Earth : Time to go to bed. (0:11:18.37)
Earth : What's with this bread?
It's pretty unimpressive.
Earth : The stuff you buy from NPCs
doesn't taste that good.
Earth : If you can taste stuff in this game, (0:11:36.04)
Earth : I'd like to be able to eat
something that tastes better.
Earth : I've got my seasonings and cooking set... (0:11:47.05)
Earth : Time to get to work! (0:11:50.41)
Earth : First, I'll start by just frying
the meat to see how it tastes,
Earth : then season it with salt and pepper. (0:11:58.89)
Earth : My very first rabbit steak! (0:12:01.99)
Earth : It's tough! It's way too tough! (0:12:08.21)
Earth : So its score is 2, huh? (0:12:13.14)
Earth : Now I'll try making cuts in
it and preparing it properly.
Earth : And I'll put some herbs in to
get rid of the gamy taste.
Earth : It's tender and delicious! (0:12:32.53)
Earth : It's got a score of 5, huh? (0:12:36.31)
Earth : I'd love to get it up another point or two. (0:12:38.96)
Earth : Scoring it was definitely the right idea. (0:12:43.52)
Earth : Now I'll try to parboil it a little before frying. (0:12:46.37)
Earth : I finally got a score of 7! (0:13:08.85)
Earth : I'm satisfied with this! (0:13:11.45)
Earth : O-Okay! (0:13:22.29)
Earth : A hundred gloh per steak! (0:13:25.45)
Earth : How about that? (0:13:28.07)
Earth : That's about 20 times what
it costs to buy bread from the NPCs!
Earth : Just a little more! (0:13:38.87)
Earth : Wait, I said! (0:13:41.93)
Earth : {\fad(2500,0)\c&H3B3515&\an8\3c&HA0BAD5&\shad0\pos(413.334,126)}End of Line (0:13:43.46)
Earth : And so I spent the evening in cooking hell,
but I crafted enough to get to cooking level 20.
Earth : And I learned Cooking Promotion! (0:13:53.06)
Earth : Here you go! (0:13:55.49)
Earth : Thanks to that, I was able
to cook at high speed,
Earth : and finally escape that hell. (0:14:00.38)
Earth : And now I'm making a bow. (0:14:05.66)
Earth : There's no demand for bows so
you have to make them yourself.
Earth : I'm going to start by making the
simplest bow out of just a piece of wood.
Earth : I'll sand it down carefully and add
something to make it less slippery.
Earth : Make the grips and tie the string... (0:14:21.68)
Earth : A score of three and an attack of four, huh? (0:14:30.39)
Earth : It's better than the basic
beginner's bow, I guess.
Earth : I guess I can try some other stuff. (0:14:36.10)
Earth : I can put together three pieces of wood, (0:14:38.57)
Earth : two made from a harder material
and one that's more flexible...
Earth : Then sand down the parts that face each
other so they fit together and bend.
Earth : It's got an attack of 12! (0:14:53.48)
Earth : That's a big improvement! (0:14:55.94)
Earth : Okay, next... (0:14:58.11)
Earth : I need some armor! (0:15:00.18)
Myun : Thanks for your business! (0:15:04.32)
Earth : Cooking level 25? (0:15:16.72)
Earth : Oh, I've got to hurry! (0:15:19.96)
Earth : I used a lot of my money
to buy that armor...
Earth : I need to earn some more cash. (0:15:30.28)
Earth : And I'll also put in my new prototype
grape-flavored potions to try them out, too.
Earth : Hawk Shot! (0:16:03.19)
Earth : It's a lot easier to
fight with this new bow!
Earth : Okay, time to get to work! (0:16:10.96)
Earth : Veni Ventus Volare! (0:16:14.27)
Earth : Wind Needle! (0:16:16.39)
Earth : Veni Gutadia Acrus Ratula! (0:16:21.39)
Earth : Wind Cutter! (0:16:24.53)
Earth : My kick and wind magic skills have
gone up along with my archery.
Earth : All right. I've got a lot of items
and I'm running out of arrows.
Earth : Time to head back. (0:16:39.94)
Earth : But my excitement only lasted for a moment. (0:16:45.06)
Earth : Shortly after this, we were all
brutally attacked by a new system.
Earth : What's going on? (0:17:04.04)
Earth : You can buy all the potions you
want from the NPCs, right?
Earth : Zwei, this is Earth. (0:17:10.70)
Zwei : Is that you, Earth? (0:17:12.85)
Earth : I got back from hunting and the whole town's
filled with people looking for potions.
