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EXTRA : Is Kuroha gone today?
She wasn't here yesterday, either.
EXTRA : She seems to be absent a lot for
someone who just transferred in.
EXTRA : Kuroha... (0:00:10.81)
EXTRA : What happened? (0:00:11.56)
EXTRA : You're covered in bandages! (0:00:12.39)
EXTRA : Whoa. (0:00:13.66)
Ryouta Murakami : Kuroha, what happened? (0:00:15.20)
Neko Kuroha : A cold. (0:00:17.58)
Ryouta Murakami : Don't gimme that!
There's no way that's a cold!
Neko Kuroha : I'm fine. I can still
go to the ocean.
Ryouta Murakami : In the end, Kuroha never
told me how she got hurt.
Ryouta Murakami : And the next day,
she didn't come to school.
Kana Tachibana : Neko! Neko!
Hang in there! Neko!
Ryouta Murakami : I knew there was
something going on!
Kana Tachibana : Neko! Neko!
Answer me! Neko!
Ryouta Murakami : Kuroha... (0:02:28.15)
Ryouta Murakami : Kuroha! What's going on?
Stay with us!
Ryouta Murakami : Hey! Are you okay? (0:02:34.56)
Neko Kuroha : Please... take me to...
the kitchen... in the back...
Neko Kuroha : In that cupboard... (0:02:45.80)
Neko Kuroha : We witches have to take these pills... (0:02:54.17)
Neko Kuroha : ...called death suppressants,
every day, or we'll die.
Neko Kuroha : If we don't take them for 30 hours,
our skin starts to split...
Neko Kuroha : Then blood pours out from
all over our bodies.
Neko Kuroha : At 35 hours, our organs melt,
and we die.
Neko Kuroha : We have ten pills: enough to last
the two of us for five days.
Neko Kuroha : These pills are our life itself. (0:03:25.98)
Ryouta Murakami : She was forcing herself not to take
one until the last second...
Neko Kuroha : I tried to save up, but it doesn't look like
I'll make it to the ocean in eight days.
Ryouta Murakami : All because I went and
invited her to the ocean...
Neko Kuroha : Don't worry. I took a pill, so if
I get some sleep, I'll be good as new.
Neko Kuroha : And it's not your fault. (0:03:54.32)
Neko Kuroha : I wanted to see the ocean... (0:03:57.09)
Neko Kuroha : Somehow, I feel like I really wanted to go
a long time ago...
Kana Tachibana : Where's Neko? (0:04:12.74)
Ryouta Murakami : She's sleeping in the kitchen. (0:04:13.56)
Ryouta Murakami : Where can you get those pills? (0:04:16.06)
Kana Tachibana : They're probably nowhere
except at the lab we were at.
Kana Tachibana : But we escaped in transit,
so we don't know where the lab is.
Ryouta Murakami : Oh... (0:04:26.44)
Kana Tachibana : We've only got five days left to live. (0:04:28.95)
Kana Tachibana : So I have a favor to ask you. For these
last five days, please bring us cake.
Neko Kuroha : I gotta clean up. (0:04:47.71)
Neko Kuroha : Hot water... (0:04:51.00)
Neko Kuroha : What are you doing? (0:04:55.04)
Ryouta Murakami : Feeling better already? (0:04:56.84)
Neko Kuroha : I'm fine. When we take the death suppressant,
the wounds heal up right away.
Ryouta Murakami : I see. Kana said, "If you don't have
anything to do, cut some firewood," so...
Neko Kuroha : Hey... (0:05:08.32)
Neko Kuroha : That's... way too much firewood.
We won't be able to use it up.
Ryouta Murakami : It's not like it's set in stone
that they're going to die.
Ryouta Murakami : If we can just find a way
to get more pills...
Ryouta Murakami : Hey! There's smoke coming
from the house!
Ryouta Murakami : Why's it on fire?! (0:05:30.05)
Neko Kuroha : I was boiling water. (0:05:31.46)
Ryouta Murakami : I'll get Kana out! You blow the kitchen up
and put out the fire!
Kana Tachibana : What's the deal with this smoke?! (0:05:38.48)
Ryouta Murakami : Kana! We're getting out of here! (0:05:40.21)
Kana Tachibana : Hey! (0:05:43.11)
Kana Tachibana : Don't use this as an excuse
to grope my boobs!
