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Lytt : Miss! It's morning! (0:00:05.40)
Lytt : Miss! (0:00:14.07)
Cayna : M-My head... (0:00:19.50)
Key : You have a hangover. (0:00:21.37)
Cayna : S-So this is what a hangover is like. (0:00:23.33)
Cayna : Ow... (0:00:26.17)
Cayna : I'm never drinking alcohol ever again. (0:00:29.40)
Lytt : Miss? (0:00:31.54)
Arbiter : Look at me! Don't close your eyes! (0:00:32.29)
Arbiter : This is nothing! (0:00:34.41)
Arbiter : Hey! Wake up! (0:02:11.98)
Arbiter : Kenison! Answer me! (0:02:14.36)
Arbiter : Kenison! Damn it! (0:02:16.60)
Cayna : What's wrong? (0:02:21.42)
Marelle : They're merchants traveling
to the royal capital.
Lottor : Apparently they were attacked
by ogres in a nearby forest.
Lottor : I think that one's beyond help. (0:02:28.55)
Cayna : Search. (0:02:31.61)
Cayna : Poison... (0:02:34.00)
Cayna : Move, please. (0:02:36.10)
Arbiter : Wh-What the? (0:02:37.59)
Cayna : Extra Skill: Load: Double Spell. (0:02:40.43)
Arbiter : A Double Spell?! (0:02:45.16)
Cayna : Magic Skill: Pa Nil: Ready Set. (0:03:03.41)
Cayna : Magic Spell: Dewl Level 9: Ready Set. (0:03:07.15)
Cayna : Heal! (0:03:11.91)
Elineh : His wounds... I can't believe it. (0:03:32.91)
Arbiter : Kenison! (0:03:35.39)
EXTRA : Yes! (0:03:38.44)
Cayna : Thank goodness. (0:03:40.50)
Cayna : Well, I'll be going now. (0:03:42.13)
Arbiter : M-Missy! (0:03:43.90)
Cayna : Missy? (0:03:45.09)
Arbiter : Thank you for saving my friend's life. (0:03:46.03)
EXTRA : Thank you so much! (0:03:49.87)
Cayna : No, no, it's fine! You should get him
into a bed as soon as you can, though.
Arbiter : Y-Yes, you're right. Boys! (0:03:55.81)
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (0:03:59.51)
Marelle : You can come to my inn. This way. (0:04:00.13)
Elineh : I'm in charge of this caravan.
My name is Elineh.
Cayna : I'm Cayna. (0:04:06.59)
Elineh : I'd like to thank you for helping us. (0:04:07.77)
Elineh : Is there anything I can do for you? (0:04:10.99)
Elineh : Ah, so you've been holed up for 200 years. (0:04:15.57)
Elineh : And you're looking for someone? (0:04:19.65)
Cayna : You're pretty familiar with the
royal capital of Felskeilo, right?
Elineh : Yes. I've been there
countless times on business.
Elineh : What is this person like? (0:04:30.04)
Cayna : He's a male elf. (0:04:31.79)
Elineh : Ah, an elf, eh? (0:04:33.47)
Cayna : And a priest. (0:04:35.41)
Elineh : Yes, yes, a pri— (0:04:36.73)
Elineh : Huh? (0:04:38.92)
Elineh : An elven priest in the royal capital?
It couldn't be...
Cayna : His name is Skargo. (0:04:45.84)
EXTRA : What?! (0:04:48.45)
Elineh : Y-You know Lord Skargo? (0:04:54.33)
Cayna : Is he that famous? (0:04:57.96)
Elineh : High Priest Skargo is a wise man who's been
around since the great upheaval 200 years ago.
Elineh : He has the most influence
after the king and prime minister.
Cayna : Wow, he became a high priest. (0:05:09.04)
Marelle : That boy who got hurt is
fine now. He's fast asleep.
Elineh : I-If you don't mind me asking,
may I ask how you know Lord Skargo?
Cayna : He's my son. (0:05:24.85)
EXTRA : What?! (0:05:25.92)
Marelle : C-Cayna... Y-You have a child at your age? (0:05:28.14)
Cayna : Actually, I have two other children, too. (0:05:34.06)
EXTRA : Wh-What?! (0:05:36.89)
Cayna : So it sounds like Skargo is
doing well. That's great.
Cayna : So, Elineh... (0:05:44.00)
Elineh : Y-Yes? (0:05:45.50)
Cayna : Would you let me accompany
you and your caravan?
Elineh : What? Are you saying you want
to go to the royal capital with us?
Cayna : Yes. Is that all right? (0:05:53.55)
Elineh : That's fine with us.
