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EXTRA : This is the story of a possible future. (0:00:01.42)
Michio Kaga : It's been ten years, huh? (0:00:11.64)
Roxanne : Master? (0:00:14.49)
Michio Kaga : What is it, Roxanne? (0:00:16.81)
Roxanne : What are we doing here? (0:00:19.73)
Rutina : This place seems perfectly ordinary. (0:00:22.63)
Sherry : The kind of rural farming
village you'd find anywhere.
Vesta : Is it perhaps a health resort? (0:00:29.76)
Miria : Are we here on vacation? (0:00:32.66)
Michio Kaga : No, this place is an
ordinary village. I just...
Michio Kaga : I came here once, a long time ago. (0:00:40.52)
Roxanne : What? Here? (0:00:43.16)
Michio Kaga : Yeah. (0:00:45.32)
Michio Kaga : Back before I met you, Roxanne. (0:00:47.08)
Miria : It's a stable. (0:00:54.03)
Sherry : Is there something special about this place? (0:00:55.98)
Michio Kaga : Yeah. (0:00:58.38)
Michio Kaga : Just remembering what it was like. (0:01:00.15)
Michio Kaga : I do feel nostalgic for this place,
but I don't remember it very well anymore.
Michio Kaga : Hey. Do you remember me? (0:01:11.80)
Michio Kaga : Or are you a different horse? (0:01:15.00)
Michio Kaga : If so, the thief who stole those
sandals has nothing to worry about.
Roxanne : Is something the matter? (0:01:31.01)
Michio Kaga : I was just thinking his
hair is an unusual color.
Rutina : You mean his black hair? (0:01:35.93)
Vesta : You don't often see that around here. (0:01:38.06)
Miria : It's like yours. (0:01:43.75)
Michio Kaga : Yeah, you're right. (0:01:45.73)
Michio Kaga : Mio and Michio, huh?
He's exactly the right age, too.
Michio Kaga : Well... (0:01:57.69)
Michio Kaga : That must be what happened. (0:01:59.81)
Michio Kaga : What are you planting? (0:02:05.53)
EXTRA : Kyupiko. (0:02:08.73)
Michio Kaga : Kyupiko, huh? (0:02:10.56)
Michio Kaga : That's this village's specialty, isn't it? (0:02:12.32)
Michio Kaga : Are your parents doing well? (0:02:15.77)
EXTRA : My mom is. (0:02:18.69)
EXTRA : But my dad died before I was born. (0:02:20.44)
Michio Kaga : I see. Do you listen to your mom? (0:02:24.84)
EXTRA : Yeah. (0:02:31.24)
Michio Kaga : Good. (0:02:33.96)
Michio Kaga : Give this sword to your mother. (0:02:43.76)
Michio Kaga : If she allows it, then it's yours. (0:02:46.58)
EXTRA : What? (0:02:49.75)
Michio Kaga : Use this sword to protect your mother. (0:02:50.68)
EXTRA : But... (0:02:53.84)
Michio Kaga : Don't be shy. (0:02:55.84)
Michio Kaga : Now, listen here. (0:03:11.24)
Michio Kaga : Picking up that sword
doesn't make you stronger.
Michio Kaga : It's the sword that's strong. (0:03:17.75)
Michio Kaga : Don't forget that. (0:03:19.84)
EXTRA : Okay. (0:03:22.65)
EXTRA : Thanks, mister. (0:03:26.36)
Michio Kaga : Mister, huh? (0:03:30.12)
Michio Kaga : Sorry, Roxanne. I let someone else have
the sword I originally gave to you.
Roxanne : I don't mind. (0:03:38.26)
Roxanne : Who was that boy? (0:03:40.87)
Michio Kaga : I've never met him before. (0:03:42.71)
Michio Kaga : But I probably know that child's father. (0:03:45.39)
Michio Kaga : Let's go. (0:03:50.87)
Michio Kaga : Thirty-three gold coins
are worth 330,000 nars.
Michio Kaga : I'll use my silver coins to
pay the leftover amount,
Michio Kaga : which means I need 70,000 more. (0:05:47.92)
Michio Kaga : If that slave trader is to be believed, (0:05:52.30)
Michio Kaga : there are two ways for
me to quickly make money.
Michio Kaga : A labyrinth? (0:05:59.56)
Alan : Yes. It was discovered in the
woods to the west the other day.
Alan : Is that not why you came to this town? (0:06:05.70)
Michio Kaga : I didn't come here on purpose. (0:06:10.26)
Michio Kaga : Is exploring labyrinths
something adventurers do?
Alan : Yes. After all, they can sell the items
they acquire by defeating demons.
Alan : For those confident in their abilities,
labyrinths are a guaranteed income source.
Alan : However, it's difficult to make a large
amount of money over a short period of time.