Ryouta Murakami : Shut up! Gah, how can you be this heavy
when you don't even have any boobs?!
Ryouta Murakami : Kuroha... Did she manage?
Let's go.
Ryouta Murakami : Wow, the fire's already out. (0:06:02.81)
Neko Kuroha : I'm sorry. (0:06:05.68)
Ryouta Murakami : Did something happen? (0:06:08.14)
Neko Kuroha : Kana, I'm so sorry.
The pills all burned up.
Neko Kuroha : You had your last one yesterday... (0:06:17.08)
Neko Kuroha : It's... It's my fault... (0:06:21.66)
Kana Tachibana : Don't cry, Neko. (0:06:30.49)
Kana Tachibana : Don't worry about it. I'm just gonna die
a little faster, that's all.
Kana Tachibana : But I don't want to go
suffering as I melt.
Kana Tachibana : So before that happens,
kill me. Okay, Neko?
Kana Tachibana : Crush me so I won't feel a thing. (0:06:46.43)
Ryouta Murakami : Shit. Isn't there another way out of this?
I gotta think of something.
Ryouta Murakami : We're still okay. (0:06:58.83)
Ryouta Murakami : All we have to do is take some pills from
Dresden Pharmaceutical's Takayama factory.
Neko Kuroha : How do you know that? (0:07:08.50)
Ryouta Murakami : I memorized the drug's
identification code.
Ryouta Murakami : "DR" is for Dresden Pharmaceutical. (0:07:15.33)
Ryouta Murakami : "623" is the drug type. "G" is the factory.
For this maker, it's the Takayama one.
Neko Kuroha : Is it normal to know
that sort of thing?
Ryouta Murakami : It was written in a book
about drugs I read one time.
Ryouta Murakami : I have a pretty good memory. (0:07:30.55)
Ryouta Murakami : My brain records everything I see —
even just once — like a scanner.
Ryouta Murakami : It's nothing compared to you guys,
but I guess you could call it my special power.
Ryouta Murakami : But thanks to that, I can't even
forget things I'd like to. It's rough.
Neko Kuroha : That's nothing at all. (0:07:55.99)
Neko Kuroha : It's so much sadder to forget things
you want to remember.
Ryouta Murakami : Well, yeah... (0:08:04.99)
Kana Tachibana : Hey. (0:08:06.39)
Kana Tachibana : What should we do now? (0:08:07.85)
Ryouta Murakami : We don't have much time. (0:08:09.73)
Ryouta Murakami : Let's look up the drug and factory
on the observatory computer.
Neko Kuroha : Want me to take her? (0:08:17.25)
Ryouta Murakami : I'm fine. She's heavy. (0:08:18.60)
Ryouta Murakami : Oh, but couldn't you just move her
using your power to "carry" her?
Neko Kuroha : Not possible.
All I can do is break things.
Neko Kuroha : If I touch people, my power can affect them,
but I don't have fine control over it.
Ryouta Murakami : I see. (0:08:34.70)
Ryouta Murakami : So you... beat me in arm-wrestling by... (0:08:37.40)
Neko Kuroha : We're lucky your arm didn't break, huh? (0:08:42.61)
Ryouta Murakami : You weren't worried about it breaking?! (0:08:44.69)
Ryouta Murakami : This is useless.
There's no info about those pills.
Ryouta Murakami : But I figured out where the factory is.
If we take a bus and a train, we can make it today.
Ryouta Murakami : The problem is security. (0:09:00.31)
Kana Tachibana : In that case, let's call Kazumi. (0:09:02.53)
Ryouta Murakami : Kazumi? (0:09:04.45)
Neko Kuroha : She's a friend who ran away with us. (0:09:05.37)
Neko Kuroha : Kazumi can do anything online. (0:09:08.36)
Neko Kuroha : It's thanks to her
that I got into your school.
Neko Kuroha : If we ask Kazumi, she might be
able to lift the security.
Kana Tachibana : But she's so expensive. (0:09:19.78)
Ryouta Murakami : She makes you pay
even though you're friends?
Neko Kuroha : Not money. She takes
death suppressants as compensation.
Ryouta Murakami : But that means you're exchanging
your life for her help!
Ryouta Murakami : Kuroha and Kana sold chunks of
their own lives to save mine.
Kana Tachibana : But this time we don't have
any pills to give her.
Neko Kuroha : The only option is ask her to do it
for some of the ones we'll get later.