We welcome you with open arms.
Elineh : But the little missy there
might not feel the same.
Cayna : Lytt... (0:06:04.74)
Lytt : You're leaving? (0:06:07.01)
Cayna : Y-Yes. But I promise I'll
come back to see you again.
Lytt : Really? (0:06:12.74)
Cayna : Yes, I promise. (0:06:13.89)
Cayna : Oh, I know. (0:06:16.86)
Cayna : In the game—I mean... (0:06:23.73)
Cayna : This is the first item I ever made. (0:06:28.38)
Cayna : You can have it. (0:06:30.95)
Cayna : This seals the deal on our promise. (0:06:32.35)
Lytt : Our promise... (0:06:33.99)
Cayna : I'll let you know something
else super amazing, too.
Cayna : But you can't tell anyone, okay? (0:06:41.09)
Lytt : O-Okay. I promise I'll keep it a secret. (0:06:43.69)
Cayna : You know that silver tower
beyond the mountains?
Lytt : The place where the bad witch lives, right? (0:06:52.74)
Cayna : Believe it or not... I'm that bad witch. (0:06:54.68)
Lytt : What?! (0:06:58.73)
Lytt : But you're not a bad person! (0:07:05.38)
Cayna : Make sure you keep it a secret, okay? (0:07:07.99)
Cayna : I'm going to come back every once in a
while to make sure you didn't tell anyone.
Lytt : Okay! But if you don't come back for a really
long time, I'm going to tell someone.
Cayna : Then I'd better make sure
I come back to this village.
Arbiter : Allow me to formally introduce myself. (0:07:34.44)
Arbiter : I am Arbiter, the leader of
the Flame Spears mercenaries.
Arbiter : We'll be accompanying
you to the royal capital.
Cayna : Thanks for letting me come along. (0:07:42.79)
Arbiter : Hey, Kenison. (0:07:45.55)
Kenison : Y-Yes, sir! (0:07:46.72)
Kenison : I heard that you saved me.
You are a lifesaver.
Kenison : Thank you so much! Lady C-C-C-C-Cayna! (0:07:52.74)
Cayna : There were definitely too many Cs there. (0:07:56.66)
Cayna : And you don't need to call me "Lady." (0:07:59.11)
Cayna : Just call me Cayna. (0:08:02.30)
Kenison : Then... Then I'll call you Miss Cayna. (0:08:05.50)
Cayna : Er, you don't really need the "Miss," either. (0:08:09.25)
EXTRA : Be careful. (0:08:13.68)
Lottor : Come back soon! (0:08:14.95)
Marelle : Bring your son with you next time! (0:08:15.96)
Cayna : Thanks for everything! (0:08:17.77)
Lytt : Miss! (0:08:19.56)
Cayna : I wonder what the royal
capital of Felskeilo is like.
Primo : What the heck does "Primo" mean? (0:08:35.99)
Lonti Arbalest : Er, my stomach just growled... (0:08:37.71)
Primo : What?! (0:08:39.94)
Almana : I wonder if they'd think
less of me as a blonde.
Cayna : Wow... (0:08:49.55)
Cayna : Wow... (0:08:53.09)
Cayna : Wow... (0:08:55.93)
Cayna : My, oh, my... (0:08:58.22)
Cayna : Oh, my. (0:08:59.93)
Cayna : I can't believe they built a city here. (0:09:03.35)
Elineh : Lady Cayna, this is the
royal capital of Felskeilo,
Elineh : otherwise known as the scenic capital. (0:09:10.83)
Arbiter : If you ever need anything, come see us. (0:09:12.90)
Arbiter : You're welcome anytime. (0:09:16.03)
Cayna : I will. (0:09:17.82)
Cayna : U-Um... (0:09:22.64)
Cayna : Elineh recommended this inn to me. (0:09:24.43)
Cat Proprietress : Oh, meow I see. Elineh told you to come, eh? (0:09:27.62)
Cayna : Are humans not allowed here? (0:09:31.14)
Cat Proprietress : There are a lot of humans who still
don't take mew kindly to our folk.
Cayna : Don't worry. I'm not actually human, either. (0:09:39.72)
Cayna : Excuse me. (0:09:52.65)
Cayna : I heard that Skargo was here. (0:09:54.26)
EXTRA : Ah, the high priest. Yes, he is. (0:09:57.68)
Cayna : Is it possible to see him? (0:10:01.66)
EXTRA : I'm afraid if you do not have an
appointment, that is not possible.
Cayna : Yeah, of course. (0:10:09.71)
Cayna : And I shouldn't go disrupting
that boy's life, either.
