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Cisqua : W-Why this is...! (0:00:10.89)
Cisqua : No question about it. (0:00:12.63)
Cisqua : It's the emblem of the Metherlence. (0:00:14.21)
Cisqua : I finally found it! (0:00:16.42)
Cisqua : The legendary Edel Raid! (0:00:17.85)
EXTRA : A world where people yearn for the skies
and move closer to the skies...
EXTRA : And some have found mysterious
powers floating in the skies.
EXTRA : Guardia! An ancient legend exists here... (0:00:30.36)
EXTRA : "Beyond the skies, in the heavens where\nthe clouds lead, lies a land of gold." (0:00:35.08)
EXTRA : This is a story of the eventful journey\nof love and adventures... (0:00:40.24)
EXTRA : ...experienced by Cou... (0:00:44.96)
EXTRA : ...a young sky pirate who lived freely in search of his dream. (0:00:47.58)
Coud Van Giruet : Target in sight! (0:02:33.22)
Coud Van Giruet : Direction, northeast one o'clock position,\ndownward 45 degrees! (0:02:34.82)
Coud Van Giruet : Okay! (0:02:37.96)
Coud Van Giruet : I, Cou Van Giruet... (0:02:39.42)
Coud Van Giruet : ...will be the first there! (0:02:41.44)
Boss : Stop, Cou! (0:02:42.22)
Boss : You're still far too inexperienced! (0:02:53.47)
Boss : Go to the back, and just watch without\ngetting in anyone's way! (0:02:55.14)
Coud Van Giruet : What do you mean?! (0:02:57.81)
Coud Van Giruet : I'm perfectly capable of operating\na lightship on my own! (0:02:59.13)
Coud Van Giruet : But I need a weapon, give me a weapon! (0:03:03.35)
Coud Van Giruet : It isn't any fun just watching! (0:03:06.75)
Boss : We're going in! (0:03:42.39)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:03:42.92)
Coud Van Giruet : Damn, I got a late start! (0:03:47.56)
Coud Van Giruet : Look at that. (0:03:58.54)
Coud Van Giruet : I thought it was just a civilian ship,\nbut this could be interesting! (0:03:59.47)
EXTRA : What's going on, what's happening?! (0:04:05.21)
Coud Van Giruet : From the dark, stormy skies... (0:04:13.12)
Coud Van Giruet : Uh, how did it go? (0:04:15.42)
Coud Van Giruet : Oh, right. (0:04:18.86)
Coud Van Giruet : Emerge, we emerge! (0:04:19.86)
Coud Van Giruet : From the dark, stormy skies, we emerge! (0:04:24.90)
Coud Van Giruet : Listen, you greedy rats! (0:04:26.90)
Coud Van Giruet : We are the Red Lynx, sky pirates\nof the wind. (0:04:29.04)
Coud Van Giruet : We have arrived to take all your treasure! (0:04:31.44)
EXTRA : Your speech is too wordy. (0:04:34.86)
EXTRA : How long are you going to stand on me?! (0:04:38.71)
Coud Van Giruet : Oh, sorry. (0:04:41.01)
Boss : What are you doing, Cou?! (0:04:42.36)
Boss : Our job here is done! (0:04:45.85)
Boss : We're leaving! (0:04:47.85)
Coud Van Giruet : H-Hey, wait! (0:04:49.69)
Coud Van Giruet : Don't leave without me! (0:04:50.71)
Coud Van Giruet : My name is Cou! (0:04:56.33)
Coud Van Giruet : And I'm going to be the next boss\nof the Red Lynx! (0:04:57.80)
Coud Van Giruet : Remember my name! (0:05:01.53)
EXTRA : I doubt that very much. (0:05:04.40)
EXTRA : It's me. (0:05:11.71)
EXTRA : Robbed? (0:05:14.01)
EXTRA : Go after them right away, and get it back. (0:05:15.58)
EXTRA : That's one of the most important\ntreasures in the whole world. (0:05:18.55)
EXTRA : It's the "Shichiko-hoju". (0:05:22.22)
Coud Van Giruet : I landed in their midst and boldly\ntold them... (0:05:25.12)