Neko Kuroha : CQ, CQ. Kazumi? (0:09:49.61)
Neko Kuroha : Kazumi, if you're there,
please respond.
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : D'ya have to call me so casually? (0:09:56.40)
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : If we hang around each other,
we'll be easier to catch.
Neko Kuroha : Kazumi, we want to ask you
for another computer favor.
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : Huh? Fine, but you gotta
pay upfront.
Neko Kuroha : Sorry. We don't have
any pills to pay with.
Neko Kuroha : Kazumi? (0:10:15.40)
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : Oh. I feel real bad for you,
but I'm no volunteer.
Neko Kuroha : Wait! (0:10:23.14)
Neko Kuroha : We're going to the factory where the drug is made.
We'll pay you in pills when we get them.
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : So you want me to
neutralize the security?
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : That's interesting. I'll do it! (0:10:37.28)
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : In return, you gotta give me
half the pills you steal.
Ryouta Murakami : Huh? Hey you, greedy much?! (0:10:44.30)
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : Wha—? Who are you?! (0:10:47.59)
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : Neko, Kana, did you get an
outsider mixed up in this?!
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : You know what's gonna happen, right?!
He'll get killed for sure!
Ryouta Murakami : I know that. (0:11:06.87)
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : If you get it, that's fine. (0:11:09.23)
Ryouta Murakami : More importantly, can you really
lift the security?
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : Well, no human could do it,
but I'm a witch.
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : I can crack their codes
like they're nothing.
Ryouta Murakami : If that's true, her power could
cause massive social unrest.
Kana Tachibana : Neko, run! (0:11:31.04)
Ryouta Murakami : What's wrong? (0:11:32.92)
Neko Kuroha : A forecast. Kana, what did you see? (0:11:34.20)
Kana Tachibana : Neko! Neko, you'll be killed! (0:11:37.38)
Kana Tachibana : You get cut in half! (0:11:40.92)
Kana Tachibana : Neko, you can't go to that factory! (0:11:43.50)
Kurofuku : There are signs that someone was searching
for the drug's identification code.
Chisato Ichijiku : From where? (0:11:50.78)
Kurofuku : In addition to spoofing the IP, they went
through numerous anonymous, overseas proxies.
Kurofuku : We won't be able to tell right away. (0:11:59.63)
Chisato Ichijiku : Oh, well. If we take care of them,
it's over anyway.
Chisato Ichijiku : Time to move out, Saori.
Destroy the escapees without exception.
Chisato Ichijiku : If you don't, you're the
one who's gonna die.
Saori : Understood. (0:12:17.06)
Neko Kuroha : I'm... gonna die? (0:12:24.83)
Kana Tachibana : That's Saori. She must be waiting
in ambush at the factory.
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : Saori! Isn't she a AA? (0:12:30.45)
Ryouta Murakami : Huh? What's a AA? (0:12:33.04)
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : Witches have ranks.
The highest is AAA, lowest is C.
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : By the way, we're all B or under. (0:12:40.89)
Neko Kuroha : We were going to be disposed of,
since we're defective.
Ryouta Murakami : Even with their powers, they're B-rank? (0:12:48.59)
Kana Tachibana : Saori is AA, a hybrid who can use
two types of A magic.
Kana Tachibana : She's not someone we can win against. (0:12:57.19)
Ryouta Murakami : How often are Kana's forecasts correct? (0:12:59.53)
Neko Kuroha : If left alone, 100% of the time. But if we act, we can change the future. (0:13:02.71)
Kana Tachibana : If the forecast changes,
I'll see the changed future.
Kana Tachibana : If I don't see anything,
the forecast hasn't changed.
Neko Kuroha : But now, thanks to the forecast,
we know there's an ambush.
Neko Kuroha : We should definitely be able
to change the future.
Ryouta Murakami : But if there's an enemy at the factory,
they may have removed the drugs.
Ryouta Murakami : Hey, Kazumi.
You still have pills, right?
Ryouta Murakami : Can't you share some with these guys? (0:13:32.43)
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : Huh? How can you even say that?! (0:13:35.59)
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : Are you telling me to speed up my death?
This has nothing to do with you, so shut it!
Kana Tachibana : It's okay. (0:13:45.73)
Kana Tachibana : They don't intend to let us live, so I don't
think they'd bother removing the pills.