EXTRA : That boy? (0:10:16.13)
Cayna : Well, sorry for the trouble. (0:10:17.31)
Cayna : I guess I do need an appointment after all. (0:10:21.28)
Cayna : Oh, well. I guess I'll head to
the Adventurers' Guild first.
Kartatz : What are you doing?! (0:10:28.57)
Kartatz : That's not it! (0:10:31.03)
Kartatz : Do I need to explain
everything more than once?
Kartatz : Pick up the pace! (0:10:38.09)
EXTRA : R-Right, boss! Sorry! (0:10:39.40)
Kartatz : For cryin' out loud... (0:10:42.60)
Cayna : Huh? (0:10:43.55)
Cayna : Kartatz! (0:10:47.89)
Cayna : Kar...tatz? (0:10:53.71)
Kartatz : M-Mum! (0:10:56.13)
Kartatz : Y-Y-Y-You okay, Mum?! (0:11:00.76)
Kartatz : Are you not feeling well? (0:11:02.92)
Cayna : No, I just... wasn't expecting
you to call me that,
Cayna : or maybe it was even weirder than I imagined. (0:11:07.31)
Cayna : But it's been a while. How've you been? (0:11:10.09)
Kartatz : Hey! I'm not a little child anymore! (0:11:16.69)
Kartatz : Stop patting me on the head! (0:11:20.46)
Cayna : Well, this is pretty neat. How cute. (0:11:23.79)
Kartatz : Don't call an old man "cute"! That's creepy! (0:11:28.08)
Kartatz : What?! (0:11:36.74)
Kartatz : You left the tower and became an adventurer?! (0:11:38.15)
Cayna : Yeah. It's pretty rough with so much
being different than 200 years ago.
Kartatz : Are you going to d-destroy
a country or something?
Cayna : Huh? What's wrong? (0:11:51.61)
Kartatz : Don't "what's wrong" me! (0:11:53.86)
Kartatz : I thought my skull was gonna shatter! (0:11:55.65)
Cayna : I stopped by the church before coming here,
but the sister wouldn't let me in.
Kartatz : You went to see Big Bro?
Of course you were turned away.
Cayna : Yeah. Do you happen to know where Mai-Mai is? (0:12:10.96)
Kartatz : Sis is the headmaster at the academy there. (0:12:14.72)
Cayna : Aw, you've all grown up so well. (0:12:17.50)
Cayna : I see. (0:12:21.13)
Kartatz : I-I'll go ahead and talk to them for you. (0:12:22.85)
Cayna : Okay, I'm counting on you. (0:12:26.16)
Kartatz : What're you fools smirking about?! (0:12:31.96)
Almana : If you'd like to register for the
Adventurers' Guild, please fill these out.
Cayna : I'm in a fantasy world, yet I'm using
a pencil rather than a quill pen.
Cayna : Here you go. (0:12:46.49)
Almana : Wow, it's rare to see a high elf around here. (0:12:47.86)
Cayna : O-Oh, it's actually a rare race? (0:12:51.24)
Almana : I'll get your registration card.
One moment, please.
Cayna : Thanks! (0:12:58.25)
Cayna : "Please capture this monster." (0:13:01.76)
Cayna : Bodyguard, investigate an affair... (0:13:04.09)
Cayna : "I'd like a potion. Reward: two silver coins." (0:13:07.08)
Cayna : I do have a high potion
I made a long time ago.
Cayna : I wonder if this will work. (0:13:14.91)
Cayna : Kee, this is pretty old,
but do you think it's still okay?
Key : I believe that it should still be effective. (0:13:19.42)
Almana : Cayna! (0:13:22.27)
Cayna : Oh, coming! (0:13:23.59)
Almana : Here you go. Your Adventurers'
Guild registration card.
Cayna : Thanks. (0:13:30.30)
Cayna : Oh, will this work for this potion request? (0:13:32.04)
Cayna : Is that some kind of appraisal skill? (0:13:40.73)
Almana : Yes, that takes care of it. (0:13:44.15)
Almana : But isn't this a rather high-end potion? (0:13:45.63)
Cayna : Are you sure about this? (0:13:49.63)
Cayna : Yes. I haven't used it in a while, so... (0:13:50.91)
Almana : I see. In that case, (0:13:53.57)
Almana : here's your reward of two silvers. (0:13:55.56)
Cayna : Thank you very much. (0:13:57.63)
Cayna : I guess this is my first step as an adventurer. (0:14:00.05)
Cayna : This is just like when I first logged in
to Leadale and stood out on the field.