Coud Van Giruet : "No matter what dirty tricks you rats\nuse to escape the law..." (0:05:28.86)
Coud Van Giruet : "... you cannot get past the claws of us\nmountain cats, the Red Lynx!" (0:05:33.20)
Coud Van Giruet : As soon as I said that, he looked at me,\ntrembling in fear... (0:05:39.20)
Coud Van Giruet : "Oh, what a powerful looking man!" (0:05:43.31)
Coud Van Giruet : "You must be the boss,\nplease spare me my life!" (0:05:45.78)
Coud Van Giruet : Then I told him in a gentlemanly way... (0:05:49.85)
Coud Van Giruet : "Very well, do not worry." (0:05:52.02)
Coud Van Giruet : "I never use force against anyone weaker\nthan me!" (0:05:54.29)
Boss : You're getting carried away again! (0:05:58.89)
Boss : Try piloting a ship properly before you go\nbabbling on like that! (0:06:01.36)
Boss : You're a novice! (0:06:06.06)
Coud Van Giruet : Come on, Boss! (0:06:08.40)
Coud Van Giruet : I've piloted a ship plenty of times! (0:06:10.00)
EXTRA : Hey, Cou! (0:06:15.54)
EXTRA : What you do isn't piloting,\nit's a circus act! (0:06:16.56)
EXTRA : I get such a kick out of\nyour awful piloting! (0:06:19.26)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:06:22.38)
EXTRA : I always look forward to you giving us\na good laugh! (0:06:23.30)
EXTRA : We really appreciate the entertainment.
It's total comic relief!
Coud Van Giruet : Shut up!! (0:06:31.49)
Coud Van Giruet : They're all making fun of me! (0:06:38.06)
Coud Van Giruet : If I put my mind to it, piloting a ship is\na piece of cake. (0:06:40.20)
Coud Van Giruet : Well sure, there've been a few times\nwhere I didn't fly straight... (0:06:44.50)
Coud Van Giruet : And maybe I bumped it a bit,\nand ended up crashing. (0:06:47.17)
Coud Van Giruet : And on one occasion I did make\na mistake... (0:06:52.44)
Coud Van Giruet : ...and rammed the lightship\ninto the airship. (0:06:55.18)
Coud Van Giruet : And I've bumped it and scratched it,\nand bumped it and scratched it... (0:06:57.58)
Coud Van Giruet : And bumped it... and scratched it... (0:07:02.50)
Coud Van Giruet : And bumped it... and scratched it... (0:07:04.89)
Coud Van Giruet : Damn you, memories! (0:07:07.04)
Coud Van Giruet : The storage bay. (0:07:11.83)
Coud Van Giruet : Come to think of it, I haven't seen\nwhat we got today. (0:07:14.53)
Coud Van Giruet : How about a sneak preview? (0:07:20.54)
Coud Van Giruet : Wow, awesome. (0:07:23.01)
Coud Van Giruet : There are some weird things, too. (0:07:25.31)
Coud Van Giruet : What's this? (0:07:30.28)
Coud Van Giruet : Such a dusty box. (0:07:31.31)
Coud Van Giruet : Did I imagine that? (0:07:37.42)
Coud Van Giruet : But I swear I saw something. (0:07:42.46)
Coud Van Giruet : Let's see, this... this... (0:07:44.53)
Coud Van Giruet : ...and this... (0:07:47.17)
Coud Van Giruet : Wh-Why'd it do that? (0:07:55.11)
Coud Van Giruet : What in the world? (0:08:03.82)
Coud Van Giruet : A-A girl?! (0:08:16.26)
Coud Van Giruet : No, it can't be. (0:08:20.33)
Coud Van Giruet : It must be a doll. (0:08:22.77)
Coud Van Giruet : But a really cute doll. (0:08:25.50)
Coud Van Giruet : Why am I admiring it?! (0:08:29.61)
Coud Van Giruet : It's a doll, for crying out loud! (0:08:31.61)
Coud Van Giruet : But let me take a closer look. (0:08:34.01)
Coud Van Giruet : Wow. (0:08:36.88)
Coud Van Giruet : Such long eyelashes. (0:08:38.00)