Michio Kaga : So collecting bounties would be quicker. (0:06:32.06)
Alan : It certainly is good money,
but I wouldn't recommend it.
Michio Kaga : Why not? (0:06:40.13)
Alan : Because bandits would rather
get rid of bounty hunters.
Alan : If you attract too much attention... (0:06:45.18)
Michio Kaga : You'll find yourself the target instead. (0:06:47.79)
Alan : Indeed. (0:06:50.52)
Alan : Furthermore, while it's more efficient
than exploring labyrinths,
Alan : not many bounties are worth the risk. (0:06:55.31)
Michio Kaga : I see. (0:07:02.49)
Michio Kaga : I still have five more days to buy Roxanne. (0:07:05.57)
Michio Kaga : I'll try the reliable method first. (0:07:09.24)
Michio Kaga : I'll head to the labyrinth. (0:07:13.40)
Michio Kaga : But first, I've gotta deal with this. (0:07:16.40)
Michio Kaga : Fighting those bandits made one thing clear. (0:07:20.73)
Michio Kaga : This weapon is amazing,
to an excessive degree.
Michio Kaga : People are likely to come after me for it, (0:07:27.53)
Michio Kaga : like how I stole those sandals. (0:07:31.13)
Michio Kaga : If this gets stolen, I'm screwed. (0:07:33.88)
Michio Kaga : After all, I put 63 bonus
points into this thing.
Michio Kaga : Reset Character. (0:07:40.92)
Michio Kaga : That should do it. (0:07:45.25)
Michio Kaga : And now... (0:07:46.52)
Michio Kaga : To acquire a suitable weapon
to replace Durandal.
Michio Kaga : Empty, huh? Does that mean I
can add skills to it later?
EXTRA : Sir, is there something you're interested in? (0:08:05.17)
Michio Kaga : Are all these scimitars the same price? (0:08:08.35)
EXTRA : Yes. (0:08:11.12)
Michio Kaga : Sounds like he doesn't know
about the empty skill slots.
Michio Kaga : Then, I'll buy this one. (0:08:16.89)
EXTRA : Thank you. (0:08:19.42)
Michio Kaga : I'm looking for some
protective equipment, too.
EXTRA : In that case, how about these? (0:08:23.92)
Michio Kaga : I think he said the entrance was around here. (0:08:32.82)
Michio Kaga : If there are Mages, (0:08:43.00)
Michio Kaga : then he must be using teleportation magic. (0:08:45.44)
Michio Kaga : That's the entrance to the labyrinth? (0:08:54.96)
Michio Kaga : I should head inside, too. (0:09:01.31)
Michio Kaga : I'll remove my discount
skill and re-equip Durandal.
Michio Kaga : And then... (0:09:07.48)
Michio Kaga : Okay. That should do it. (0:09:10.97)
Michio Kaga : Whoa. It doesn't even feel
like I'm touching anything.
Michio Kaga : Come on, buck up. (0:09:24.34)
Michio Kaga : Whoops. (0:09:27.52)
Michio Kaga : So this is a labyrinth. (0:09:32.72)
Michio Kaga : Visibility's not very good, but it
doesn't seem like I'll need a light.
Michio Kaga : And it's surprisingly tidy. (0:09:46.42)
Michio Kaga : But a labyrinth is a labyrinth. (0:09:49.15)
Michio Kaga : I need to be prepared for monsters. (0:09:51.62)
Michio Kaga : Job Settings. (0:09:54.22)
Michio Kaga : Huh? I've got more jobs. (0:09:55.83)
Michio Kaga : Explorer? (0:09:57.77)
Michio Kaga : Come to think of it, (0:10:00.04)
Michio Kaga : didn't I gain the Thief job
after stealing those sandals?
Michio Kaga : Which means I acquired the Explorer
job by entering the labyrinth.
Michio Kaga : What's this? (0:10:12.14)
Michio Kaga : Hero? When did I get this? (0:10:13.72)
Michio Kaga : It seems pretty useful. (0:10:17.60)
Michio Kaga : I'll select this as my second job (0:10:19.90)
Michio Kaga : One of the Explorer's skills is Item Box... (0:10:25.54)
Michio Kaga : So this is the effect of the
Incantation Reduction skill.
Michio Kaga : I don't know how it works,
but it seems convenient.
Michio Kaga : What else? (0:10:38.53)
Michio Kaga : Dungeon Walk? (0:10:41.23)
Michio Kaga : Destination? (0:10:44.61)
Michio Kaga : That room I was in earlier, then. (0:10:46.04)
Michio Kaga : Huh... This is convenient, too. (0:10:50.15)
Michio Kaga : Dungeon Walk. (0:10:53.71)
Michio Kaga : I'll head back outside next. (0:10:56.51)
Michio Kaga : It's not called Dungeon Walk for nothing. (0:10:59.17)
Michio Kaga : I can only choose destinations
inside labyrinths.