Agaido : Missy, you're an adventurer, aren't you? (0:14:09.21)
Cayna : Uh, yes, I am. (0:14:12.05)
Agaido : No need to be so guarded. (0:14:15.85)
Agaido : My name is Agaido. (0:14:18.26)
Agaido : Come, now. Stop hiding
behind me and introduce yourself.
Lonti Arbalest : I-I'm Lonti. (0:14:24.58)
Cayna : My name is Cayna. (0:14:26.88)
Agaido : You seem rather skilled.
Mind helping us out for a bit?
Cayna : Is this an official quest, then? (0:14:33.04)
Agaido : Yes. We happen to be looking for someone. (0:14:35.31)
Agaido : Will you help us out? (0:14:38.98)
Cayna : W-Was that supposed to be a wink? (0:14:40.23)
Cayna : S-Sure, as long as you pay me. (0:14:42.90)
Agaido : Don't worry. You'll get your
payment if you see this through.
Cayna : Yeah, that was supposed to be a wink. (0:14:52.74)
Cayna : All right. I accept. (0:14:54.87)
Agaido : Grin... (0:14:59.12)
Agaido : Well, I'll search on my own.
Lonti, you go with Cayna.
Lonti Arbalest : M-Me? Go with Miss Cayna? (0:15:06.47)
Agaido : Well, Cayna doesn't know
who we're looking for.
Agaido : I'm counting on you. (0:15:12.03)
Agaido : Bye now. (0:15:16.31)
Cayna : Lonti... was it? (0:15:17.54)
Cayna : Do you not like elves? (0:15:21.39)
Lonti Arbalest : I-I'm sorry! (0:15:23.69)
Lonti Arbalest : It's not that you scare me or anything. (0:15:25.69)
Cayna : I'm Cayna, a high elf.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Lonti Arbalest : I'm a first-year adventurer
from the Royal Academy,
Lonti Arbalest : and my name is Lonti Arbalest. (0:15:37.28)
Lonti Arbalest : I-It's a pleasure to meet you, as well. (0:15:39.18)
Lonti Arbalest : Wait, you're a high elf, Miss Cayna?! (0:15:41.85)
Lonti Arbalest : What's elf royalty doing here? (0:15:45.04)
Cayna : Oh, every world has their exceptions. (0:15:48.55)
Cayna : Anyway, let's go. So what
does this person look like?
Lonti Arbalest : O-Oh, sorry! (0:15:55.96)
Lonti Arbalest : Um, we're looking for someone
a little younger than me...
Lonti Arbalest : With red hair... (0:16:01.16)
Cayna : I must say, that's rather vague. (0:16:05.38)
Lonti Arbalest : H-He's a boy! (0:16:07.56)
Cayna : Oh? (0:16:09.07)
Lonti Arbalest : U-Um, Miss Cayna? Why did we come here? (0:16:12.72)
Cayna : Hm... (0:16:16.30)
Cayna : Just because. (0:16:18.09)
Lonti Arbalest : Really? That's it? (0:16:19.37)
EXTRA : Hey! (0:16:21.80)
EXTRA : Stop that! (0:16:26.04)
EXTRA : Look out! (0:16:27.24)
EXTRA : Be careful! (0:16:28.81)
Cayna : A boy with red hair... (0:16:29.67)
Primo : Don't move. Just stay still... (0:16:33.38)
EXTRA : He's falling! (0:16:39.43)
Cayna : Magic Skill: Load: Float. (0:16:40.80)
EXTRA : That's impressive, kid... (0:16:48.13)
EXTRA : Thanks, Missy. (0:16:50.92)
Cayna : Hey, no problem. (0:16:52.50)
EXTRA : Are you okay? (0:16:55.76)
Primo : Yeah. That was pretty amazing, la— (0:16:57.21)
Primo : Lon— (0:16:59.70)
Lonti Arbalest : We finally found you, Pri— (0:17:00.62)
Lonti Arbalest : I mean... Young Master. (0:17:03.91)
Cayna : Young Master? Ah, I see.
That's what kind of event this is.
Cayna : I did 4,000 quests, but I never
had one like this before.
Primo : U-Um, here! (0:17:17.14)
Lonti Arbalest : Huh?! (0:17:19.39)
Primo : See ya! (0:17:20.48)
Lonti Arbalest : Hey! Wh-What am I supposed to do with this? (0:17:21.76)
Cayna : He sure is fast. (0:17:24.69)
Lonti Arbalest : Er, Miss Cayna! (0:17:26.81)
Lonti Arbalest : Don't just stand there
admiring him! Catch him!