Coud Van Giruet : She's got such fair skin. (0:08:40.42)
Coud Van Giruet : And she looks really soft. (0:08:42.44)
Coud Van Giruet : W-w-w-w-why?! (0:08:50.83)
Coud Van Giruet : W-w-w-w-why would a doll?! (0:08:52.20)
Coud Van Giruet : A-Aren't you... (0:08:59.74)
Coud Van Giruet : ...a doll? (0:09:01.81)
Rowen : Couldn't we slow down just a bit? (0:09:10.52)
Cisqua : Not a chance, we know exactly where\nwe're headed! (0:09:13.15)
Cisqua : If we don't get it this time, we may never\nget another chance! (0:09:15.54)
Cisqua : Therefore... (0:09:18.15)
Cisqua : Increasing speed! (0:09:19.56)
Coud Van Giruet : Um... excuse me... (0:09:35.41)
Coud Van Giruet : Are you... alive? (0:09:38.84)
Coud Van Giruet : Why were you in that box? (0:09:42.38)
Coud Van Giruet : Who... are you? (0:09:50.15)
Coud Van Giruet : W-Where are you going?! (0:09:51.34)
Coud Van Giruet : A-Are you all right? (0:09:57.53)
Coud Van Giruet : S-S-S-Sorry! (0:10:01.53)
Coud Van Giruet : B-But it wasn't on purpose! (0:10:02.90)
Coud Van Giruet : I just... well you see... (0:10:04.63)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : I hate you. (0:10:06.52)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : You smell like a human. (0:10:09.01)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : So... I hate you. (0:10:12.71)
Coud Van Giruet : I smell like a human? (0:10:37.87)
Coud Van Giruet : You're... (0:10:39.90)
Coud Van Giruet : What's this, an enemy attack?! (0:10:41.34)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : Enemy? (0:10:44.78)
Coud Van Giruet : What's going on? (0:10:47.08)
EXTRA : A lightship approaching! (0:10:48.03)
EXTRA : Don't just stand there! (0:10:49.16)
Coud Van Giruet : Sorry, come with me! (0:10:51.25)
Boss : What the hell is it? (0:10:57.32)
EXTRA : Never seen it before! (0:10:58.54)
EXTRA : It's maneuvering very skillfully! (0:11:00.26)
EXTRA : Boss. (0:11:04.30)
EXTRA : You think the authorities have come\nto arrest us? (0:11:05.25)
Boss : You fool! (0:11:08.48)
Boss : You seriously think that cowardly\ndragonfly gang... (0:11:09.57)
Boss : ...would come at us with one plane?! (0:11:11.61)
Coud Van Giruet : We're being attacked?! (0:11:14.01)
Boss : Go to the artillery station and standby\nfor further orders. (0:11:15.41)
Coud Van Giruet : Let me go out on a lightship! (0:11:18.81)
Coud Van Giruet : Boss! (0:11:21.15)
Boss : You bastard. (0:11:22.51)
Boss : What are you doing fooling around with\na girl in the middle of an emergency?! (0:11:24.82)
Coud Van Giruet : N-No, there's a reason or this! (0:11:27.90)
EXTRA : Boss! (0:11:30.32)
EXTRA : They want on board! (0:11:32.22)
EXTRA : What'll we do? (0:11:33.93)
Boss : I'll allow it. (0:11:35.59)
Boss : Greet them politely. (0:11:36.65)
Boss : However, be cautious. (0:11:38.68)
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (0:11:40.98)
EXTRA : Flight deck... (0:11:42.09)
EXTRA : Guide them in! (0:11:44.10)
EXTRA : They've landed! (0:12:00.12)
EXTRA : Boss! (0:12:00.92)
Boss : Tell them to bring our guests here! (0:12:02.22)
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (0:12:05.07)
Cisqua : Good morning! (0:12:12.63)
Cisqua : Sorry to bother you this early in the day! (0:12:14.57)
Cisqua : We are members of Arc Aile, the Edel
Raid Complete Protection Agency!