Michio Kaga : Which means that was some
other kind of spell.
Michio Kaga : Then, I'll head back to that hall— (0:11:08.90)
Michio Kaga : Destinations are limited
even within labyrinths, too?
Michio Kaga : There's so much I don't know. (0:11:16.60)
Michio Kaga : This sucks. (0:11:23.04)
Michio Kaga : Identify. (0:11:25.42)
Michio Kaga : Is that an enemy? (0:11:27.60)
Michio Kaga : Time to see how far I can go. (0:11:30.27)
Michio Kaga : One hit, huh? (0:11:39.10)
Michio Kaga : This must be because of Durandal. (0:11:42.01)
Michio Kaga : The needle wood dropped an item, huh? (0:11:48.60)
Michio Kaga : I'm not sure what it is, but I'll take it. (0:11:51.52)
Michio Kaga : Hey, there's another one. (0:11:56.86)
Michio Kaga : Come to think of it, the
Hero job had a skill, too.
Michio Kaga : I think it was... (0:12:02.61)
Michio Kaga : Overwhelming. (0:12:04.65)
Michio Kaga : The needle wood's movements slowed down? (0:12:10.56)
Michio Kaga : No, am I moving faster? (0:12:13.52)
Michio Kaga : Not that it matters either way. (0:12:16.78)
Michio Kaga : Once I swing my sword up
through it, it'll be over.
Michio Kaga : But what good would that do? (0:12:23.09)
Michio Kaga : Why am I even doing this? (0:12:27.60)
Michio Kaga : I'd rather wrap myself up in a futon and... (0:12:33.00)
Michio Kaga : What was that? (0:12:42.80)
Michio Kaga : I suddenly lost the will to do anything. (0:12:45.00)
Michio Kaga : Wait a minute. I felt the same thing
after I used Dungeon Walk earlier.
Michio Kaga : This sucks. (0:12:57.02)
Michio Kaga : I know! It's my MP! (0:12:58.75)
Michio Kaga : Expending MP by casting spells dampens
my mood and makes me pessimistic.
Michio Kaga : I returned to normal immediately afterwards
because of Durandal's MP Absorption.
Michio Kaga : I may be able to recover my MP, (0:13:13.46)
Michio Kaga : but repeatedly falling into a
depression isn't a fun time.
Michio Kaga : I shouldn't use too many
spells until I have more MP.
Michio Kaga : Is this where I sell items? (0:13:34.94)
EXTRA : Yes. (0:13:37.30)
Michio Kaga : In that case... (0:13:38.23)
Michio Kaga : I'd like to sell these, please. (0:13:41.19)
EXTRA : Your total is 273 nars. (0:13:49.94)
Michio Kaga : I see. (0:13:53.30)
Michio Kaga : Two hundred seventy-three nars
for 21 branches.
Michio Kaga : Without the 30% increase,
that would've been ten nars per branch.
Michio Kaga : Supposing I kill ten in
an hour, that's 100 nars.
Michio Kaga : In ten hours, I'd earn 1,000 nars. (0:14:10.46)
Michio Kaga : That's nowhere near close
enough to buy Roxanne.
Michio Kaga : I'll try staying in the
labyrinth longer tomorrow.
Michio Kaga : I guess I got up too early. (0:14:27.18)
Michio Kaga : I can't even see where I'm standing. (0:14:30.52)
Michio Kaga : Maybe I'll head back and get a lantern. (0:14:33.09)
Michio Kaga : No, wait. (0:14:36.22)
Michio Kaga : Come to think of it, in
my Bonus Incantations...
Michio Kaga : This is it. (0:14:40.54)
Michio Kaga : Teleport. (0:14:41.56)
Michio Kaga : All right, it worked. (0:14:51.07)
Michio Kaga : Crap, it worked. Why did I
come to this dangerous place?
Michio Kaga : I didn't even want to come here. (0:15:01.08)
Michio Kaga : Crap. (0:15:05.58)
Michio Kaga : I'm thinking negatively again. (0:15:06.84)
Michio Kaga : I need to defeat an enemy
quickly so I can recover my MP.
Michio Kaga : I can't keep going. (0:15:25.28)
Michio Kaga : I'd forgotten I don't have infinite health. (0:15:27.84)
Michio Kaga : Anyway, it would take 700 hours to earn
70,000 nars at a rate of 100 nars per hour.
Michio Kaga : At least I've gained levels
thanks to my efforts.
Michio Kaga : Maybe I should go to a deeper
level of the dungeon after all.