Cayna : Oh, sure thing. (0:17:31.15)
Cayna : Active Skill: Leap. (0:17:32.90)
Cayna : Come back here! (0:17:39.15)
Primo : Wha— (0:17:42.20)
Cayna : You're not getting away from me! (0:17:42.83)
Cayna : Just be a good boy and surrender, Primo. (0:17:49.58)
Primo : P-Primo? (0:17:52.50)
Primo : Who the heck're you calling Primo?! (0:17:54.42)
Cayna : That sounded like what Lonti
was trying to call you.
EXTRA : Over here! (0:17:59.97)
Primo : You're not getting away with this, Lonti! (0:18:02.63)
Primo : W-Well? How d'you like them apples?! (0:18:16.60)
Cayna : Let me catch you already! (0:18:26.79)
Primo : Wh-What the heck?! (0:18:29.04)
Primo : Stay away from me! Go away! (0:18:34.71)
Primo : Damn it... (0:18:50.14)
Agaido : You're really something. Here's your reward. (0:18:52.73)
Cayna : You're paying me this much?! (0:18:57.84)
Agaido : I made a bet with some of those onlookers
who were watching your little race there.
Agaido : A 50-50 split sounds fair, doesn't it? (0:19:03.85)
Cayna : Jeez, you can't let your
guard down with this guy.
Primo : Damn it! Who the heck are you, anyway? (0:19:10.92)
Primo : Did you do this knowing who I really am? (0:19:13.88)
Cayna : I can pretty much figure it out,
but "Primo" suits you just fine.
Cayna : I don't want to get too involved, anyway. (0:19:20.22)
Agaido : Oh? Then do you know what's
going on with this boy?
Cayna : Lonti was trying to call him
"Pri—something" earlier.
Cayna : I bet you ran away because
you got sick of your boring life.
Primo : Lonti! I'm being called
Primo now because of you!
Lonti Arbalest : I'm terribly sorry. (0:19:42.87)
Agaido : Well, thank you for your hard work. (0:19:45.75)
Primo : What's the big idea?! Hey! (0:19:51.26)
Lonti Arbalest : I'm so sorry about this, Miss Cayna.
Thank you for everything.
Primo : Put me down! Let go! Stop it! (0:19:54.03)
Primo : Damn it! Put me down! Listen to me! (0:19:58.34)
Cayna : He's carrying him around so easily. (0:19:59.91)
Cayna : I'm back... huh? (0:20:05.25)
Cat Proprietress : Welcome back! We were waiting for you! (0:20:07.89)
Cat Proprietress : We heard mew did something
interesting at the river.
Cat Proprietress : Everyone's been purrfectly
anxious to hear all about it!
Cayna : A-Actually, I promised myself
I'd never drink again.
Cat Proprietress : Meow? (0:20:22.56)
Cayna : Okay. I'll drink. Let's all drink! (0:20:31.70)
Mai-Mai : What did you say?! (0:20:39.63)
Mai-Mai : Why in the world didn't you call me sooner?! (0:20:41.55)
Kartatz : How could I? (0:20:47.94)
Skargo : I see. (0:20:50.04)
Skargo : So Mother Dearest is here in this city. (0:20:52.10)
Skargo : I must do everything I can
to give her a warm welcome!
Mai-Mai : Just don't. You know Mother
will get mad at you.
Mai-Mai : Don't you remember why our
mother got sick of people
Mai-Mai : and holed herself up in the forest? (0:21:05.10)
Skargo : Right... (0:21:07.04)
Mai-Mai : Anyway, Mother is an adventurer now, eh? (0:21:08.16)
Mai-Mai : Oh, wait. (0:21:11.88)
Mai-Mai : Then could that potion be... (0:21:13.61)
Kartatz : Potion? (0:21:15.95)
Mai-Mai : Our school received a potion that was
made in a way no one uses anymore.
Mai-Mai : One of my husband's students
couldn't do their assignment,
Mai-Mai : so they sent a request
to the Adventurers' Guild.
Mai-Mai : So Mother must be the one who made it. (0:21:29.72)
Skargo : Indeed. But Mother Dearest should've
let us know that she was here.
Kartatz : She told me that she wasn't
allowed into your place.
Skargo : Oho... So not only did someone not
tell me Mother Dearest came to see me,
Skargo : but they sent her away! (0:21:45.52)
Skargo : How dare they blaspheme my
beloved Mother Dearest like that?!
Skargo : They shall pay dearly for— (0:21:50.95)
Mai-Mai : Oh, stop being so extreme. (0:21:53.46)
Mai-Mai : You know that our kind mother
would never want that.
Skargo : True... (0:22:00.59)
Kartatz : Is this kingdom going to survive
having a high priest like him?

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