Coud Van Giruet : "Ay-day-ray?" (0:12:22.24)
Boss : Complete Protection Agency? (0:12:24.03)
Cisqua : Yes! (0:12:27.58)
Cisqua : We have come aboard your ship... (0:12:28.53)
Cisqua : retrieve the Edel Raid that you\nsky pirates stole! (0:12:31.08)
Cisqua : My name is Cisqua! (0:12:34.45)
Cisqua : I may look like a cute young girl, but I am\nin fact a fully-grown woman! (0:12:35.70)
Cisqua : I'm the leader of this team! (0:12:41.13)
Rowen : I'm Rowen. (0:12:42.96)
Rowen : The sub-leader, you could say. (0:12:44.66)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : I'm Kuea. (0:12:47.00)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : And I'm starving. (0:12:48.33)
Coud Van Giruet : So what's this Edel...?
What's this all about?
Coud Van Giruet : I've never heard of it. (0:12:53.86)
Cisqua : Stop joking around! (0:12:55.51)
Cisqua : She's standing right there behind you! (0:12:57.64)
Cisqua : Oh, my goodness! (0:13:03.25)
Cisqua : On second thought, why is she awake?! (0:13:04.75)
Cisqua : You did something to her, didn't you? (0:13:09.45)
Cisqua : You did something inappropriate. (0:13:12.12)
Boss : Did you commit some indecency? (0:13:14.69)
Coud Van Giruet : N-No way!
Nothing of the sort!
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : You'd be wise to tell us the truth! (0:13:19.47)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : I'm starving, so you don't want to get on\nmy nerves! (0:13:21.68)
Coud Van Giruet : I did nothing! (0:13:26.07)
Boss : Is it true that this girl is an Edel Raid? (0:13:27.80)
Cisqua : Yes, of course! (0:13:31.71)
Coud Van Giruet : You know something about this
Edel... thing, Boss?
Boss : Yeah. (0:13:36.33)
Boss : I've heard about them joining forces with\nhumans to battle. (0:13:37.22)
Coud Van Giruet : Battle? (0:13:41.13)
Coud Van Giruet : This girl? (0:13:42.79)
Rowen : You're slightly off, but that's\nmore or less correct. (0:13:43.72)
Rowen : In any case, we from Arc Aile have been\nlooking for her for some time now. (0:13:46.86)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : Of all the Edel Raids,\nthat girl's particularly special. (0:13:51.80)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : She's the Shichiko-hoju.
The "rainbow treasure".
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : She's not someone who should be stuck\nwith the likes of you. (0:13:57.17)
Coud Van Giruet : Shi-shi-ho coach? (0:14:02.11)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : Shichiko-hoju! (0:14:03.99)
Coud Van Giruet : See-chico hoco? (0:14:05.91)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : Shichiko-hoju! (0:14:07.48)
Coud Van Giruet : Shich po coach? (0:14:09.11)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : I said, Shichiko-hoju! (0:14:10.34)
Coud Van Giruet : Shichiko-hoju? (0:14:12.82)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : No, Shichiko-hoju! Huh? (0:14:14.42)
Coud Van Giruet : Who cares about the name?! (0:14:18.06)
Coud Van Giruet : So what do you guys want to do\nabout it?! (0:14:20.29)
Cisqua : Will this do? (0:14:30.40)
Cisqua : It includes handling charges,\nand it's tax-free! (0:14:31.87)
Cisqua : It's enough to renovate this ship,\nand still have change. (0:14:34.27)
Cisqua : Here, 50 million Ganes! (0:14:37.64)
EXTRA : Wow! (0:14:39.21)
EXTRA : 50 million! (0:14:39.28)
Boss : Calm down, guys! (0:14:41.41)
Boss : Why do you want to give us\nall that money? (0:14:44.02)
Cisqua : Although it's something you stole, that\ngirl is an item within your possession! (0:14:47.05)
Cisqua : If we can solve this with money, it would\nmake things so much simpler! (0:14:52.16)
Boss : Cou. (0:14:56.79)
Boss : What do you think? (0:14:57.85)
Coud Van Giruet : Can I be honest? (0:15:00.77)