Ryouta Murakami : This factory really is our only shot... (0:13:54.81)
Ryouta Murakami : So then, what kind of
magic does Saori use?
Kana Tachibana : The first type is slicing attack magic. (0:14:01.62)
Kana Tachibana : Anything within six meters
gets cut to ribbons.
Kana Tachibana : And the other is... (0:14:08.70)
Chisato Ichijiku : We've equipped your
hahnest with a beacon.
Chisato Ichijiku : If you make a move to escape,
you'll be ejected and die.
Chisato Ichijiku : So don't even think about it. (0:14:18.48)
Ryouta Murakami : We can come up with all the plans we want,
but the main issue is this Saori girl.
Neko Kuroha : If you flip the switch on a witch's hahnest,
she'll lose the ability to use magic.
Ryouta Murakami : "Hahnest"? (0:14:31.76)
Neko Kuroha : This machine. (0:14:32.82)
Neko Kuroha : There are three switches. On the
bottom right is the "hang up" button.
Neko Kuroha : If you push it, we lose the ability to
use magic for a whole day.
Neko Kuroha : On the bottom left is the "eject" button.
If you push it, we die.
Kana Tachibana : However, magic can't have any
physical effect on a hahnest.
Kana Tachibana : So, we can't flip or break
the switches using magic.
Ryouta Murakami : So there's nothing to do but
approach and flip it directly?
Ryouta Murakami : And what's the third switch? (0:15:00.31)
Neko Kuroha : We don't know. (0:15:02.69)
Neko Kuroha : All they told us is that
it's something worse than death.
Neko Kuroha : So everyone is too scared to flip it,
and no one has ever seen it flipped.
Ryouta Murakami : A switch worse than death? (0:15:14.96)
Ryouta Murakami : Well, now we know what we have to do. (0:15:18.65)
Kana Tachibana : It's no good. I can't see it. (0:15:21.55)
Kana Tachibana : Even though you're discussing the strategy,
I'm not seeing a new future.
Kana Tachibana : Neko, you really can't go!
If you do, you'll get killed!
Neko Kuroha : Will this guy die? (0:15:33.30)
Ryouta Murakami : "This guy"? (0:15:34.32)
Kana Tachibana : He'll probably survive. (0:15:35.47)
Ryouta Murakami : Like I'm not here?! (0:15:37.01)
Neko Kuroha : I see. Then that's fine.
I'm sure we'll pull off the plan.
Ryouta Murakami : What kind of logic is that?
There's no point in doing this if you die.
Kana Tachibana : Hey. (0:15:47.93)
Kana Tachibana : I have a favor to ask you.
Don't let Neko use too much magic.
Kana Tachibana : If she does, her hahnest
might hang up on its own.
Kana Tachibana : And when Neko uses her powers,
she loses things that are important to her.
Ryouta Murakami : Important things? (0:16:04.27)
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : Hey. (0:16:05.51)
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : It's already time for the train. If you
don't leave now, you won't make it.
Ryouta Murakami : O-Okay. (0:16:10.54)
Neko Kuroha : Kana, hold on.
We're gonna get those pills.
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : Careful out there, you two. (0:16:16.98)
Ryouta Murakami : R-Right. Okay, let's go. (0:16:20.78)
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : Sorry, Kana. I just don't have
any pills to give you.
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : But I can't go dying before
the operation starts at 12.
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : I'm counting on you, Neko. (0:16:38.88)
Ryouta Murakami : What're you doing? (0:16:42.14)
Neko Kuroha : D-Don't look! (0:16:43.80)
Ryouta Murakami : Drawing a picture or something? (0:16:45.52)
Neko Kuroha : Why would I be drawing a picture? (0:16:47.26)
Ryouta Murakami : Well, you can't write, so... (0:16:49.73)
Neko Kuroha : Don't make fun of me! As long as it's
in hiragana, I can write anything!
Ryouta Murakami : That's the factory. (0:16:59.67)
Ryouta Murakami : Following the plan, you'll break in through
the front door to draw Saori's attention.
Ryouta Murakami : I'll go in through the back, get behind Saori,
and flip the switch on her hahnest.
Ryouta Murakami : If you encounter an enemy, make as much
noise as possible so I can find you.
Ryouta Murakami : Okay? (0:17:16.88)
Neko Kuroha : Hey, I want you to do
something for me.