Earth : What happened? (0:17:19.13)
Zwei : The NPCs have started
saying they're out of potions!
Earth : That's pretty bad, though, right? (0:17:26.15)
Zwei : It is bad! For you! (0:17:28.74)
Zwei : Those potion juices you sold
at the vending machine...
Zwei : They're gonna be begging you for them! (0:17:34.96)
Earth : I guess you're right! (0:17:38.92)
Zwei : They're there already, huh? (0:17:40.29)
Zwei : I'm on my way! (0:17:41.52)
Earth : Thanks! (0:17:43.66)
Earth : Wait! (0:17:51.04)
Earth : I know you need potions! (0:17:53.04)
Earth : But there's so many people here! (0:17:54.71)
Earth : I'm putting a limit on how many you can buy! (0:17:57.06)
Earth : Potions are 40 gloh each,
and you can only buy five!
Zwei : Earth. (0:18:10.88)
Earth : Zwei! Millie! (0:18:12.85)
Zwei : I'll deal with the crowd control.
You just make the potions.
Milly : I'll handle the money, okay? (0:18:18.36)
Earth : Thanks so much. (0:18:22.40)
Earth : I don't have a choice. (0:18:24.02)
Earth : Everybody thought medicine was a
trash skill, so barely anybody took it.
Earth : I don't want all the players to be
upset because nobody has potions.
Earth : I'm out of medicinal herbs. (0:18:39.63)
Earth : I'm sorry! I'm out of medicinal herbs! (0:18:41.42)
Earth : These are the last potions
I have for the day!
Earth : Sure. (0:18:50.74)
Zwei : Sorry, everyone! (0:18:51.68)
Ward : Hey! (0:18:53.08)
Ward : Hey, loser archer. (0:18:56.60)
Ward : Give me all the potions you've got. (0:18:58.90)
Ward : We'll make good use of them for you. (0:19:01.53)
Earth : Sorry. (0:19:03.50)
Earth : These are for the people who stood in line. (0:19:05.12)
Ward : You've got some nerve, don't you? (0:19:09.18)
Zwei : Hey! Leave us alone! (0:19:11.46)
Earth : Zwei! (0:19:15.37)
Ward : I'll show you what happens
if you don't do what I say.
Earth : I'll say the exact same thing to you. (0:19:21.71)
Earth : You don't seem to understand the
situation everyone's in right now.
Ward : Who are you guys? (0:19:33.49)
Ward : You're going to take this loser's side? (0:19:35.38)
Earth : You shouldn't get any ideas
about stealing them.
Ward : Fine. I'll pay. (0:19:42.92)
Earth : What do you think will happen if we can't
buy weapons and armor from the NPCs,
Earth : like what just happened with the potions? (0:19:49.99)
Earth : You're going to need craftspeople! (0:19:53.66)
Earth : Which means you'll need to get
along with other players!
Earth : And if you make an enemy
out of everyone here,
Earth : you'll end up with nobody
willing to sell you anything!
Ward : Don't you dare lecture me! (0:20:10.32)
Ward : Who do you think you are, anyway? (0:20:14.18)
Zwei : Hey, don't try to PvP him! (0:20:19.61)
Earth : Don't worry. (0:20:24.92)
Earth : I can't just let players like
him boss everybody around!
Earth : Do you accept the duel? (0:20:30.83)
Earth : He thinks he's won already, I bet. (0:20:40.75)
Earth : That's fine by me. (0:20:43.34)
Earth : His arrogance gives me a chance
to hit him in his weak spot!
Earth : I shift to the side to dodge, and... (0:20:56.76)
Earth : There! (0:21:03.15)
Ward : Archers can't do anything but steal
other people's points from long-range!
Ward : But he's fighting up close?! (0:21:08.57)
Zwei : He's amazing, Millie! (0:21:27.01)
Zwei : Get Blue Color together, now! (0:21:28.95)
Milly : Okay! (0:21:30.75)
Earth : Sorry for the trouble! (0:21:33.69)
Earth : I'll go get some more medicinal herbs and
open my shop again tomorrow, okay?
Earth : All my hard work paid off today. (0:21:41.49)
Earth : I bet the guy with the mohawk and his buddies (0:21:45.74)
Earth : will find themselves ignored
by all the craftspeople, now.
Earth : And they'll end up quitting the game, too, I bet. (0:21:53.54)
Earth : Poor guys. (0:21:55.96)

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