Boss : Of course you can. (0:15:03.00)
Coud Van Giruet : Thank you, Boss. (0:15:04.84)
Coud Van Giruet : You bastards make me sick! (0:15:10.44)
Cisqua : Are you not satisfied? (0:15:14.48)
Cisqua : Boy, you're one tough negotiator! (0:15:15.80)
Cisqua : Then how about this? (0:15:18.42)
Cisqua : I can't go any higher than this! (0:15:19.95)
Cisqua : You must realize, we're losing money\non this deal! (0:15:22.14)
Cisqua : W-W-What did you do that for?! (0:15:27.22)
Cisqua : Can't you see we're trying to\nbe reasonable?! (0:15:29.53)
Coud Van Giruet : Like I said, you make me sick! (0:15:32.00)
Coud Van Giruet : What do you think of this girl, anyway?! (0:15:33.80)
Rowen : We think she's an Edel Raid. (0:15:36.80)
Coud Van Giruet : So what?! (0:15:39.24)
Coud Van Giruet : She may be an Edel something, but she's\nstill a human like the rest of us! (0:15:40.21)
Rowen : No. We are Guardians. (0:15:44.23)
Rowen : In other words, we're not like\nthe rest of you. (0:15:47.08)
Coud Van Giruet : What? (0:15:49.40)
Coud Van Giruet : But still... (0:15:50.55)
Coud Van Giruet : But still, that's no reason to think you\ncan use money to buy her like an object! (0:15:53.12)
Cisqua : The money is our way of thanking you! (0:15:59.02)
Cisqua : It's a reward for finding that girl for us! (0:16:01.69)
Cisqua : Are you satisfied now? (0:16:05.36)
Coud Van Giruet : A reward? (0:16:07.51)
Cisqua : Yes! (0:16:08.55)
Coud Van Giruet : I don't care what your reason is! (0:16:09.30)
Coud Van Giruet : What can't be done can't be done! (0:16:10.71)
Coud Van Giruet : I don't care how much you pay,\nyou're not getting her! (0:16:12.90)
Cisqua : Is that a fact? (0:16:19.44)
Cisqua : That's too bad. (0:16:21.65)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : Are we doing it? Are we finally\ngoing to do it? (0:16:23.91)
Rowen : U-Um, Senpai. (0:16:25.79)
Rowen : Shouldn't we think this over? (0:16:27.42)
Cisqua : Through negotiations with us... (0:16:28.65)
Cisqua : could've gotten a great amount\nof money. Enough for a new ship. (0:16:30.89)
Cisqua : We would've completed our mission\nand gotten our prom tion. (0:16:35.23)
Cisqua : It was possible to resolve this peacefully. (0:16:39.30)
Cisqua : But now we have no choice but to go\nwith the alternative. (0:16:42.53)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : That's right! (0:16:45.20)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : Let's finish this quickly so that we can go\nand get something to eat! (0:16:46.32)
Coud Van Giruet : What do you mean by "alternative"? (0:16:50.14)
Cisqua : The use of force. (0:16:54.71)
Coud Van Giruet : Damn you! (0:16:58.05)
Cisqua : So, now that it's decided...! (0:16:59.62)
Coud Van Giruet : What now?! (0:17:04.22)
Boss : These guys with you?! (0:17:05.34)
Rowen : No they're not! (0:17:06.77)
Boss : Get them! (0:17:17.54)
EXTRA : Yeah!! (0:17:18.26)
Cisqua : We're going after them! (0:17:19.28)
Coud Van Giruet : I'm going too! (0:17:20.69)
Boss : Use this! (0:17:22.09)
Coud Van Giruet : Thanks, Boss! (0:17:23.57)
Boss : Use that to protect the girl! (0:17:25.91)
Boss : Got that?! (0:17:30.45)
Boss : Protect her with your life! (0:17:31.75)
Coud Van Giruet : Boss... (0:17:33.72)
Coud Van Giruet : I will protect you for sure. (0:17:38.19)
Coud Van Giruet : Oh, crap... (0:17:43.43)
Coud Van Giruet : Damn you! (0:18:00.88)
Cisqua : Rowen! Kuea! (0:18:11.09)
Cisqua : Take care of the rest here! (0:18:12.29)
Rowen : Senpai! (0:18:13.55)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : Hey, hey... (0:18:16.13)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : Let's React. (0:18:17.36)
Rowen : Wait a minute, Kuea. (0:18:18.51)