Michio Kaga : A secret room? (0:15:52.29)
Michio Kaga : What's that? (0:15:54.35)
Michio Kaga : Could it be a treasure? (0:15:56.16)
Michio Kaga : A broken sword? (0:16:02.35)
Michio Kaga : No. (0:16:13.32)
Michio Kaga : This isn't a secret treasure room. (0:16:15.37)
Michio Kaga : It's a monster den. (0:16:21.00)
Michio Kaga : Crap. (0:16:56.79)
Michio Kaga : If I keep taking blows like that, I'll die. (0:16:59.36)
Michio Kaga : I should leave for now. (0:17:08.73)
Michio Kaga : Dungeon Walk. (0:17:11.89)
Michio Kaga : I had a feeling it wouldn't
work during encounters.
Michio Kaga : If I can't run, I'll have to fight. (0:17:22.14)
Michio Kaga : All right. (0:17:29.38)
Michio Kaga : I can make up for the health loss
with Durandal's HP Absorption.
Michio Kaga : Overwhelming. (0:17:35.84)
Michio Kaga : Crap, I'm low on MP. (0:17:49.10)
Michio Kaga : I can't let them get behind me. (0:17:55.76)
Michio Kaga : Overwhelming presumably consumes
a large amount of MP.
Michio Kaga : It'll take more than a couple
of monsters to recover it.
Michio Kaga : That said, if I'm too stingy with
my MP, then I'll slowly bleed out.
Michio Kaga : Overwhelming. (0:18:09.27)
Michio Kaga : All right. I'm in the corner. (0:18:19.28)
Michio Kaga : I can't get attacked from behind here. (0:18:21.53)
Michio Kaga : This may be another world,
but it's still my reality.
Michio Kaga : Being defeated here would
certainly mean my death.
Michio Kaga : But I'll fight, even if it could kill me. (0:18:38.68)
Michio Kaga : I thought I was gonna die. (0:19:15.18)
Michio Kaga : No, (0:19:17.60)
Michio Kaga : without Durandal's HP Absorption,
I definitely would've bit it.
Michio Kaga : That's enough for today. (0:19:31.12)
Michio Kaga : What's that? (0:19:41.89)
Michio Kaga : Did something happen? (0:19:50.04)
EXTRA : Yeah, it's a bandit corpse. (0:19:51.81)
EXTRA : Probably one of the bandits who
used to hang out in this town.
Michio Kaga : Used to? (0:20:01.08)
EXTRA : You mean you don't know? (0:20:02.32)
EXTRA : Recently a group of bandits left this town. (0:20:04.08)
EXTRA : Nobody knows if they
moved their headquarters
EXTRA : because the knights started
cracking down on them
EXTRA : or they lost a dispute
with a rival organization.
EXTRA : The bandits who left were robbing
travelers and attacking nearby villages.
Michio Kaga : Oh, I know all about that. (0:20:26.25)
EXTRA : Looks like they're back for revenge. (0:20:29.75)
Michio Kaga : Revenge? (0:20:34.26)
Michio Kaga : Hey, wait. (0:20:35.78)
Michio Kaga : If they're the survivors of the bandit
gang that attacked that village,
Michio Kaga : then shouldn't they be getting revenge on me? (0:20:41.70)
Michio Kaga : No, it's hard to imagine that's the case. (0:20:46.47)
Michio Kaga : They'd be seeking revenge on whoever
made them leave town in the first place.
Michio Kaga : In other words, the knights
or their rival organization.
EXTRA : Either way, he's one unlucky bastard. (0:20:59.95)
EXTRA : No doubt. (0:21:02.75)
Michio Kaga : How do you know that's a dead bandit? (0:21:05.68)
EXTRA : Take a look. (0:21:08.96)
EXTRA : His left hand's been cut off. (0:21:11.12)
EXTRA : His Intelligence Card didn't
appear right away when he died,
EXTRA : so they took his whole hand instead. (0:21:16.79)
Michio Kaga : Ugh. Who's so desperate for a bounty
that they'd chop off a corpse's arm?
Michio Kaga : The bounty... (0:21:27.60)
Michio Kaga : Bounties, huh? (0:21:30.31)
EXTRA : Something the matter? (0:21:32.00)
Michio Kaga : Nothing. (0:21:33.99)
Michio Kaga : That's right. (0:21:39.00)
Michio Kaga : Even if I keep going back into that labyrinth,
it's unlikely I'll make much money.
Michio Kaga : If I'm going to risk my life, (0:21:45.27)
Michio Kaga : I should choose whatever method
gets me closer to Roxanne.
Michio Kaga : Nothing ventured, nothing gained. (0:21:55.60)
Michio Kaga : I have no other options. (0:22:02.20)
Michio Kaga : I'll have to hunt bandits. (0:22:04.84)

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