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Cayna : There are zombies everywhere. (0:00:16.92)
Cayna : I don't see any people in any of the houses. (0:00:25.21)
Cayna : I wonder if everyone in the fishing
village turned into zombies.
Key : That is highly likely. (0:00:33.42)
Cayna : Well... What to do? (0:00:37.80)
Cayna : I never thought I'd run into zombies while
trying to find the Palace of the Dragon King.
Cayna : Hm... Should I just burn
down the whole village?
Cayna : But if there is anyone left alive... (0:00:49.36)
Key : Cayna! (0:00:55.57)
Cayna : I know. (0:00:56.90)
Quolkeh : Wh-Whoa, hold on a sec! (0:02:47.46)
Quolkeh : I'm human! Don't attack! (0:02:50.66)
Cayna : All right. (0:02:54.05)
Cayna : Level 430. She's definitely a player. (0:02:56.07)
Cayna : Are you the one who caused the tragedy here? (0:03:01.03)
Quolkeh : No way! We got trapped in this fog, too,
and we were trying to figure out what to do.
Cayna : "We"? (0:03:09.85)
Quolkeh : Yeah, my buddy's nearby. (0:03:11.04)
Quolkeh : Hey, wait. You're... (0:03:13.67)
Cayna : Why do I feel like I've met her before? (0:03:15.70)
Quolkeh : We met at the Adventurers' Guild in Helshper. (0:03:19.05)
Cayna : Oh, that's right. So your buddy's the
dragoid you were with in Helshper?
Quolkeh : Yeah, him. I'll take you to him. (0:03:31.35)
Cayna : If you lead me into a trap, I'm going
to blow this whole place apart.
Quolkeh : What the hell kind of threat is that?! (0:03:39.31)
Quolkeh : Also, you can't blow this
place up. There's a survivor.
Cayna : Huh? (0:03:45.10)
Cayna : A storehouse... (0:03:55.68)
Exis : Missy? (0:03:58.18)
Quolkeh : Exis, someone got in here
after all... my dear.
Quolkeh : Er... It's the adventurer
we ran into in Helshper.
Quolkeh : She's probably a player. She may even
be stronger than... me, my dear.
Cayna : You seem to be talking
differently all of a sudden.
Quolkeh : Sh-Shut up, dear. There's just
a lot... going on right now.
Cayna : Such as what? (0:04:20.51)
Cayna : You've got some nerve trying to
attack another species, lizard.
Exis : Er, I was just trying to confirm something... (0:04:28.24)
Exis : That sword, your strength... (0:04:31.70)
Exis : I can't see your level,
so you must be higher than me.
Exis : Meaning you must be Cayna! (0:04:38.34)
Cayna : Xxxxxxxxxxx? (0:04:43.41)
Cayna : Unfortunately, I don't know anyone
with a name as unique as yours.
Exis : You probably won't recognize me in
this form, but Exis is my second account.
Exis : My main one is Tartarus. (0:05:01.86)
Cayna : Tar...tarus? (0:05:03.95)
Cayna : Tarta... (0:05:06.58)
Cayna : Tartar Sauce! (0:05:08.70)
Exis : Tch. I knew you were going to call me that. (0:05:10.24)
Cayna : Oh, it's been forever! Tartar Sauce! (0:05:12.05)
Exis : Yep, you're Cayna, all right.
I'm impressed you're still alive.
Exis : This is Cayna. She was in the
Cream Cheese guild with me.
Cayna : When Tartar Sauce was in the guild, he was
a scrawny player who mostly used magic.
Exis : And that's why I created another character,
a strong dragoid fighter.
Cayna : Oh, I see. (0:05:34.20)
Quolkeh : Well, shit... I mean, I'm Quolkeh. (0:05:36.10)
Quolkeh : If you belonged to Cream Cheese,
are you also one of those OP Skill Masters?
Cayna : Yup. (0:05:44.96)
Quolkeh : Man, thank goodness you didn't
kill me earlier... my dear.
Cayna : Quolkeh, are you actually a guy? (0:05:50.87)
Quolkeh : W-Well, you know. Stuff happens. (0:05:55.65)
Quolkeh : So when did you end up in Leadale? (0:05:58.33)
Cayna : About two months ago. (0:06:01.65)
Exis : That's pretty recent.
We've been here two years.
Exis : What brought you to this village? (0:06:06.59)
Cayna : I'm looking for the Palace
of the Dragon King.
Exis : The Palace of the Dragon King? (0:06:10.29)
Cayna : It's a Guardian Tower. (0:06:11.68)
Exis : And it's here? (0:06:13.28)
Cayna : Probably. What are you two doing here? (0:06:14.64)
Quolkeh : We're here on a quest
from Helshper... my dear.