Neko Kuroha : When you get inside, read this letter. (0:17:21.31)
Ryouta Murakami : Is this what you were writing before? (0:17:25.10)
Neko Kuroha : Please. (0:17:26.42)
Ryouta Murakami : What's that all about? (0:17:28.47)
Ryouta Murakami : It's almost time! (0:17:30.55)
Ryouta Murakami : It's 12. We're counting
on you, Kazumi!
Ryouta Murakami : Okay! (0:17:38.87)
Ryouta Murakami : So Kuroha's on her way. (0:17:40.55)
Ryouta Murakami : Oh, right. The letter. (0:17:51.13)
Ryouta Murakami : That idiot! (0:18:00.09)
Kana Tachibana : Oh, no. This is bad. (0:18:02.48)
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : What is? (0:18:04.52)
Kana Tachibana : There's no new forecast. (0:18:05.51)
Kana Tachibana : At this rate, Neko is gonna die. (0:18:07.54)
Kana Tachibana : Could she have meant to
from the start?!
Saori : What kind of dumbass waltzes
through the front door?
Saori : Long time no see, Neko.
The defective witch who can't kill anybody.
Saori : I'll slice you to bits. (0:18:25.36)
Ryouta Murakami : She... (0:18:27.56)
Neko Kuroha : I'll lure Saori away. (0:18:28.90)
Neko Kuroha : While I do that,
please find the pills and run.
Neko Kuroha : Please don't come to save me. (0:18:35.72)
Neko Kuroha : If I can use my life to
save Kana and Kazumi,
Neko Kuroha : my life doubles. (0:18:42.47)
Ryouta Murakami : She was planning from the beginning
to be a decoy and die alone.
Ryouta Murakami : Sure, if I do as she says,
I can save Kana and Kazumi, no problem.
Ryouta Murakami : But does she really think
I can leave her to die?!
Kazumi Schlieren-Sauer : What? What's wrong? (0:19:03.79)
Kana Tachibana : The forecast changed!
Murakami is gonna die, too!
Kana Tachibana : They'll both get killed! (0:19:08.66)
Neko Kuroha : Stop this! Why do we
have to kill each other?
Saori : Kill "each other"?
Don't be stupid.
Saori : This is a one-sided slaughter,
from my side.
Neko Kuroha : D-Dammit! (0:19:31.99)
Saori : It's no use.
There's nothing I can't cut.
Neko Kuroha : It's fine if I get killed. (0:19:44.61)
Neko Kuroha : But I have keep her busy
until he finds the pills.
Ryouta Murakami : Over there? (0:19:53.86)
Saori : Oh, already done running? (0:19:59.84)
Neko Kuroha : Damn you! (0:20:02.54)
Neko Kuroha : You're hung up! Now you
can't use any more magic.
Ryouta Murakami : So that's Saori. (0:20:15.03)
Ryouta Murakami : Those are...
Kuroneko's moles!
Ryouta Murakami : How? They weren't there before... (0:20:21.29)
Ryouta Murakami : Oh! As she grew, the moles shifted from
where they were when she was a kid.
Ryouta Murakami : She really is... (0:20:32.04)
Ryouta Murakami : I'm so happy.
Kuroneko is alive!
Ryouta Murakami : I'm coming, Kuroneko! (0:20:43.10)
Ryouta Murakami : But why don't you remember me? (0:20:48.60)
Kana Tachibana : Don't let her use too much magic.
She loses things that are important to her.
Neko Kuroha : It's so much sadder to forget things
you want to remember.
Ryouta Murakami : I see. The important things
she loses are her memories.
Ryouta Murakami : That explains everything. (0:21:12.27)
Ryouta Murakami : Well, she doesn't have
to remember me.
Ryouta Murakami : We'll just make new memories of
being together from now on!
Neko Kuroha : Why? Why are you here?
You'll get killed!
Saori : Begging for your life?
Don't bother.
Neko Kuroha : Run! Please! (0:21:30.88)
Saori : Idiot. (0:21:49.71)
Ryouta Murakami : I... (0:21:54.19)
Ryouta Murakami : I... lost Kuroneko again?! (0:21:56.75)
Kana Tachibana : The other is... (0:22:01.95)
Ryouta Murakami : No, not yet. We're still okay. (0:22:03.40)

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Kei Nijimura
Juan_Elric : Kyou is just a mistake due to Araki misreading the kanji (good to know even the Japanese can do it), but I thought it was still listing in her alternative names

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