Rowen : You realize what could happen\nif we do it here? (0:18:20.40)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : I won't take no for an answer! (0:18:24.34)
Coud Van Giruet : Damn... (0:18:29.64)
Coud Van Giruet : What in the world is that? (0:18:32.38)
Kullweet Envatilia (Kuea) : Okay, let's finish things off, Ro. (0:18:45.29)
Rowen : Calm down, Kuea. (0:18:48.69)
Coud Van Giruet : A weapon! A weapon's been created. (0:18:50.76)
Cisqua : Ahead of you! (0:18:52.73)
Cisqua : You seem to be struggling! (0:18:56.70)
Cisqua : If I succeed in defending her,\nwill you hand her over to me? (0:18:58.57)
Coud Van Giruet : No way! (0:19:03.14)
Coud Van Giruet : I don't need your help! (0:19:04.78)
Cisqua : Have it your way, but you'll still owe me\nfor this! (0:19:06.01)
Cisqua : No way. You've gotta be kidding! (0:19:10.11)
Coud Van Giruet : Kind of lame after all that bragging,\ndon't you think?! (0:19:13.58)
Cisqua : It wasn't my fault! (0:19:16.45)
Coud Van Giruet : What's the big deal?! (0:19:21.76)
Coud Van Giruet : Why do you guys want her so badly?! (0:19:23.09)
Coud Van Giruet : Is it because she's that\nso-called Edel Raid?! (0:19:26.33)
Coud Van Giruet : Damn! (0:19:30.33)
Cisqua : That's about enough! (0:19:38.68)
Cisqua : She doesn't want to have anything to do\nwith humans anyway! (0:19:40.81)
Cisqua : Edel Raids should not associate\nwith humans! (0:19:43.98)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : I hate you. (0:19:49.55)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : You smell like a human. (0:19:50.56)
Coud Van Giruet : I was alone. (0:19:54.19)
Coud Van Giruet : I was all alone soon after I was born. (0:19:56.20)
Coud Van Giruet : If Boss had not taken me\nunder his wing... (0:19:58.96)
Coud Van Giruet : ...I don't know what would've\nhappened to me. (0:20:00.70)
Coud Van Giruet : And this girl's the same. (0:20:04.07)
Coud Van Giruet : She's alone. (0:20:05.90)
Coud Van Giruet : I can't explain it, but the loneliness I feel\nfrom her is the same as mine. (0:20:08.11)
Coud Van Giruet : Therefore... (0:20:16.91)
Coud Van Giruet : Therefore... (0:20:18.68)
Coud Van Giruet : I am not going to leave this girl alone!! (0:20:20.18)
Coud Van Giruet : I... (0:20:27.96)
Coud Van Giruet : I... (0:20:29.96)
Coud Van Giruet : Just want to get to know you better. (0:20:31.63)
Coud Van Giruet : You... (0:20:47.28)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : I don't understand. (0:20:49.45)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : You're human... but you're strange. (0:20:51.38)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : You're strange... (0:20:56.55)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : But because you're strange... (0:20:59.02)
Cisqua : Hey, wait! (0:21:04.90)
Cisqua : If you React... (0:21:05.91)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : On a helpless but pretty night... (0:21:07.56)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : Soothing and comforting... (0:21:09.18)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : And prospering on the eyelids... (0:21:10.88)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : Surrounded by the lively and bright... (0:21:12.52)
Coud Van Giruet : I hear her chanting... (0:21:12.57)
Reverie Metherlence (Ren) : fields of heaven... (0:21:14.67)
Coud Van Giruet : ...inside my head. (0:21:15.37)
Coud Van Giruet : Wha...! (0:21:19.58)
Coud Van Giruet : What's this?! (0:21:23.18)
EXTRA : And the two became one. (0:22:51.14)
EXTRA : What followed, was a farewell\nand the beginning of a journey. (0:22:53.97)
EXTRA : Next time...
"A Fateful React"
EXTRA : The young man will go, for the sake\nof the young lady. (0:22:59.94)

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