Cayna : A quest? (0:06:21.16)
Exis : They said there weren't any fish
coming in to market from the sea,
Exis : so we checked out a different
fishing village first.
Exis : But there was no one there. (0:06:27.90)
Quolkeh : So we kept going south,
and when we got to this village...
Exis : There was this strange fog
and zombies everywhere.
Exis : Apparently, if you touch the fog,
you turn into a zombie.
Cayna : A fog? (0:06:43.68)
Exis : It might be because we're
players, but we're fine.
Exis : Then we were attacked by former villagers. (0:06:48.80)
Exis : We killed many, but they
kept coming, so we came here
Exis : because we didn't have the
foggiest idea what to do.
Cayna : I see what you did there. (0:06:55.69)
Exis : What? (0:06:56.98)
Quolkeh : What? (0:06:56.98)
Cayna : Nothing. Never mind. (0:06:57.78)
Quolkeh : We took shelter here and found a
survivor... so, yeah... my dear.
Cayna : You can probably stop trying
so hard to sound feminine.
Cayna : You sound way more awkward than you think. (0:07:11.43)
Cayna : So, where's this survivor? (0:07:15.63)
Exis : Right over there. (0:07:18.36)
Exis : Her name is Luka. (0:07:26.59)
Cayna : Luka... (0:07:28.17)
Exis : Wh-What the hell is that?! (0:07:31.43)
Quolkeh : Wh-What the hell is that?! (0:07:31.43)
Cayna : It's my Li'l Fairy. (0:07:33.96)
Exis : Li'l Fairy? (0:07:35.51)
Quolkeh : Li'l Fairy? (0:07:35.51)
Cayna : Opus gave her to me. (0:07:37.02)
Cayna : Or maybe I should say he left her in my care. (0:07:38.68)
Exis : Opus?! That stupid asshole's
in this world, too?
Cayna : I haven't run into him,
so I'm not sure if he is or not.
Quolkeh : Who's Opus? (0:07:54.28)
Cayna : An idiot we got stuck with. (0:07:56.33)
Exis : A stupid asshole who always
got us into trouble.
Quolkeh : Oh, I see... (0:08:00.91)
Exis : Well, anyway... Even if we
try to get her out of here,
Exis : she might turn into a zombie
if she touches the fog.
Cayna : So the cause of the fog must
be a monster or something.
Cayna : Getting rid of that will probably
be the quickest solution.
Quolkeh : Yeah. (0:08:20.76)
Exis : Yeah. (0:08:20.76)
Exis : Well, we'll just do that.
You keep an eye on her, Cayna.
Cayna : I'll go, too. You can use
all the help you can get.
Exis : Yeah, but... (0:08:29.31)
Exis : We shouldn't leave her all alone, either. (0:08:30.48)
Cayna : Then let's do this. (0:08:33.78)
Exis : Why do you have two of those?! (0:08:39.58)
Cayna : That's just how much I played the game. (0:08:42.18)
Exis : You damn shut-in. (0:08:45.84)
Cayna : I'll take that as a compliment, thanks. (0:08:47.59)
Quolkeh : Sorry, I have no idea what
you two are talking about.
Cayna : Oh, sorry. (0:08:53.54)
Cayna : This is something you get after you
play the game for 10,000 hours.
Quolkeh : T-Ten thousand hours?! (0:08:59.44)
Exis : And since she's got two of them,
she's played at least 20,000 hours.
Exis : Shut-in confirmed. (0:09:07.19)
Quolkeh : Members of Cream Cheese
sure are something else.
Quolkeh : Your level of shut-in is,
like, on another level.
Cayna : Now I'll be able to summon
a butler or a maid.
Quolkeh : And you're going to have them
watch over this little girl.
Cayna : Correct. But I wonder if
I should summon Cie or Rox.
Exis : If at all possible, don't summon that maid. (0:09:27.96)
Quolkeh : Huh? (0:09:30.63)
Cayna : Okay, then. (0:09:31.82)
Roxilius : It's been too long, Master. (0:10:02.14)
Roxilius : I have come in response to your summons. (0:10:05.39)
Roxilius : Your every wish is my command. (0:10:07.67)
Cayna : Hey, Roxilius. How have you been? (0:10:11.20)
Roxilius : I'm not entirely sure how
to answer that question.
Cayna : Where's Roxine? You weren't together? (0:10:20.31)
Roxilius : I have no idea where that
failure of a cat is.
Cayna : I see. (0:10:28.78)
Cayna : This is Roxilius, my wonderful servant. (0:10:29.84)
Roxilius : I am Roxilius, the werecat butler. (0:10:33.91)
Roxilius : I have much to work on,
but your wish is my command.
Exis : R-Right... (0:10:42.70)
Quolkeh : Nice to meet you. (0:10:44.09)
Cayna : We're gonna go take care of some monsters. (0:10:45.79)
Cayna : Could you look after this
little girl named Luka?
Roxilius : Yes, as you wish. (0:10:52.06)
Roxilius : I, Roxilius, shall protect Miss Luka. (0:10:54.72)
Exis : All right, let's go. (0:10:58.90)
Cayna : Wait. Village, fog, and zombies? (0:11:00.82)
Key : Kee, search for quests
that match those words.
Key : I'm pretty sure I've seen this before. (0:11:08.50)
Key : Understood. (0:11:11.98)
Key : We have a hit. (0:11:16.13)
Cayna : Thanks, Kee! (0:11:17.48)
Cayna : I figured out what quest this is. (0:11:19.52)
Exis : Huh? (0:11:22.33)
Cayna : In order to clear this quest,
we need to defeat the boss.
Cayna : The boss is the Ghost Ship and the
pirate captain named Terror Skeleton.
Cayna : All right, let's get to cleaning all this up. (0:11:35.54)
Roxilius : Miss Luka, that's my... (0:11:40.01)
Luka : Poke, poke. Tail? So fluffy. (0:11:40.64)
EXTRA : Now, let's begi— (0:11:45.56)
Quolkeh : So, what are we supposed to do? (0:11:54.94)
Cayna : I think we just need to set the Ghost Ship
and the pirate captain on fire.
Exis : You don't hold back, do you? (0:12:00.18)
Cayna : Better than letting some other
village fall prey to them.
Exis : Well, yeah... (0:12:06.58)
Quolkeh : Look. (0:12:07.93)
Exis : Well, let's do this thing. (0:12:19.38)
Cayna : If we don't defeat the pirate captain
at the core of the Ghost Ship first,
Cayna : he'll continue to use the souls of the
villagers who got turned into zombies
Cayna : as fuel to infinitely revive. (0:12:28.10)
Cayna : Meaning it'll be a never-ending battle. (0:12:30.24)
Exis : Ah, so it's that kind of quest. (0:12:32.52)
Exis : All right, then. (0:12:35.05)
Exis : In that case, Cayna and Quolkeh,
take care of all the small fry.
Quolkeh : Got it! (0:12:39.90)
Cayna : Got it! (0:12:39.90)
Exis : I'll take care of the boss! (0:12:41.16)
Exis : Here we go! (0:12:56.29)
Exis : I have no idea what you're saying! (0:13:01.76)
Exis : Take this, Terror Skeleton! (0:13:04.88)
Quolkeh : He did it. (0:13:10.89)
Exis : That was fast. (0:13:40.67)
Cayna : Well, considering the difference
in levels, what did you expect?
Exis : This is gonna be a pain
to report to the guild.
Quolkeh : What's gonna happen to the fishing village?
It's just gonna be a ruin now?
Cayna : Well, no one will want to live in a village
that got wiped out for some reason.
Cayna : I'm sure the kingdom can take care of that. (0:14:01.65)
Quolkeh : Yeah. (0:14:03.67)
Cayna : Heigl, we avenged you. (0:14:06.00)
Exis : You had a companion? (0:14:11.48)
Cayna : Not exactly a companion,
but a summoned beast.
Cayna : We were suddenly attacked in this fog,
and he ended up disappearing.
Exis : I thought you were talking about a person! (0:14:20.14)
Exis : Don't make things so confusing!
What got defeated?
Cayna : A centaur, level 250. (0:14:25.71)
Exis : I'm pretty sure you'll be able to
summon him again after ten days!
Cayna : Well, yeah... So anyway,
what should we do about Luka?
Exis : Well, she might want to stay here. (0:14:39.31)
Quolkeh : Isn't it dangerous for a kid
to stay here alone... my dear?
Cayna : Why don't you sit? (0:15:01.10)
Roxilius : I humbly decline, as I am an on-duty butler. (0:15:02.26)
Roxilius : Master... (0:15:05.35)
Cayna : Oh, did I wake you? (0:15:09.47)
Cayna : Are you okay? (0:15:13.90)
Exis : You can sleep a little longer if you want. (0:15:16.85)
Roxilius : Here you are. (0:15:20.75)
Exis : Cayna's offered to take you in.
What do you wanna do?
Exis : Do you want to stay in the village
alone or come with us instead?
Exis : I see. (0:15:47.59)
Cayna : We can be a family. We don't have to
rush things. We can take our time.
Cayna : Okay. Sorry, Luka. (0:16:10.28)
Cayna : I need to take care of something real
quick. Wait here with them, okay?
Luka : Okay... (0:16:17.48)
Cayna : Keep an eye on Luka for me. (0:16:18.85)
Roxilius : Indeed! Even if it costs me my li— (0:16:21.02)
Cayna : If something did happen to you, (0:16:23.57)
Cayna : Luka would have to witness
whatever tragedy that is!
Cayna : Protect Luka, no matter what,
without dying. Okay?
Roxilius : Y-Yes, ma'am. (0:16:34.68)
Exis : She's already doting on the kid. (0:16:36.01)
Exis : So... (0:16:39.53)
Exis : Why did you summon a blue dragon? (0:16:40.94)
Cayna : I can't swim, so I thought
I'd have the dragon take me there.
Exis : I see. (0:16:47.58)
Cayna : Okay, I'll be back. (0:16:48.94)
Cayna : There's the Palace of the Dragon King. (0:17:22.11)
Cayna : Go see if there's a mermaid
village around here somewhere.
Cayna : Now, then... (0:17:37.69)
Cayna : I wonder if that's this tower's core. (0:17:56.60)
Cayna : Hup. (0:18:02.13)
Cayna : I'll share some of my MP with you. (0:18:04.32)
Cayna : Finally, the third one. (0:18:17.88)
Cayna : I've still got nine more...
Man, this is gonna take forever.
EXTRA : Excuse me, are you a guest? (0:18:24.02)
Cayna : Oh, are you the Guardian... here?! (0:18:27.39)
Cayna : That's not an enemy. That's not
an enemy. That's not an enemy.
Cayna : That's not an enemy. That's not
an enemy. It's an ally...
Cayna : A-Are you the Guardian here? (0:18:39.38)
EXTRA : Oh, yes. I'm the Guardian
of Skill Master Number Six.
Cayna : I-I see. I'm Skill Master Number Three, Cayna. (0:18:48.98)
Cayna : I came here to activate the tower. (0:18:54.51)
Cayna : I'm sorry I'm not Liothek,
but you'll just have to settle for me.
EXTRA : Oh, it's fine. I figured my master
would not return here again.
EXTRA : Does this mean you're my master now? (0:19:11.58)
Cayna : S-Sure, I guess. (0:19:20.79)
EXTRA : Okay. (0:19:23.34)
Cayna : Thank goodness it's not sticky or slimy. (0:19:36.66)
Cayna : Thanks. I'll happily accept. (0:19:40.80)
Cayna : You can get more details from
Wall Face back at my tower.
EXTRA : Okay. (0:19:47.16)
Cayna : How'd it go? (0:19:54.93)
Cayna : I see. I guess we won't find it that easily. (0:19:58.07)
Cayna : Okay, friend requests accepted. (0:20:20.82)
Cayna : That finally makes four players. (0:20:24.06)
Exis : I only have you and Quolkeh. (0:20:26.96)
Cayna : Well, I'm sure you two plan on
wandering around more than me, right?
Cayna : If you run into anyone, let me know. (0:20:35.88)
Exis : What are you going to do? (0:20:39.29)
Cayna : Well, now that I've got a foster family, (0:20:41.32)
Cayna : I'm gonna take it easy in
the village near my tower.
Exis : Village? (0:20:46.72)
Cayna : There's a place that takes good care of me. (0:20:47.74)
Cayna : If anything happens,
send me a friend message.
Exis : Okay, got it. (0:20:53.64)
Exis : Hey. (0:20:56.39)
Exis : Take care. (0:20:58.36)
Quolkeh : See you later. (0:20:59.43)
Luka : O-Okay... (0:21:01.02)
Cayna : All right, I'll send you back to Helshper. (0:21:05.18)
Cayna : Exis, Quolkeh, be careful out there. (0:21:08.19)
Exis : Same to you. (0:21:11.62)
Quolkeh : See you later, Cayna. (0:21:13.12)
Cayna : I'm sure those two will be fine, and we'll
probably run into them again sometime.
Luka : Mm... (0:21:34.51)
Cayna : Okay, Luka. Let's go. (0:21:35.30)
Cayna : I'll show you around the royal capital
of Felskeilo and the village, too.
Cayna : There's a little girl named
Lytt back at the village.
Cayna : I'm sure you'll be great friends. (0:21:44.84)

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